Do you robots ever forgive and move on?
>tfw I still hate my highschool bullies and remember every little hostile act
Is forgiving the way?
Do you robots ever forgive and move on?
>tfw I still hate my highschool bullies and remember every little hostile act
Is forgiving the way?
why are you obligated to forgive them user? who told you that line of shit? I dont forgive or forget people that wrong me. I am not obligated to no matter how much society squawks I have to. I dont have to that and I dont. Not sure why you think you need to forgive people that made you miserable in life
I don't know if forgiving is the right word, but not caring anymore is probably more accurate.
Bitterly holding onto bullying memories is not a great idea regardless.
no, if one day i discovered that i have a terminal disease, i would go after some people.
Forgiving is only required if you are in certain religions. While usually it is easy to clear your mind when not remembering anguish or hatred, it is not a requirement, and can even fuel determination
>Do you robots ever forgive and move on?
No. I do not forget and you forgiveness is something you can earn, not be given.
If you fuck up, you have a debt.
Owning up to it or not is on you.
What way? What are you seeking on your journey? Right or wrong just live and be happy spread happiness. All I ask of you.
depends, sometimes i hate their guts because of how hard they made elementary/middle school for me, all the days i'd come home crying.
On the other hand i realize that no matter how they hurt me, even though it stunted my growth socially (to the point that i can pinpoint my robothood to that), I can still refuse to let it hold me back. They're all losers now, all I have to do is succeed and finish school and I will alreaady be more successful than them.
I can't forget it, but I can live with it and do better.
It depends on the severity. I wouldn't say I've forgiven every highschool bully, but the best revenge is a life well lived. Those people are communist trash idiot now. I have a good job and a girlfriend that treats me well. They're stuck in their dead end jobs and miserable. So no, I guess?
>Is forgiving the way?
No, but forgetting about it is. Why let these people live in your head rent free? At least do something and try to gt revenge if you're going to keep fixating on it.
I don't blame people for bullying me. I'm weak and insignificant and even if I wasn't bullied I probably would have turned out like this anyway.
Anonymous never
I'm sure the robot I forced in the corner of our locker room after school hates the fact I made him swallow my cum, he was a twink though but he did try to stop me lmao
Being bullied leaves you quite damaged psychologically. Unfortunately having been bullied makes you recognize similar aggressive characteristic in other people and makes you act hyper aware around them, they will catch onto your nervousness and exploit it.
It sounds ridiculous but they do say if you get bullied it is your fault. Over many years I have learnt that is kind of true mainly because of the saying 'you teach people how to treat you'.
In no circumstance will a bully just jump in and start messing with you 100%. They tend to escalate their behaviors and build their confidence over time. When you start to notice someone being physically or emotionally disrespectful call them out on it. Either confront they directly "Can you stop saying / doing that please" .
It can also be much more subtle. I had a horrible bitch at a place I worked who said she missed her lunch and could i grab something for her and gave me the money. This was her being subtle to try and turn it into me being her slave every day getting her lunch for her. I accidentally 'forgot' and returned her money and she never asked again.
Sadly you will meet bullies in every part of work or education. The old people you hated are replaced with new ones. It never stops but you do get better at dealing with the situations and more confident and calm in the situation. Don't be reactive, be proactive.
>having a good job
>having a girlfriend
Normie out!!!!
That's hot I wish I had a bully make me suck him off when I was in school
Was he crying how gay was he?
this is some good ass advice. Listen to this robot.
He didn't enjoy it but he was like 5'2 and paper weight, I was 6'2 200
Ya he was crying and shaking a little he was a fruit basket
I hold grudges far longer than i probably should. The way I see it, just because time has passed doesn't absolve anyone of responsibility if they've made no effort to reify it.
>you must be a bitter and angry person
Excpet I don't constantly dwell on it. It's like a logbook, every so often I check back and go "yep, still hate him".
Forgiveness is good. Unless your bully is still an asshole
Fuck you Jonah
Dunno man I've never had a grudge on anybody or anything.
Wonder if that kid I tortured in high school still thinks about me.
Forgiveness is for weak cucks. True Chads take revenge.
>be me
>ugly nerdy autistic manlet
>get bullied constantly
>circle of chads surrounding me
>calling me faggot
>pushing me around and hitting me
>simply say to them "Can you stop doing that please?"
>They respond "Oh, sorry user I didn't know we were bothering you. We'll cease now and treat you with the utmost respect henceforth"
Yes this is totally how it works. Top tier advice bro.