Yeah its time for a woman hate thread
Yeah its time for a woman hate thread
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He is the one that is a degenerate and cheated.
>Cheating once entitles you to half your partners fortune
If the roles were reversed you would never stand for this roastie. Now tits or gtfo
Her right now
It's not that he's a degenerate it's that he's a fucking moron. He knew going into the marriage that this could happen and he was too stupid to cheat intelligently (or just not cheat). I have no sympathy at all.
>The world's richest woman will have done nothing to earn it
Great propaganda material
Richest woman in the world got there because she stole all of her shit from a man, fuuuuuckin figures.
Our courts/law systems/societies at large need to stop treating women like children. Most of them seem to be flesh eating harpies, more than capable of defending themselves in this world.
This. It's really stupid that his wife got a ton of money for doing nothing, but cheating is messed up, regardless of the gender of the cheater. Also, he should have known better to cheat, since he had so much to lose in the event of a divorce.
>worlds richest women became so by getting married and then divorced
Fucking incredible
>He knew going into the marriage that this could happen
Yeah, now he'll only have 70 billion dollars! What an idiot , he fell for the (((marriage)) scheme!
This. Feminists are perfectly content to leave in place the institutions that coddle women this way though because they produce female privilege. Essentially proves that feminists arent egalitarians, theyre female supremacists
anyone who cheats deserves to die. this is weak compared to what cheaters deserve.
Gonna be a yikes from me, roastie. Its obvious Chad burned you to get with a nicer hole, but dont take it out on me
> I have no sympathy at all
> at all
that's funny as fuck, that faggot Bezos is a monster and now his dumb wife is richer than any other woman which is also v funny. Total whitepill
>the fucking retards that were defending this the other day because "it wont get split down the middle, it's not the 1950's"
Stop idolizing the rich. They don't give a fuck about you or anyone you know. You could all die tomorrow and none of these rich people would even bat an eye.
weren't the worlds richest women mostly heiresses and hereditary royalty and divorcees already?
not many self made women in the highest tiers
forgot widows, to cover all my bases
>"it's not the 1950s"
Yeah not for women. women be like pic related
I can only think of Oprah.
lol >thinking that women come on Jow Forums
>It's not that he's a degenerate it's that he's a fucking moron.
I have trouble believing that the same man who scammed half the cities in the US to give up all of their city building plans, is going to lose 70 billion in divorce.
My gut tells me this is some kind of ploy, perhaps a tax evasion scheme of some sort.
Agreed. I'm all for calling woman gold digging whores, but cheating is inexcusable, she deserves 90% for that.
JK Rowling too.
>has literally done nothing
>is now separated from the brains behind her cash
>is now oil shiek tier
Just spend 70b killing your wife.
You that isn't an official source, right? I still doubt it'll be split 50/50
Imagine actually thinking someone who graduated from Princeton with highest honors did >literally nothing.
She worked with Bezos every step of the way to found Amazon.
For that kind of money, he could lobby Congress to change the divorce laws.
He should be executed for cheating, but let's not pretend the divorce laws are just either.
>Stop idolizing the rich. They don't give a fuck about you or anyone you know. You could all die tomorrow and none of these rich people would even bat an eye.
You know, he could pay her 70 billion in divorce... or he could pay 1 billion to have her professionally disappeared.
I'm pretty sure for a billion dollars, you could get someone drugged and thrown into the bottom of the ocean or something.
>electing to study at a university becuse you want to
>probably didn't have to work or do anything because she's upper middle class/woman
>"worked with" husband who did the majority of the work and laid the foundation
ok roast
I don't like Jeff Bezos, he deserves execution so he should count himself lucky that splitting his wealth in half is all he gets.
>robots call women cheating whores who can't be trusted
>billionaire cheats on his wife
>breaks up their family
>somehow it's the woman's fault.
I mean losing 70 bill isn't that bad when you still have that much
She doesn't deserve any money though that's the thing lol divorce laws are retarded
this isnt real its a psyop to train women to be thots
he'll starve with only 70 billion
Why would I blame her? It's not her fault this guy is a fucking idiot.
He bet 70 billion dollars that he could get away with fucking a bitch, that's his own problem.
>implying the rich aren't the biggest degenerates on the planet.
She worked at a hedge fund, faggot. She made more in her first job than you'll make at any job, ever.
What's wrong with this? Why hate women over it?
You are fucking retarded, OP. All you're doing is giving proof and fuel to the normies who think that incels are stupid misogynists.
Divorce laws are an aspect of the oppressive gynocentric regime
Fucked her so hard she can never work for herself again. Wtf Jeff
this. no sympathy for adulterers.
she really shouldn't get given more money than the entire yearly budget of chile just for that. the state should take $69 billion and spend it on shit that actually matters.
the fact that bezos made the money in the first place, without breaking the law and in a way that provided jobs goods and services, gives him some ability and moral right to manage it properly. she doesn't have any of that history and the economic decisions she makes have the potential to completely fuck things up on a global scale.
Kek. Go back to North Korea, you turbo commie.
no get fucked, i don't want to confiscate SHIT from bezos himself, but his wife doesn't deserve any of his money and it's perfectly okay to take her whoring wages away from her
Not gonna lie, MacKenzie is pretty hot and I honestly would prefer her over whoever that chick is on the right.
Damn it, Jeff, you fucking played yourself.
wonder if the the richest man in the world cries
Most of Jeff's money is in Amazon stock.
The CIA is a big investor. She can't liquidate much of what she'll get without catching a glowing train upside the head like St. Terry did.
So what? Doesn't mean she deserves to be a multimillionaire for having a hole.
As an attorney, you probably wouldn't even have to do that, just hire the smartest and brightest attorneys to overturn the judge-made common law rule. It would be easy for a sympathetic judge, but it would likely go to the Supreme Court.
Next time Wendy's asks "Where's the Beef" just point them them to this thread.
she obviously also cheated. he's just the one who got caught
haha bro fuck this guy I hope she gets all his fucking money. Fuck amazon they patented a fucking cage for workers. They pay a shit salary most other warehouse jobs you get 12 15 an hour starting. You are risking your back
kill yourselves you fucking roasties, this is a womwn hater board