>Tfw got detained for talking to a white girl
Nigganon Feels #3
I have to wonder how many "nigganons" are actually black like in OP's image and how many are just half or quadroons. Maybe I'm projecting but I find it hard to believe that someone who looks black wouldn't be able to slot easily into that culture. It's just so retarded.
This black user only made this thread to damage control black anons get eternally btfo from this thread.
All "white" Americans are somewhat black.
I will need you to delete that post
Based. You deserved it desu.
But when a white guy gets rejected women are all evil and they are right for shooting up schools. Ok
White guys usually ask out white girls. You were attempting to race mix.
>slot easily into that culture.
If you hate it, you won't.
I was trying to ask her out too. So what if it's racemixing?
Who detained you, and why did you not rise up and kill the tyrant?
Talk to black girls you animal.
White robots only approve of racemixing when a white male is involved
Stick to your own race faggot.
Most white girls I've seen either have a fetish for black guys or wants a black guy to make herself look "woke". They only want you for your melanin.
Also tfw no black fembot gf to cuddle with.
Having anywhere near the same interests as people on this site means that you're pretty much ostracized from black society.
Nothing as annoying as being told you're a white black person because you speak normal American English.
Think again loser.
happens all the time famalan lam
>someone actually shaded in the wojak from this pic
Jesus Christ the autism on this site knows no bounds
>not being a nigger
Pick one
>Maybe I'm projecting but I find it hard to believe that someone who looks black wouldn't be able to slot easily into that culture. It's just so retarded.
You dont know what it's actually like to be a black dude. You think they just walk around with charisma dapping up fellow niggas and getting invited to cookouts and girls dm'ing their twitter.
Fucking NOPE. I have no friends. I talk to myself. I do drugs so that I can imagine people are here to keep me company. To be a blackbot is to suffer, m'nigga
I Iike this version
Hey man. If you are not lying about being black, I thought i should ask why you like to come on here. Most of the guys on here are racist assholes unfortunately.
He's not black and neither are the other people that said they are black itt..newfag
Haha. Good one bro! Did you come up newfag yourself
if "being detained" seriously stopped you from fucking a white girl, you're never gonna score. the whole point of you of being a negro is to resist this shit. you don't sound like a black guy you sound like a white guy
At work people think I'm actually unironically autistic (I'm not) because I don't act like a nigger.
I can't speak for OP but personally it's because I relate to you all much more than my own people IRL. There might be unironic racists here but I take it in jest instead of getting assblasted about something like the I.Q. memes, for example.
racebait russian or Jow Forums psyop ignore SAGE SAGE SAGE
black user here don't worry too much about fitting in, just talk less, be smart, and make people laugh. after 6 or 7 different screws you'll get the confidence to ask """her""" out.
Malcolm or Martin, Bois?
I'm so close to transcending the mass delusion most people live within and living on another plane while existing in the same reality as the deluded masses
I can't wait. Endless bliss and endless riches await me
Brother Malcolm. Malcolm was ready to let the streets run red for our revolution. The hoodlums would've been cannon fodder and the respectable proffesionals would've survived. When the leaders met at the peace table we would've carved out a new America. Every black child would've grown up with the memory of the revolution and an appreciation for their ancestors and the great nation that is America.
Martin was that kid that read a book about Ghandi and started smoking weed and telling everyone to just chill out bro. I'm kidding but his methods were passive and pretty much said "let the white mean beat and abuse us in the streets until he sees we won't resist then gives us rights". No fucking country nor people have ever succeeded doing this. Now we have hooldums and low IQ welfare queens shitting out babies saying MMHHHMM MARTIN DIED SO I NEED DEM PROGRAMZ.
True nigga
Why you do this? Why do you make this uncomfortable for her? She is white, she wants white bf/husband and white kids. She is healthy white girl, that means she doesnt even considering ANY romance or flirt with non-white and you know what? THATS COMPLETELY OKAY
Why do black people always have such ghetto english?
why do white people have no rhythm?