What is your religion, r9k?
What is your religion, r9k?
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Non affiliated, although the concept of god is interesting to me.
I am an atheist by belief, but if I was to claim belief in anything it would be like animism or pantheism or omnitheism or some shit. all the gods exist so fuck yahweh and fuck a bunch of the other ones. let me worship some weirdo like Nyx.
I larp as orthodox christian online but irl I'm too shy to go to a church.
The Great Sloth in the Sky
Christianity and an African spirituality known as Ifa, Yoruba, Santeria, Candomble, voudon, or voodoo
Agnostic although id love to believe in god, not believing in an afterlife is what scares me the most but no matter how hard i try i can't.
Agnostic, I'll wait until I'm dead to know if god or an afterlife exists. That is unless god himself comes down and says 'hey' or something
Amish. I have sworn off modern technology including the internet.
based as well as redpiIIed
Polytheism is the only thing that makes some sense as a religious theory. BASED Chronos and Aether.
Pagan, and the belief that the gods are flesh and blood beings. Paganism is the true Gentile religion, it is a disgrace to your ancestors to adopt the enemies religion of enslavement.
agnostic, but sympathise with Christendom
dont be a faggot user....worship the p.u.s.s.y
also I hate atheists. a lot of them are childish, ignorant, and overly aggressive towards the concept of religion.
Agnostic - I can't help but feel religion nowadays is less about believing in a higher power, and more about ascribing to be a certain 'type' of person.
Sex and not giving a fuck unless I get it.
cock is way better
Kekism is be mine religions
Why or how are you here if you gave up the internet?
*sigh* Christianity
I am a Roman Catholic, the perfect religion for robots because you only have to worry about being right with God and not with the world that made you >5'11
Atheist/agnostic. I grew up in a hyper-religious Southern Christian home, went to church every Sunday, and went to Christian school preschool through graduation. I never want anything to do with religion again.
Islam. but I'm not a closed minded person
In fact gnosticism is what I would be into if I wasnt in islam
There are many things I agree on with gnostics and even agnostics to a degree
Spiritualist mostly but I lean towards agnostic with most things. I just believe there's a "god" in the sense that we're all made up of atoms and energy can't be created or destroyed, etc. so there's at least some kind of essence that connects all of us.
Organized religion is complete horseshit though. I don't know how anyone can believe the Bible when it's been translated, "revised" (meaning a bunch of shit was added or taken out), and then translated again, wash, rinse, repeat and believe that's "the word of God". Yeah, no margin for error whatsoever there. Not like a bunch of asshole kings and scribes just altered text to suit their own self-interests. No way that ever happened.
I have none. I was interested for a while but I kind of got bored of the idea.
A serious and curious question.
What is your opinion on Wahhabism being the stereotypical image western news use to paint the Islam faith in a bad light?
but thats heresy, user!
I used to get bothered by it when I was younger. It doesn't bother me that much anymore
Wahhabism and all other sects, whether self proclaimed or not, are not what islam is about
There were no Suffis, Salafis, Wahhabis, Shias when Islam started. There were just Muslims
There was an article that came out a while back that the Prophet (pbuh) was close to sufism, but I'm not sure how valid it is
Heathen, but also an Omnist
I'm also an Omnist
I've had religious experiences on LSD, I like hinduism but wouldn't call myself hindu.
Used to be christian, then started thinking for myself and now i'm atheist, but not completely nihilistic. I just think there's "entities" present in aspects of reality. They are not necessarily gods, they are similar in their intangibility and application to daily life but cannot be visually represented or worshipped for good fortune or whatever. They are chance (luck, random events, karma, likelihoods, etc), constants (things that will always remain true/will never change), and limitations (whether it be the unending decimals of pi, or the speed of light). And when we die, we are left uncertain of our fate. We cannot know of the realm beyond death. That is limitation doing its part, our knowledge of self placement in postmortem is never to be fully understood and we are just to accept it and form our own concepts.
Do you actually know what that is or do you believe it because it sounds like "aryan"?
Cute Girl Asshole
I want to fuck christ chan so hard
Hermetic and Gnostic