Seriously, they're not worth the attention. The thot is shoe0nhead without makeup and her usual camera angles... and she's not even white. Come on, guys!
Stop worshiping aged hags
Other urls found in this thread:
>without makeup
you even have eyes?
kek sh0e is gonna be in for such a crash and burn when septic tank dumps her in a few years cuz she's too old and unattractive and doesnt fit in with his young girl wants
>only black people look like apes--
Friendly reminder that she's literally bald. She wears a wig.
yup and she acts so cocky and arrogant online. she really does think she's smol and cute. that one mutt chick did a huge 2 part vidya on sh0e and tore her apart on a few occasions. was a fun watch.
she looks like shit naked also. fake ass tits way to high up.
cant wait to see her get dumped and her meltdown that she goes thru. she's already desperate looking in the youtube community so it'll just be more bonus. what a hilariously pathetic twat
lolcow pIs go
oh seems one of sh0e's orbiters has arrived. that was quick
Apparently she and Blaire White also behave like absolute bitches at conventions.
This si beaitufuil angel ciara without any makeup. See how gorgeous she si evne at her so claled "wrost"?
you are high on benzos
if she grows a dick he'll get back into it
we're not talking about the prostitute ciara so fuck off. also you're way more pathetic and thirsty than most troll oriters. very unmanly. now go make another prostitute ciara thread and go wank to her fake purity there
>ciara still selfposting into 2019
it'll never end lul
I'm pretty sure he'll marry her first just for the green card (he's tired of cucknada afaik), then divorce her ass once he has US citizenship.
From what I've read she's just like that IRL, and unlike how she presents herself as the poor socially awkward guuuurl, she was quite the popular girl in high school bullying "losers" of both sexes.
It might be shoe herself lol. It wouldn't be the first time her pretending to be an orbiter, and it won't be the last either.
b-but she's like b0xxy... but redpilled!
>Friendly reminder that she's literally bald. She wears a wig.
how doe sthat even happen1?
Unironically looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome. Why do people orbit this roastie again?
kek'd irl
She's a batshit crazy cunt that keeps pulling her hair out at the smallest frustration. She even admits it on her blog.
Thirst. And she looks like 4 points higher with low res camera, the optimal angle and caked full on makeup.
Why do I feel like her and her bf never grew up. I swear, I went to her twitter and she just tries to be a cute uwu awkward girl that posts Jow Forums memes and tries to reel in autistic betas. She wouldve made fun of her complete fan base when she was in high school and probably still does.
oh yes what a nice nature walk so hot
more sh0e uwu bashing cuz this twat is pathetic
Cindy Shoe Who
You're not wrong. She does it for all the possible attention, the same reason why she also has fake tits.
I always thought she looked like a fucking revolution 60 character, I of course mean that in the worst way possible
I used to pull out my hair on speed binges sometimes for reasons I can't articulate, it never grows back and it sucks.
Oh, so she's a pycho druggie bitch? Nice to know.
I can't speak for her, maybe she's a different kind of loonie. She definitely wears a wig though, hair never grows back in as thick when you tear it out from the root.
she doesnt even have a nice ass on top of her other flaws. her face is horrible and she's the dumb cunt in that youtube famous foam video. fuck this loser and she used to bully girls alot and still thinks its funny she used to.
she's trash thru and thru. im glad she has to act like a dog for septic tank. cant wait til the breakup
>'s the dumb cunt in that youtube famous foam video
i can find literally 0 corroborating evidence of that outside of this post
please show your work
This is just the most ironic of all. She was always keen on making fun of other wymyn because of their appearance while maintaining an anorexic figure, but now she's getting fat, too... the wall takes no prisoners kek
she's thicc af
u obv have no standards
>thicc meme
daektfw only want eugenia gf
Excuse me sweaty, shoe is perfect
Looks like a coke whore.
ewwww fatty fatty burger patties
google the foam video and watch. oh look it's sh0e uwu herself screaming like an autistic loser.
