She's one of the good ones and you guys drove it away. You should all be ashamed.
She's one of the good ones and you guys drove it away. You should all be ashamed
Other urls found in this thread:
>you guys drove it away
oh piss off white knight queer she wont date you/kiss you/talk to you/love you/be friends with you/ackowledge you cuz you virtual signal'd online youre a good boy who has a crush on some 14yr old tart.
run along single mom raised pussy, you're either a pedo or underage if you're defending her
Implying we have any fate worth driving towards. We saved her the hassle and you know it.
>one of the good ones
There are no "good ones", you white knight faggot. Hang yourself orbiter cuck.
Ever notice how Jow Forums is the cruelest to the girls who fit their standards of "pure"? It would be cognitively dissonant to admit pure girls exist so they go on tirades to prove that they're somehow secretly a whore. Just look at what happened to Tahlia and Muffy.
Who thinks Tahlia is "pure"? Who thinks Muffy is "pure"? They're both whores, and the only people who unironically think they are objectively pure are orbiter faggots.
>Genuinely mentally ill
>Called out degeneracy
>Interacted with viewers
>Did tea reviews
>Didn't whore herself out
>Was against receiving gifts/money
Fuck all of you. She was far too pure for this place.
k cuk "hero" im sure she'll reward you with tons of sex for defending m'ladies honor with that virtual signal faggotry.
ps she wont talk to or love you ever faggot stop looking like a bitch for a minor. and since you're defending her you're either underage or a pedo cuz she's 14. run along now
>Genuinely mentally ill
pick one
She sucked. Not pure enough like aggie. Not degen enough like ciara.
>two entire paragraphs of "d-do I fit in yet guys?"
This is legitimately sad. No one here is your friend, so stop sucking up to the collective like a effeminate bitch and think for yourself
There's no evidence of either of them being whores though. God the r/incels migration really ruined this board.
if it was born with a pussy, its a whore
I do think for myself faggot and the only reason you're so pissed and trying to argue back is you're either underage or a pedo cuz she is 14.
getting mad that's been brought up multiple times doesnt suddenly = sucking up you subpar pedo troll. now again run along since defending her is pedo or underage actions.
so no reply needed you lost move on and to keep replying is to keep showing hey guys im a pathetic orbiting pedo that must defend mlady like I was taught with my single mom raising.
take your own advice eternal virgin
Wow edgy. Incels tying to fit in here is the cringiest thing I've eve experienced. No one wants you here and you are not a robot.
we didn't, Ciara whoran did
nice reddit reply but you should head there it's more your speed.
>both virgins
okay chief
>I-I'll call HIM the redditor! That'll show them I belong!
If you're seriously defending an e-whore, Reddit really is more your thing, orbiter faggot.
Neither of them are e-whores though. Neither accept money or show their bodies.
This view of what "orbiting" is is an entirely reddit concept.
Did she delete her YouTube?
>defending someone being unjustly harrassed makes you a pedo
>makes videos
>has nudes
>one of the good ones
OP, you might actually be retarded from all that cum you chug cause she's just like the rest, attention seeking trash.
kek she isnt being unjustly told she's a dumb cunt you sad pathetic white knight. can you for one fucking day go without defending m'ladys only you think need saving. fucking pathetic and she doesnt need defending or saving and yes she's a child so why you're here constantly defending a child. her parents can do that. getting a lil creepy how into this saving m'lady aka child you are.
>Stay safe, m'lady! Are you well, my queen?
>why are you defending a child being harassed and doxxed by adults
She does not have any nudes
Women are never children. Women lose their innocence at birth. Women are promiscuous degenerate junkie whores by the time they're 12.
Just because Tahlia doesn't seem outwardly as degenerate as other e-whores doesn't mean she's any better. She's a manipulative severely histrionic mentally ill BPD validation whore.
>he hasn't seen the bra pic
Imagine being this bitter and devoid of life.
Women aren't the problem here, it's your lack of personality and introspection.
