having a cheeky spliff again.but youtube still this time not vidya.
please don't argue, edition
peas n luff
peace and all that, but also death to my enemies.
Alright lid got you down for a pony on SP and a premium ringside seat, that'll be 27.99 plus a (you). Free glass of irn bru on arrival and souvenir photos of you and the mrs(mr) available after the show
Going to actually smoke that joint nib and watch that anime instead of wasting my time posting here.
Goodnight lids
fuck pease
my dog smiling at me :)
Do NOT draw on my weatherfu again you bloody nazi
i am very gay lads
Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns is actually pretty good (if you play with a guide)
Rational discussion here, what is wrong with 13-16 ''''noncing''''
I reckon they should be able to get people to fight for them like in game of thrones. Loser gets shat on by shippy
I want to force myself on Nazi Sophie.
Well they could potentially have a "champion" I suppose, but neither of them have submitted one. Can't really make it a trial by combat since it isn't a trial, just a couple of spastic fighting over their waifus.
I wouldn't want to shit on either good fren SP or new fren weather zoo user
Smart money is on me. sp will just cry NOOOO BOOOOOOOLLEEEEYYYYY
It's a legal thing.
Comes under hebephilia/ephebophilia which there's morally nothing wrong with as they're both post puberty and therefore of reproductive capacity.
super spermin?
also stop defacing each other fu's ffs
is all this tranner enduced?
if so you need to write a letter apologising to them and stop posting them
shame on you both.
I would normally be up for a joke lad but I hate her and I don't want to be friends with people that like her. also if you made the version of events post then you are delusional.
you couldn't rape a two month old disabled squirrel
Sonic soundwaves, don't underestimate them lad. Also I reckon he's got long flailing power mong arms
my therapist thinks I have moderate PTSD from my near decade of being bullied so I think I could snap and go bazerk.
It's only a bit of banter. Shouldn't have drawn on my waifu
Mate I'm sorry for this but you are being a bit pathetic. I don't know exactly what happened and frankly I don't care.
Don't fucking start mate. You have no idea what I've been through. Have you seen the scar on my face from being hit with a hammer? Did you see what I did to them? Fuck off
The actual 5 worst posters, in no particular order.
Forces memes which degrade thread quality. Started the current "meetup" trend which has torn down much of the mystique of this thread.
>Radio Host
Further encourages posters to become personalities and take on a persona to enter the radio, moves /britfeel/ beyond Jow Forums. Responsible for Zeus.
Camwhore whose photos will earn you a permaban if you repost them.
Camwhore who slept with several posters and emotionally manipulated others. He's a narcissist who wants to be the centre of attention.
Another deranged individual who only posts about himself. Will even repost extracts from his blog to several boards.
None of these posters make meaningful contributions to the thread. We'd see an increase in quality of discussion if they stopped posting.
Lads why am I only getting 78 quid this month from Universal Credit? I didn't get sanctioned or anything? so what gives.
I want you to care. Pick a side.
what did you do to them?
Have you considered the New A-Class Saloon from 27,895 OTR? This is a new breed of A-Class: stylish, spacious and loaded with cutting-edge technology.
Pretty much agree with you lad
why does the guy in your add look like MEEKS?
You forgot tilde. no one has caused more threads to crash and burn than him and that's a fact.
I'm not picking a side.
You don't want to fucking know
don't mug yourselves lads
I have never comprehended how people can spend so much on how a box of metal looks, car hooligans are probably on the same level as football hooligans
>I'm not picking a side
you just did
No idea who MEEKS is but maybe it is them.
I dunno how to explain it mate. I just like nice cars
Haven't seen Tilde in ages which is nice.
No I didn't. I have no problem with sp just don't draw on my waifu
I would say Crona was far worse but I wasn't here for the "oldfag" stuff
Going to meme your waifu getting HORSED
Crona hasn't had the lasting power tilde had, he has literally shat up the threads for years now.
Swer2god mate leave her alone. She is pure and not for lewding
>no QT nonce hunter GF to trap nonces with
>Never going to go out on a sting and call a paedo a big fat jelly belly beast
>Never going to hear her voice on Youtube
>Never going to name the nonce hunting group "Guardians of Innocent Hearts"
>I'll never sell Nonce Hunter merchandise
I can't handle this feel.
I didn't start the meetup trend that was shut in chad
>Started the current "meetup" trend which has torn down much of the mystique of this thread
I hate the meetup clique, absolute insufferable boring normies who can do nothing interesting whatsoever but go to wetherspoons like any old NPC, I'm looking at your Andrews, your DMs, your Shippys
Nonsense you met Ebin and Foxxlad.
pls leaf dm out of it
Nice list and analysis tbqh.
Oh I thought you meant the big group meets
best those three are best buddies outside of the thread
makes me
fakkin sick
This is an Ebin user post
Have you considered the New C-Class Coupe starting from 35,285 OTR? The new Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe will make picking up C-Class ginger slags significantly easier.
oh waaaaaaaaaaagie
oh, that's right, you've gone to bed already
have to get up nice and early to make mr. Shekelberg lots of money tomorrow, don't you?
that's okay, I'm just hanging out here after doing my late night NEETercise to get big luscious muscles
I'm sure your girlfriend will appreciate these big guns tomorrow while you're out at work. oops, did I say something?
>Tfw literally a wagie in bed reading this post
The meetup thing is a bit /soc/ tier lads, it's fine if you're just a lonely lad looking for irl friends but meeting up just so you can tell the thread about it seems vapid and cancerous tbqh.
Please stop before you both do something sillier. Defacing your waifus won't help. Even though they aren't the traditional 2D you both still love them right. C'mon lads, hug those monitors and make up. Or at least call each other poo breath, then walk away
Also a wagie but not working until Saturday night, feels gud :^)
thanks for the money mate
thank you for your service to neets everywhere.