Resting blowjob face
none of them look anything like her and she's too young to be in this ancient fucking video anyways
you're talking out of your ass
>googling foam video now brings up a variety of home insulation instructions and ASMR videos
end of an era. finally.
she's 27 so nah she's the right age you ignorant peasant. but hey whatever you say you probably still think she's 21
eat shit you fucking retard
wow and look here's the actual person in the video and surprise it's not fucking shoeonhead
not even about shoe but the girls might be spending the parents money. but that'd make sense to anyone but you oddly
Leafy with a wig
The only time she dared to post a picture without a wig was when she put a hat on her head to hide all her bald spots. #lolwomen
got a pic of her showing off her baldy spots?
This is one of the ugliest, normal-looking (as in "born without defects") girls I've ever seen in my life.
I don't, sadly. If I did I'd PM the pic to every orbiter of hers, and she'd lose her youtube career in a week.
but I imagine something like this:
she doesnt look much better in a bikini. she's kinda 3-5 range in looks. but some eternal virgins on here swear by her looks and it's pathetic. must be real desperate losers to find her anything more than average at best 5
It's pretty average for a girl without make up.
Is this the boxxy ripoff?
>literally pulling your hair out
What the fuck just get a punching bag or something
>tfw no prematurely aging used goods ddlg blowjob gf
someday she'll get a camera that wasnt made in 1999
No, she won't. She knows too well that her shitty cam is the only thing that lets her to seem pretty on youtube.
guess I should have put /s at the end for you
it would get tangled in knots and I couldn't brush them out and it would infuriate me, you can imagine the rest
can't recommend tweaking
>mfw user doesn't think ciara is one of the most gorgeous women ever.
shoe on head is such an unatractive whore
>without makeup
That's just an awkward photo retard. Although I'm sure she does look unappealing without makeup
>>mfw user doesn't think ciara is one of the most gorgeous women ever.
she really is.
Simply genius.
ExtremeIy underrated bost
the female amazing atheist wow
Whis is she? I can't find her in google
ciara is a trap, not as in a penised trap, but an emotional trap. She deliberately appeals to the desperate, presenting herself as a robot frame on which orbiters could paint their desires. She makes herself attainable in the eyes of robots, reflecting their own personalities in ways many thought women could never, or in ways many had never seen with women. you get pulled in by this. She seems to understand you because she knows what you wish people would understand, couple that with an attractive enough person and suddenly you're wrapped up in desiring someone you really don't know. She's not gorgeous, she's wrapped up in so much ugliness, she delivers so much hurt, and she does it for an emotional or literal payday, she does it because she wants, as we all do, to be desirable. In many ways she is desperate herself, but her desperation is at the expense of others while those who desperately pursue her do it at the expense of themselves. wasted too much time orbiting to be able to call her gorgeous
part two
it's confirmed both of these girls fuck niggers yet robots are still thirsty af. I don't get it, but the thirst is real I guess
shoe has a nice set
shoe does have a nice set
*used to have, also her tits are fake
>The thot is shoe0nhead without makeup
>clearly wearing makeup
you can't seriously be this out of touch holy shit
everything is fake except for the Holy Spirit
I'd stick my dick in between her knockers and anoint her forehead with my elixir of life
Have fun getting 5 kinds of STDs from 40 different guys, niggaz included. What's more, you get to "enjoy" her cluster B meltdowns, too. What's not to like? kek
you can't contract an std from tittyfucking
>women call you a pedo for wanting to fuck a literal 19-year-old
>a MILF gets popular
>they make threads about how she's a fat hag who should die, and how under no circumstances you should want to fuck her
You would be surprised.
slightly related:
here's your boxxy bro
>she delivers so much hurt
>reading that article when you could be reading this one
It always amazes me how many anons aren't aware of what happens to a woman's face, and especially her body, as she hits passes 25. Shit starts going downhill.
Protip: Girls start using filters not just to hide individual bad features, but to adjust the blur/contrast on the picture to make their skin look better and make them look more youthful because they are hyperconscious about this. Also look for women making videos or taking pictures where the contrast is cranked up in general: that means she's old and hates her wrinkly old dried-up face. Women start doing this around 26-28 usually.
Too often I'll see anons reposting those absolute bog-standard pictures that girls take when they're 26, they look like ass and know it, but they can still APPEAR good in pictures with certain specific angles, distances, makeup situations, and filters. Once you get an eye for this, you can sniff it out like a hound-dog just by seeing a picture. Nothing stands out more than a 27 year old girl trying to look like she's still 21, lmao.
pic related for completeness