Warning her parents that their child is making videos to an audience of pedos isnt harassment and posting an old photo of her isnt doxxing
Where does one find this so called pic my dearest of anons
She sent that pic when she was 14 to some 20 y/o fag who threatened to kill himself if she didn't.
If she sends a picture of herself she is a whore.
>>>>>> is that way, my dude.
Women are the ones devoid of life. They are soulless vapid beings incapable of thought, virtue, humour, wit, intelligence, or emotion. They are brainless drones and an error in the universe. Women are the root of all evil in the world. Anywhere a woman goes, destruction follows.
They are good at satire though. I have seen many female creators pretend to be stupid and fool thousands of idiots. Britany Venti, Pupina Stewart etc.
MGTOW will lead to the destruction of western civilization. Good goy for following through on that.
ha venti she was wearing a collar and leash in her sh0e uwu bashing video at the end. was oddly hot
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this message
Well done boos!
Anyways, who's this? I haven't been around in a while
Does she have feet or blood pics?
>we didn't, Ciara whoran did
Ciara is a genuinely empathetic person, and she was just trying to warn her about the kind of messed up people that come around here. She is trying to help others, yet all you can do is throw dirt and hate?
well she would probably still have a channel if Ciara didn't manipulate her into quitting. she just wants all the attention for herself. the same thing hapoened with agatha and sunny, she made fun of agatha videos and she leaked sunny's nudes. Ciara is an awful person
she wont date you over this virtual signial white knighting eternal virgin
>stops replying after being called out
I deleted my channel because my family got doxxed and people threatened to kill my little brother, laughed at the fact that my grandfather has cancer and posted photos of my family including my dad in his old work uniform.
I deleted my channel because people called me a bully and a harassed due to my beliefs that it is evil to take money from lonely men and because of one time where I had a rude interaction with a findom girl.
I deleted my channel because people were contacting my mother, attempting to spread misinformation about me. Trying to tell her that I post bra photos of myself (even though she has known for years about what Marko did and I would never post anything lewd of myself)
I deleted my channel because I am sick of swallowing shit from everyone I come across and being a human doormat.
What does incel ideology have to do with jews. Jews control everything and they desperately want to destroy all incels.
They want white people to stop reproducing.
If you did your research you would have known that every egirl goes through that. It's really all your fault for posting anything in the first place
No, you should be allowed to post venting YouTube videos without your family being harassed, you should be able to post your opinions online without your family being harassed. This shouldn't be a thing that just happens. You people are in no right to do this to anybody, no matter how much you hate them.
and some want state enforced girlfriends
Same reason they promote feminism.
I'm so sorry you went through so much. Beautiful Angel Ciara went through similar harassment.
Why does r9k drive away the most talented and wonderful people here?
They should, and in a perfect world that wouldn't happen. But this is the internet and every time an egirl gets big they get doxxed, photos are leaked and they get harassed. And if you become an egirl and that happens you can't really complain because it is inevitable
fuck off you low iq brazilian single mom raised stalker
good riddance, the less women here the better.
We aren't talented or wonderful people, we aren't angels. We are very flawed, mentally unstable, human beings. That is all we are, and we project that online because there's nowhere else to fully open up about that stuff. Of course this then leads to other people doing their thing and life downward spiralling, but what I'm trying to say is I'm not the bees knees, no one is, but nobody, not one person, deserves to have their family posted about on this board.
"Those evil men shall no hurt you no more m'lady"
Lmao nigga so desperate for female approval
you can tell he's single mom raised typing like such a faggot. oh if only I could have saved m'lady. what a massive unman
You just want to orbit underage girls because you find them hot. Fuck off degenerate pedo. Orbiters are pathetic
Right but I rarely came on here, until now which is to defend myself. I mostly just stocked to my YouTube channel and the friends I made on there, if I was posted about on here it is the fault of the men who posted about me as I let it be known from the start that I did not appreciate such.
Orbiting is wrong, but posting the families of the girls is also, if not even more fucked up
I literally only kept up with Ciara. The rest are a blur. Marky? The other one? This girl seems out of nowhere. Never heard of her. r9k e-girls seem a diamond dozen and come and go by the week. They blow up, and then fade away.
you've told us like 5 times now. we get it sweetcheeks now stfu and look cute and we'll call on you when we want your opinions
Don't undersell yourself, a big part of your following comes from the fact that you're a good, kind person in spite of everything. You don't deserve to be lumped in with trash like Ciara.
