So what's her name and why haven't you asked her out yet?
So what's her name and why haven't you asked her out yet?
>So what's her name and why haven't you asked her out yet?
Jonah, haven't had the opportune moment yet
Kailey, A whole list of reasons. Shes older than me, shes a country away, Im not smart enough for her and to top it all off I cant shake the feeling that Im just a stepping stone in her life. Someone to keep her busy until the person shes actually waiting for comes into her life.
>assuming there is somebody
I don't know any women within 20 years of my age on either side or within a thousand-mile radius of me.
I did ask her out and she told me she had no desire for any feelings or a relationship.
But at the same time she has at least three guys that she has sent nudes to, because I'm friends with them and they've shown me the convos.
Karen, I'm scared she's either gonna call the manager or take the kids away
>But at the same time she has at least three guys that she has sent nudes to,
>So what's her name
Not posting it here, there's a (fairly small but still existant) chance she'll see it. I wouldn't be too surprised if she browsed this board and even less surprised if she browsed crystal cafe.
>why haven't you asked her out yet?
I barely talk to her, so I don't know her that well. She's still the only girl I ever speak to, though.
And they showed you her nudes? Oh...oh god...
>Having feelings for a thot that sends nudes, let alone one who sends them to multiple men outside of a relationship.
You're better than this. End all feelings for her, and stop wasting your time on her. You deserve better.
>they've shown me the convos.
well i mean at least you got that going for you
They don't know how I feel about her and they're all gigachads. Usually we get drunk and laugh about all the super desperate girls that message them but it was hard to swallow them tears that night.
>she told me she had no desire for any feelings or a relationship
>"I have no desire for any feelings or a relationship..."
>What about these nudes tho
>"...with you. You didn't let me finish! I have no desire for any feelings or a relationship...with YOU."
Can't blame her for that one. If I was even half as cool as my friends I probably would have had a shot.
One named grace, the entire school has her nudes and I would never hear the end of it, other, fran, has a boyfriend
true, they are all more mentally fucked than me.
Anusha. She's a pajeeta but she's so damned cute.
I nicknamed her Bread and got her phone number. She has a kid.
Also I work with her so yeah not a good idea.
The closest thing that would qualify for is that there's a cute girl working in the produce aisel at wal mart, but i'll never say anything to her because i dont want to be "that guy"
we're only going to be in contact for 5 more months, max
after that we go our separate ways, so there's really no point in trying something
i have no regrets. just sadness that will disappear.
Cant tell you her name, but she moved away. I had also overheard that she wasnt interested in friends. Would never really work out. Oh well.
You live in Kamchatka or something?
You have five months man. It might not last but why deny yourself five months of something that might be great?
Her name is Gwen Stacy. I havent because she doesnt exist unfortunately .
But I did.
Since then (months ago) we had long walks together, romantic dinner, we went to the movies, we had sex plenty of time and she even fell to sleep on my shoulder.
Did I mention she has a bf? I didn't know when I asked her out the first time.
Since then I also feel horrible.
This thing is going to kill me and I don't know who is the worst human scum between us. I only know that I love her.
>5 more months
make your time worth while, pleya!
go talk to her
Abigayle. She's out of my league. She's pretty nice but i'm afraid she'll say no because it will be awkward because she's in one if my class and i know i can't take the rejection with balls. She's graduating though so i guess i'll meet new one, but i really would like to ask her out, i'm just too afraid.
Appreciate the responses, Anons
I might go for it, but I think she feels the same way. We've sort of talked about this before. She's got this sense of pragmatism about her where I think she doesn't care enough about me to pursue a relationship, and if she did care enough that still wouldn't stop her from cutting things short because she doesn't want to get too involved in a short period of time. I think she wants the five months to be up ASAP, which is really disheartening to hear because I like what we do and am not eager to get out.
I think that I was cursed by someone I know to be doomed romantically for all my days, but that's another story. Blog over
Just take all the emotional investment you've built up out of it, user.
Don't put all your hopes and dreams on her saying yes.
Tell her that you really like her and would feel like a total idiot for not asking and if she says no, just say there's no hard feelings. Even if there are.
You can't help how you feel but you're better off knowing if there's something there than just hoping for someone else to come along.
You'll never learn to cope with rejection if you never try.
I did, got a date tomorrow but I'll invariably fuck it up just like the others
>what's her name
>why haven't you asked her her out yet
I was close becoming really good friends with her. She acutally started to text me first. But then a retard of a friend posted on his snapchat story of me ranking the girls in my school. She was number one of course. She saw it and it never has been the same. We rarely talk and she used to take no time to respond nows she takes 4 hours. I cant stand this friend anymore.
(Had to repost because cant type)
Chad, feminine cock too big
lets 4 a ride
wow, what a prick
snapchat is the devil's app
Chloe. A friend of hers told me that she found me repulsive and was trying to avoid me at all costs.
>What's her name
>Why haven't you asked her out yet
Kinda a long story since there was a lot that went on before this, but was planning on asking her out last Saturday. Checked Insta, and she's had a bf for 2 months. I feel like shit now. I'm trying to improve myself so hopefully if it doesn't work out between them two I can be a better person and maybe she'll be more interested. I know she was before but I kinda fucked it up by bitching out and not acting on it.
because she's a lesbian orighbj
She doesn't have a name and she doesn't exist either
Theoretically I have but I'm pretty sure she sees it as a friendly thing. No romantic attachment. I asked her to see a movie with me (we'd previously seen Boy Erased which she liked and teared up at and I was lukewarm on) but we kept pushing it back because Christmas Season was kicking our asses at work. Now, I gotta talk to her because it's kind of a miracle the movie's stayed as long as it has. She hasn't forgotten, or hoped I'd forget, since every time we're together she asks "So, you haven't seen Green Book yet, right?"
I don't know if she's just really flirty with everyone and I never had a chance, but I've picked up some VIBES from this girl. I could be reading it wrong, but until such time as I'm proved wrong I'm gonna act like I'm right.
I think I gave you some advice in a previous thread. Keep fighting the good fight user.
As gay as it sounds, everything between us is online and vague. She will drop hints now and then but if I push further with hints if my own she backs off a bit. We've been friends for literal years (since our early teens) and is one of the only people I have left in my life who I can actually talk to and enjoys my presence, so I can't particularly take the risk. Not to mention she is nearly halfway across the world. I just want to meet with her and finally be happy.
Yea you probably did, thanks. I've been trying to quit some of my addictions like cigarettes and porn. I haven't drank soda at all since the start of the year too, and I've been exercising on schedule every other day so far at home, until I can get another gym membership.
Biggest problem right now is porn, especially after smoking weed it's hard to stop from relapsing. Thankfully I was able to bring myself to delete my entire collection, bookmarks and browsing history. Next I'm gonna try to use a program to block porn sites and the nsfw Jow Forums boards.
Courtney. I don't even know her. She sat in my French class. Cutest gril there.