You're welcome, happy for britfeel NEETs to have their bennies
Give me a job NOW
He started it. Fine, I'm sorry for defacing your waifu sp.
He's mean anyway he cares more about what I did to them, didn't even ask about what happened to me
relaxing with a pint of water and watching Aris play Clock Tower 3
Too late sp already paid for the hit and I always deliver what I promise.
Do you want her happy or sad while she's taking up the cunt?
Moni were you born in the UK? If so you can apply at my place, we're hiring.
Touch my waifu and I'll end your laifu
did you or did you not make this post?
Do you work with children? Monis a registered sex offender. Might cause issues.
I hope the picture maker guy gets a job in Graphic Design somewhere soon, just become a photography shop editor youll do great
I'm kind of upset by the tone this thread has taken on lads
he got a job stretching every hole in lancaster like the madman he is
Grumpy twats make the most noise, silent majority is comfy. Bit of a shame really.
sp, listen to the end
I'm going to claim this small corner for myself
Yes that was me. Okay that might not be exactly what happened but I don't care. The boipussy bit was just a fucking joke jeez and you didn't make a discord so what is your problem?
Absolute state of this drug addicted junkie nonce
>Threatens to sue the hunters
>Starts panicking when he realises he is on Facebook and scared is dad is going to come and find him
>Says he's under police station
>What are ya on?
>cola talks to mayuri and radiohost for a fairly long time behind the scenes
>i start talking to her publicly
>she says she LOVES ME and showers me in nice words
>as a robot I obviously develop an emotional attachment
>host finds out about this and threatens to kill me and her on stream then deletes the vod
>it is revealed that mayuri MY FUCKING FRIEND of many hard times from here has been flirting with her as well
>he makes no attempt to warn me about this
>not only does he fuck me over, he defend her posting pictures of them together pre/post sex in the thread just to further emotionally wound me
anyone that meets cola CAN DIE
anyone that is friends with cola CAN DIE
anyone that sees her as anything other than a witch CAN DIE
choose me or her
>Moni were you born in the UK?
email [email protected]
It's a very demanding job but only British nationals can do it
>live underground 4 days on a week in a sterile controlled enviornment
>your job is to refine silver, working 4 hour shifts twice a day, around the clock
>it is extremely dangerous and if you have an accident your body will not be recovered because of the loss of silver, your family are simply informed that you are gone, people do disappear down here
>because of the security restrictions you can't have a criminal record for theft, but nonces are regular employees
>safety is lax as it interferes with productivity and HSE cannot legally enter the main production facility as it is a controlled environment
>you are washed naked at the end of shift to remove any silver dust that may have settled in your skin of hair, this saves millions a year
>150 a day
It's hell but it's better than nothing. You can only work 8 months a year, otherwise you'd breathe in too much fumes.
>interacting with Britfeelers
Here is where you went wrong.
I choose you SP
you're very right lad. I was a fool to ever enter the snakepit.
this post reminded me of this tune for some reason
>>host finds out about this and threatens to kill me and her on stream then deletes the vod
Did that really happen?
And Mayuri is the biggest cunt going. Insecure little rat. Genuinely going to deck him tomorrow.
>listening to some /brit/ mong
You know most of us are just lonely retards? there's nuffin wrong with interacting with each other the only problem is when it's lewd.
I'm not a narcissist I am self centred. Basically narcissism without the self esteem. I haven't slept with any posters and i am sorry for manipulating, I didn't think it would be so easy and people would be able to banter back
just ate 4 crisp rolls in one sitting
All these namefags and personalities are narcissists and sociopaths. They're snakes.
are you the lad reading the bazerk manga at the moment?
an autist reeeing might be more appropriate
of course lad. I read all of the lonely posts.
>no self esteem
>posts pictures of themselves all the time
lmao fuck off you lying twat
you knew exactly what you were doing, don't give me that
telling someone you love them, or even that you like them, when they're that vulnerable is simply cruel
you've shown no remorse for that, you deliberately led him on and then try to claim it's "banter"
you're a sociopath who ruined their life with tranny pills and now you're taking it out on others
I'm sorry sp you are a nice lad but this is pathetic. You weren't in a relationship, you were talking in the thread. A vocaroo saying "i love you" means fuck all lad
For the record, I'm not interested in shagging a tranny no offence lass. They were the first person to offer to play csgo with me despite asking loads of times. I'm not developing emotional attachments that aren't there lmao
Should just leave the thread all together SP, all the robots and losers have left already, it's just snapchatting meetup normies left now using it as /soc/ lite.
"I'm not a narcissist I just told a lonely robot I loved him multiple times, I didn't know it would be so easy teehee"
People should die for talking to someone you dislike? I had empathy for you for a while lad but you've just shown why you're an autistic loser with no friends. Keep posting Sophie pics till the day you waste away with nobody to care.
>I'm not interested in shagging a tranny
*Meets up and posts very intimate images*
hmmm..... yes.... hmmm.....
JBR? What does the role entail exactly? How do you refine the silver?
Big spoilers for great manga and a good anime called Berserk btw
Best pal (who's really an insecure charismatic sociopath) betrays friend out spite for his pals love for their mutual ladyfriend and cucks him in front of pal then the pal is left eternally seething
I don't see like that but if you do then this is a very fitting tune for that post.
Rochdale Sandbrook McDonalds are recruiting.
There are loads of jobs on indeed and monster. Charity shop positions, retail, gardening, sanitation.
You're not above anything. It's actually insulting that you think you are.
All namefags are but the personality fags not so much.
Yes but that wasn't my post and I only reply to comfy/feel posts most of the time.