Is this a dog
Is this a dog
no you fucking retard that is a cat
what the fuck is wrong with you? kill yourself
no that's a chip
no, it's a picture
Are you sure? I've never seen a cat before.
I believe it is, it's a classic example of a Egyptian short faced dog
ur a dog
Its a libtard, get him.
That is the opposite of a dog
It's an intellectual.
Dumbass, opposite of dog is crearly Lobster
Dog is on land, Lobster in water, Lobster has pincers, dog does not, therefore opposite
Trust me I'm a doctor
If this was the opposite of dog, who was ADJACENT ?
Is this an original Dog?
That is a catdog, very rare
In away user, yes. You see we call it a cat. But cats are really just autistic dogs. Same way women are really just autistic wombats. - now you know.
That is Jesus Christ
The more I look at it the more doglike it appears. You may be onto something op
That's because dogs and cats are obviously the same people, one just looks funny
No, this is not how you start the next hot meme.
BASED cat posting
Hey guys i thuoght this was really funny so i made a demotivational poster based on it, i hope you like it!
it's literally a chip.
yes you fucking idiotg
technically, yes it is.
>Is this a dog
ur a dog
You guys have been lied to thru out all of your life, that animal is not a cat or a dog, it is a schwutanzerheim an animal created by alien scientists back during 3250 B.C it was used for collecting data from this planet to send back to something even greater than what we know.
I thought that's what owls were for
he looks like a regal king, look at that strong mouth and thicc whisker. damn that thing could tear you to shreds
Owls are just a decoy for the real thing.
Tell us more about the Schwutanzerheims
Is this my life
Thank you for this, like unironically
Ive had a rough week but seeing this put a dumb grin on my face, I love it
so its god?
You will have to get in contact with the aliens thru the power of the mind, trust me its possible.
No. This is chip the cat who is very very smart when compared to other cats.