leafs get the fuck in here and shitpost or something
except the french, make your own fucking thread
Leafs get the fuck in here and shitpost or something
Other urls found in this thread:
>guy is bothering me about how he just realized he can fold his toilet paper prior to using it instead of crumpling it up like he has done his whole life
>as if I care
>he asks me what I do
>very lowbrow question, I hate people who discuss such things
>tell him I don't use toilet paper
>then how do you clean yourself
>well, think about it for a while, it should only take you fifty years based on how long it took you to realize you can fold paper.
I just moved out of brown town. Fuck canada and fuck the street shitters who stink it up with their curry and B.O.
who here chilling in toronto with an affordable rent controlled apartment just terrified of being evicted or the landlord claiming it back for their own use or w/e? rent is like x2 what it was 10 years ago. shit isn't fair homies
have you considered moving to manitoba?
>Not living with your parents because you weren't able to receive a stable income until after the housing boom
I can't wait for the market crash and everyone moves out of here so I don't have to pay 3k a month for a single room apartment.
autismbux won't pay me to live anywhere except for ontario. and desu everywhere in ontario seems way shittier to live than toronto, especially since i don't drive.
if i could move i would move to montreal for sure. it's cheaper + nicer there with all the benefits of being in a city (good transit, affordable grocery stores/services, etc)
lel, maybe move somewhere that isn't shit. All you do is stay inside all day on your computer anyway, what difference does it make what city you are in?
I got my cheap apartment and casual job that lets me show up whenever I feel like. If I pop into the office they'll pay, and if I don't, they don't give a fuck. I just took a four day weekend.
Except you'd be surrounded by the quebecoise
>everyone moves out of here
this will never happen. simply because of the way the ethnic neighbourhoods work in toronto. they will ALWAYS grow. supply and demand will ALWAYS be fucked here.
/to/ checking in
is that for edmonton? i pay 800 in toronto for a 1br. padmapper.com
XFD at the idea of living in a rural community when you don't have a car. all my freelance income would go to 0 and my expenses on grocery/services would be way higher. even edmonton seems like shit to travel around in unless you have a car.
curious, what do you do at that job where you can pop in when muns are needed?
when you realized our leader sympathized with murder because he was a refuge
i remember being younger and it being in the news "alberta has so much money they're just gonna give 500$ to everyone! just because they can! lol!!" i was so jelly...
I don't own a car, I just walk everywhere. I haven't owned a car for a decade. I live in rural alberta. I pay 650 for a four bedroom house, look at my current room allocation:
Master Bedroom
Computer Office
Crystal Sanctuary
Vacant Bedroom #1*
Laundry Room
Vacant Bedroom #3*
Virtual Reality Arcade
Storage Shed(Backyard)
Dining Room
Emergency Supplies Cellar
*Vacant Rooms are deliberately left curtainless so people looking inside will never suspect a human dwells here
It's similar to being a taxi driver, so to speak. If I want to go in and wait for calls for rides I can. The other side of the coin is, there is no guarantee that people will want rides that day, but in general, people almost always need rides.
I don't have a proper career, a license/car, so I am stuck in the city.
how welcoming are towns to outsiders and citybois? I want to live somewhere that doesnt cost me $1500 a month just for a roof
Moi aussi je t'aime OP
>four bedroom house
what's the state of your backyard and lawn? i never have to worry about housework at any point. but having all the extra space would be an ok trade-off for having to maintain it.
I will admit that some rural communities would be nice to live in provided you had a good grocery store and hopefully a few cheap n' cheerful restaurants/delicious foods like pizza within walking distance to your house. Having to walk everywhere or take shitty ass transit REALLY sucks when it's for basic needs like toilet paper.
>Be Quebecfag
>Everyone on the internet automatically hates me
It aint easy being a Quebecbot lads
Any others can relate?
I jus went to Quebec as a tourist. What is it like living there?
very dark and snowy at the moment. I don't really worry about housework either, I have optimized things to a near perfect degree, pretty much my only regular task is taking out the trash. I don't mow the lawn either, it's against my religion. And I already said that I don't use toilet paper, because there are better options and toilet paper is expensive and I don't want to pointlessly kill trees.
It takes you ten minutes to walk to the grocery store. That's about how long it takes to drive for most people in a city.
It depends. Personally I love the climate, I love how "aggressive" and unforgiving it is, as if, humans weren't supposed to naturally be able to live in here but we still managed to do it anyway. I very much love our unique status of being kind of the only remaining part of French North America that is still very much alive and that isn't a small hidden society (looking at Acadia, Louisiana and such.) I of course love our culture, and French culture in general. However I dislike the people sadly, most people are self-hating frenchies or uneducated boomers that dont know about anything outside of the province. The taxes are extremely high, the services we get in exchange are quite trash, the government controls way too many shit, like power, alcohol stores and such. Tbh its kind of depressing to see the direction our society is going into, which is pretty much, a wall. Newer generations dont really want to keep the heart of French North America alive and the older generations dont really care much anymore and would rather pass their winter vacations in Florida and Cuba. So yeah, I feel quite alone, I can't relate much to the overly americanised people of my generation, I feel like one of the last of my species basically.
>It takes you ten minutes to walk to the grocery store
pretty lucky. hopefully it's not some expensive shit like loblaws or metro
>I don't use toilet paper, because there are better options and toilet paper is expensive
wish I had a bidet. in rare moments I've showered after shitting but sometimes you don't want to shower right after you shit you know?? without a bidet it doesn't seem very convenient to not use toilet paper. enlighten me?
