Ask me anything and I will respond until im tired or responding.
Am I a normie R9K?
are you tired my friend?
Should I go to this party tommorow?
It'd have to take a cheap train and sleep on a friend's floor
no I am not friend
If you think you would have a good time then go
thats nice get rest when you can though and drink water its good
How much have you spent on degenerate shit (anything from anime figures to escorts)?
thanks for caring about the health friend
I don't own any anime figures nor have I bought any escorts. I have 135 games in my steam library, a lot of posters to sci-fi movies.
how do you feel about your life right now?
I can visualize myself ever finding love. Although, I am not suicidal, I dont see the point in living in this world if im going to be alone working a job every single day just to come home to isolate myself and try to seek happiness from vidya. My life is a mess but its ok i guess.
Ever flirted/ been in a relationship? If so how'd it go fren?
never been in a relationship, girls dont like me
Damn, how much did you spend on steam in total? Verdict: probably not a normie xd
Also, if I'm totally honest, anime figures have helped me with that sort of emptiness, if I understand what sort of emotions you're feeling. I like them a lot, not sure if they do much for anyone else, but it gives me reason to go on, for some reason
Playing and listening to music is the reason i go on but i feel like life should have more in store for us, but i guess life isnt fair.
I feel you there, bro. Good thing that your hobby is cheaper, lmao
In the last few months, I spent 600usd on DVDs, a new daki cover and a bunch of doujins.
Do you have a gf or bf?
Are you mentally ill in any way
not a question but you are retarted op
Do you like Pineapple Pizza - And if so, is it sort of like a thing where you have to be feeling very frisky/experimental mood to order it?
Thoughts on marvel movies? God? Free will? Purpose of your life?
I make 80k a year. Is that good money? bad money? I travel a lot and it's basically IT shit. Is it enough that it would impress women to mention? I feel like a king when I'm in the deep south for work, but if i go home northeast I'm the poorest family member. Should I be content or should I work at getting a much harder job for at best 20k more?
You are. Compounded by the image you picked.