Change my mind:
Opiates are the best antidepressants
Change my mind:
Opiates are the best antidepressants
you are right.
if only the fake pharmaceutical companies would make an opiate like pill people would be more happy.
its all a false game to keep us down.
i was with my friends for a long time and one of them gave me a suboxine and once i took it everyone said i was way more fun to be around and i should be prescribed to it.
they are, but it's not worth the addiction
t. former heroin addict
Really? I took a lot of oxycontin after my wisdom teeth removal and they just made me feel mildly dizzy and sleepy, in addition to relieving the pain
I am narcoleptic though fwiw
Pleasure is not free.
Uhmmmm.. ever hear of dissociatives?
what does heroin feel like for you user? when you first started getting into it
you have to specify if you mean shooting up dope because that is different. I'm not the guy you replied to but I never used a needle and I'm glad I haven't.
also I don't like needles they scare me
Any way to buy the pods in 2019? I read about how great they are and it seems the feds shut down everything. I tried the seeds and they are on par with two Vicodins. Weak
the correct answer is ketamine hth
If I take 5mg of oxycodone I go from being pressed with suicidal thoughts to extremely optimistic and productive. Works really well if you throw speed or addy into the mix.
Heroin is for people that have nothing to loose - terminal illness, old age, untreatable depression, death row.
t. same
i.e. you should try antidepressants first if you haven't tried. They work on some people.
Also, wish I didn't live in a third world country so I go get my hands on heroin.
>Also, wish I didn't live in a third world country so I go get my hands on heroin.
actually in the US it's very sad because the cities where you can easily find dope are the cities that have the highest murder rates.
>sad because highest murder rates
At least there's a higher chance that you die so you won't have to live in a sad place.
the cities are not sad. the murders are.
no matter what you're doing in your life when you hear about someone getting killed near you it's sad.
>in line at the store thinking about stupid shit
>employee in his 30s is talking to some old lady
>he said you know that bald guy who was hanging out here all the time?
>lady said yes I know him
>he got killed the other day
that happened a few weeks ago and then everyone kept on living our normal lives. I never knew that bald guy and I don't think anyone remembers why he got killed.
it's still sad
dissociatives too, nothing has me feeling better than an afterglow plus a nice nod
bump im trying to find out as well
>not worth the addiction
Why not?
i used to say the same till i relapsed lmao
how long were you using it? How did you stop using?
can you get high off that shit in the pic? or does it have to be processed
No. It is amphetamines that are the ultimate antidepressants. Especially crystal methamphetamine.
>can you get high off that shit in the pic?
yes the shit in the pic is called "opium".
Basically you just collect that resin and dry it out then vaporize it (or brew it into tea or however you want to consume it).
The reason why drugs like heroin are more common on the black market is because that stuff in the pic (opium) is mostly plant material, heavy, bulky and difficult to smuggle. So the morphine in the opium is acetylated and purified somewhat making it MUCH more potent per wieght.
i.e. a fingernail of heroin would be like an entire palm of opium.
The processing is mostly done just to make it easier to smuggle and transport.
>yes the shit in the pic is called "opium".
Why does opium always come out as black when it's pink in the pic?
No, the best antidepressants are psychedelics, because you don't have to take them more than once.
Have you taken them?
What was your experience and how has it changed you?
yikes imagine thinking psychededelics are anything but short term schizophrenia
cant be sad if youre borderline unconscious
i was a full time addict for about 4 years with oxys and heroin. i quit and did a short taper with suboxone, relapsed about 2 months later and overdosed, ambulance came and brought me back with narcan. that was it for me, been clean for like 5 years now.
>Why does opium always come out as black when it's pink in the pic?
when you heat and dry organic materials they tend to turn brown and black
that's what it looks like when they first score it. they score, the latex leaks out over time, and then they collect the dry sap a day or two later
originality required.
Death and financial/emotional ruin come to mind.
>run & operate A&D recovery center
>run & operate A&D recovery center
and yet you still have to leave the US for Mexico to get legal ibogaine treatment for opiate withdrawal
I live in the most polluted city in the world. Do you think your are more sad than me?