Thanks. I was only there 3 days and spent all my time in Old Quebec eating Poutineville and sitting in coffee shops with gf
bidet? he just uses his hand like pajeet
Ah, I hope you enjoyed yourself! I myself never went to Quebec city, I'm a Montrealfag sadly. There's nothing comfier than drinking a good hot coffee after being outside in the cold for hours thats for sure. I hope no one was too rude to you or anything
People were actually nicer in Quebec than in Toronto, which was about 80% browns and yellows. China's borders sure have expanded. I enjoyed Montreal too, especially walking through the Mt. Royal Cemetery.
Good to hear. But yes, we've been...loosing "territories", sadly thats one way we've been loosing control of our provinces, governments are making sure that urban areas which usually holds more political power thru the provincial/federal assemblies by having more seats are flooded by non-Francophones, that way it makes it easier for them to "control" us. I know this sounds like Alex Jones-tier shit but its unironically true, the governments dislike us because we're actually a unique culture instead of being a part of their BS "Multicultural" shit, sadly my compatriotes seems to have fallen for that kind of things.
That sucks. Quebec seemed like the only place untainted by the cancer flooding through the rest of Canada. I wasn't too chuffed because I don't have to live there, but it did make me glad that I couldn't afford to go to Uni there like I originally was supposed to.
anyone here /torontoneet/ ?
also w2c office/warehouse job that doesn't require c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e or 3-5 yrs experience meme
montreal>quebec city>>>>>>>>>toronto
toronto = mean normie construction site
Canada is alright, y'all are annoying as shit about giving advice tho.
fucking syrup niggers
Im not a robot but I am a leaf. Can I join? I cant relate to your tfw no gf, but I think most women are retards if that gives us some common ground.
Just lost my job today. Wasn't performing well enough for them.
I have a sick family member to take care of and the stress is killing me. This is also a year after losing my mom to cancer. Why can't I just get a break in this shithole?
Learn the culture and you'll be fine. Dont wear american eagle or faggy city slicker clothes in logging/mining towns. Invest in a plaid jacket and carharts.
Yep live near square one
I live right near Square One too (Bishopstoke Lane, near the RBC there). I'm the guy who lost his job
I'm sorry to hear that. This just isn't a country where you can catch a break anymore.
I too live somewhat close to sq1, also hope second user gets a new job quick
Thank you :( Shit sucks because I put in my everything and still have to come home with my head down to someone sick and who I love.
Oh well. We Square One/Mississauga folks should grab a bite sometime desu.
Tbh your best bet is applying to home hardware stores before spring
any newfoundland anons? i hate this place.
any calgary anons? the torontofags should be going to sleep soon
i live in goderich on theres nothing to fucking do here ree
can't wait to finish school at Edmonton and move back to Calgary. Then I can probably hang myself because I can't find a job.
Ottawa user
Luckily I'm not in NEET status rn. I've been learning mandarin for about a year now, which I hope is helpful with getting jobs, if not here, then in China. I don't really consider a future in Toronto and am planning on either getting a netsec job in China or UK (citizen through birth).
>learning mandarin
spend time reading this, its worthwhile
from Toronto and came to Ottawa for University becauss it was the only University that gave me a internship every year. Got kicked out of the internship program because I dropped all my courses last semester to watch anime and masturbate to lolicon. Have to go through another 4 e
years to finish this engineering degree in this shitty city
i want to fuck a fembot in toronto
grey county up in here
>sports in r9k
fuck off pls
canadians don't like talking to eachother these threads never work
Where are my fellow Edmontonians?
Hello fellow Canadians
I don't know what to do with my life.
how is west edmonton mall? did it turn into a shithole? its been ~8 years since I last went there
honestly I hate britain
What do you guys think about our dear leader, Justin Trudeau?
Every second person I see there is a chink or a towelhead. And not a single one of the workers there is white they all speak Tagalog and if they are white they're usually mentally ill so you know they'll get along with other low IQs
a hotel full of rapeugees acting like animals and stealing shit
this country is hitting the shitter and I'm not sure what can fix it or if any politician will manage to repair all the damages done by the liberal party and the cuckservatives
this country is worthless user theres no point in even really staying here
if you can leave
leave this shit hole and never come back
Where you guys at in Ottawa, Kanata here.
New Brunswick here.
I made some tomato soup today.
walking down emerald meadows
Moved to quebec recently and hating it :)
Lived in Quebec for my whole life and hating it
more specifically grassy plains. not now, though. Glad weed is legal
lived in the country that considers quebec one of their own and hating it
were you polished?
Anybody in GTA? I want to have a Boomer themed party, who's in?
I used to live there. What's ur first name start with? I might know you. N here.
anyone else stuck in northern ontario ? maybe wanna add eachother on discord?
I'm so fucking bored here lmao
whats your discord user originally
you won't know me, this was a decade and a half ago. I'm 10,000km away now. I used to walk up and down those powerlines though near bridlewood.
sudbury, thunder bay?
i wonder if anyone i grew up ended up an autistic loser neet browsing r9k surprised there aren't many bots in sudbury
GTA fags get in this discord
sudbury yes but i live in espanola now
discord dot gg/UeyZj woops forgot the link
Who else /newf/
Corner Brook here. I love it here
oh my god user i love this
thank you lmao
i haven't heard of YTV in years
brings back a lot of memories
i grew up with ytv. Wonder if its still on.
Naruto and bleach came on that channel at like 12am or something.
i grew up with it too
i miss bleach more then naruto though
do you remember teletoon at night?
Do you remember snit
yes i do lmao
shitpost these fuckin NUTS
lets talk about weird shit on TV that only canadian children were traumatized by zoomer needs not apply
Oar rig anal
Don't you put it in your mouth
Fuck the raps, fuck the leafs, fuck the entire city of toronto.