She's been threatening to kill herself on agatha2. Or then she is just telling another lie to get more attention. Very entertaining though.
She'll be back. She is dependent on herds of ugly, fat incels drooling after her.
nah they end up on agatha2 and lolcows
Ciara is also a good kind person despite everything deep down. She's slandered relentlessly by psychopaths who just want to tear her down and makeup lies about how she had abortions or other nonsense.
Doxing keeps girls away from e whoring and also prevent emotional female-approval seeking robots from orbiting
Yeah lol can you all chill a little? It's funny to a point but sometimes all this shit is just retarded.
lol look at this basement dwelling bitchass trying to police how people act.
Last known security camera footage of Ciara "Beautiful Angel" Horan on January 3rd, 2019.
If seen, please report immediately as she is missing. Thank you.
stop spreading lies you psychopath
she leaked an underage girls nudes she is not a good person no matter how much you spread filthy filthy lies about her
thirsty ass loser
Yes, I had a moment of weakness and I shouldn't open up about how I feel in terms of that. But is it no surprise that I want to kill myself after what the people on here are putting my family through due to my stupidity?
I am in every right to want to end my pathetic and miserable existence because of this
Ciara is an actually sociopath with severe mental issues
I feel really horrible that all this shit happened to you and how helpless you were to stop it. r9k has become complete garbage in the last couple years and the pedos along with the black knighting incel posters are mostly to blame. I'm sorry you got dragged into this and can only only wish you the best.
Things are already as worse as they could possibly be for me. I am at my lowest point in life, there is no worse state than what I am in now.
Why did you lie and say that you ran away from home?
Fuck off. There ar enough good ones, there are no queens. R9K is for men only. She was warned numerous times not to come here and she didnt head it.
This isn't your fault. You said it yourself, making videos shouldn't result in threats to your family. In any case, it was all that one guy, and you've reported him to the police now, right?
Thankyou, you are really nice, I'd hug you for that comment if I could
toughen up buttercup the world doesnt need weak ass bitches crying and being all woe is me. if anything you should toughen up from this not get weaker and sobbier. you're parents raised a wuss not a woman and that's pathetic.
and who cares what people online think you dumb tart. nobody online matters now or in a year or 5 years yet here you are acting like an attention whoring twat claiming I gotta explain myself. no the fuck you dont move the fuck on fuck the fuck off and stop giving a shit about the opinions of people online. this site or anysite 99% of them are trash. the quicker you get this shit in your head the better.
but you'll just ignore this post since you've got a nasty habit of selective replies with people. must be cuz of all those mean bullies or some excuse
Literally leave wtf lmao. You said like 2 days ago that you werent coming back. Are you really that autistic and thirsty for attention?
That wasn't a lie, I am not sure why my mum said it never happened, maybe because she is just scared that people know of recent happenings.
>you dumb tart
You have to be pretty pathetic to write that paragraph
Does anyone have the pic of her family with her dad in the Navy uniform.
Say what you will. I will be free from all of this soon and none of it will matter.
>there is no worse state than what I am in now
ut can always get worse
just stop tho. go watch some wendover productions or something
or at least post on the other board and not on a heavily trafficked site
go learn abut english rocks
>black knighting incel posters
Black knighting incel posters are what made this board, we;ve always been here you dumb newfag. R9K was never welcoming to females, faggots or trannies. You fuckers came here and ruined it.
you have to be pretty white knight virgin to defend this underage child. so you underage or a pedo? cuz only those 2 brackets would defend her
Attention attention attention, are you guys too dumb to come up with anything else to say?
I don't care what harass bullshit you have to say to convince yourself you are better than me. None of this will matter when I am free of the world and the garbage people in it
incel is a reddit term and it's where you belong
Hardass not harass.
>Clearly admitting you're this new
post tits or leave faggot
no one wants your opinion