Where my drunkards at? I'm about a pint of rum deep, just starting to get a good buzz. Living the wagecuck life, and drinking to excess every night, isn't it great?
Alcoholism General
no drinking for me tonight, i have to go to my wagecage for 10 hours tomorrow
YEEYEE, let's get it my man, they might say I have a drinking problem, I say they have a drinking insufficiency.
topkek, are you 17 years old or something? did you get that from a facebook meme?
shud dup faggot. .. i'll smash ya!
Ive been drunk drinking high % liquor for 7 days now. Im on so crazy withdrawl symthtoms right now, I dont know if I will wake up once my hallucinations lets me fall asleep. Its probably alcohl poinoning in the worst degree
Fuck off nigger, I haven't used facebook since 2013.
Hallucinations suck, alcohol seems like such an easy drug until you really get into it. I feel you user, sending prayers.
We just had a good old fashioned al/ck/ thread on ck.... lasted 12 hours...
>Roastie muzzie slut mod starts shift
Deleted... reeeeeeeee
I have hallucinations and I think I "forget" breathing for like 10 seconds whenever Im close to fall asleep. Ive I drunk some beer on my empty stomach I started to feel better, now Im all out of beer and Ive been wondering for hours if I should drink a little vodka to feel good again? But then I truly wouldnt be able to sober up. So I guess you could say Im having a bad day
That's fuckin gay, I used to go on 420chan for this shit back in the day, but that site's been dead for like 4 years.
Sorry bud, I know how it goes. If you need another drink have some vodka, but sometimes toughing it out is the best option.
Ya... when corporate islam took ck and deleted all alcs, people kept saying 420. But i could never find an active thread
Can you really stop drinking whenever you want?
Why haven't you?
I can't I'll have seizures
Yep... just cant stop taking it back up again.... filthy jew
Muslim women are worse than indian men
my liver feels like it's going to explode already from the drinking i've done the past 2 months. the half a liter of whiskey i have left i'm going to have to milk to curb withdrawals.
Im with you brother. I know how you feel
how long can you drink a 3 liters of vodka every week before you have to get a liver transplant?
that's a good question, i probably drink more
Depends on genetics, diet, mental health, physical health, spiritual health... do you drink water... etc
I got drunk for the first time last weekend and made a thread and I want to do it again this weekend but I don't know if that's what my friends are planning on doing and i dont really want to start solo drinking
Yeah man avoid solo drinking.... thats where it starts
I could buy some and just bring it to them as a surprise. But we do tabletop games and I don't want to start ruining that and turning our weekly hangouts into drinking parties or whatever. I guess I just have to wait until they want to again. It's kind of funny because they were trying to convince me to get drunk for the longest fucking time and I always said no because I know my personality and I somehow knew I would like it and that it had the potential to become bad. This might be the beginning of the end even.
an entire day of calories
172 days sober here. It's not worth it anons. If anything, being sober so long has reminded me what a pathetic loser I am. I read soberity reddits from time to time, and while inspirational at times, most are filled with normie shit.
172 days sober and I'm miserable.
i try avoiding it because i want to lose weight but the longer i go, the clearer my mind and the more depressed i get
Forgetting to breath right as I am falling to sleep too. It is a terrifying feeling.