What terrible experiences have you had on discord? What users specifically have harassed or affected you? Are there any good people on discord?
Discord horror stories
anyone who uses discord is a fucking faggot. no exceptions.
I added some autist from here, now I can't log in that account anymore
>Are there any good people on discord?
Only the people who use it exclusively for the dms. Servers are cancer.
Maybe you shouldn't have given him your password.
Nothing, I just use it like Skype.
i remember getting constantly guilt tripped into donating by oldfags of the Tsuki Project on their defunct discord server.
in the end, i never donated but that's when i started to believe the rumors that the project was all just a scam.
a lot of obsessive and boring people. a few people are on there for their own enjoyment and are chill to be around though, but they are rare.
All I gotta say to that question is my friend is one of a kind and a special breed. I feel blessed to be his friend t b h
where do you get your users?
have you posted invites on Jow Forums as well?
the only horror story of me using discord is that i've had it for on my phone for a year and i still don't have any friends.
i was in a server with gunjy
nuff said
Not a horror story. Just incredibly embarrassing.
>join a server
>there's some traps there, but it's not a trap server
>start talking to a trap
>she's cool
>she tells me she's dating a guy in the server
>start talking to the guy
>he's cool
>time goes on of talking to them
>trap starts flirting with me
>ignore the advances because I'm friends with her bf and that's not cool
>she starts sending me nudes
>straight up tell her nah
>she says she thinks her bf is cheating on her with another trap
>talk to guy about it
>he heavily implies he is cheating
>say fuck it and start talking dirty to the trap
>it's going fine
>in voice chat with the bf
>he says, "so why are you sexting my gf?"
>ask the trap if she's been telling him about us talking
>she immediately screenshots the conversation (on Snapchat)
>guy tells me that they planned this from the start to fuck with me
>they start calling me a piece of shit and stuff
>they say they're going to post the dirty messages into the main text channel
>actually able to talk them down
>tell them I didn't do anything until after the trap said the guy was cheating
>they both admit they went too far there and that it was fair that I didn't do anything until that was said
>they say they aren't going to post the chats
>I leave the server anyway
And that's what I get for talking to a trap.
The End.
traps are an absolute no-go zone, you have learnt your lesson.
I met this person that asked people to add him in the OP, saying he was lonely.
So I did, we get to talking and he is so autistic, makes no effort to converse unless I initiate the dialogue or ask questions.
I informed him I was deleting him with that reason then he sperged out afterward trying to paint me in the wrong.
Never again will I add an anime girl avatar using person again, holy fuck.. I recommend everybody
do the same and not add people from here no matter how alone you are.
I have.
I guess we gotta learn the hard way sometimes.
Agreed 100%, I'm totally gay
I spammed my buddies discord full of loli porn the other day while he was offline. Made everyone lose their fucking mind. Was a 10/10 experience and would do it again.
I'm bi, and had never really spoken to a trap before. First impressions.
theres some decent people on discord but they're a rare breed
no I mean I'm the guy replying to himself and I'm fucking gay
my gf of three years is a trap but i met her off IRC
How is it, user? Only traps I know are seriously fucked in the head.
wow, what a pair of faggots
The people I've met off r9k have been pretty good desu.
Similar experience here, but we met somewhere else. In their mind they're probably painting you as "boring" because you gave up after a thousand attempts.
That was the first time I ever talked about the experience because it was so embarrassing to me lmao
All r9k discords have been horrible. You have people who pretend, who fish out information about you, who are jealous, who fall in love in a day. Had traps hitting on me and then being butt blasted when I say i'm straight, as if they somehow fall into that category.
Then you have manipulative camwhores that instantly flaunt themselves when you join their server and God forbid you have the audacity to ignore them or to not respond to them. They instantly raise the whole hell and have her beta orbiters shit on you.
Other discord servers are usually quite bland and boring. It's that specific upbeat kind of environment that feels either very fake or underage, filled with 15-17 year olds that meme talk 24/7.
I've met some good anons on /vg/ threads and we used to play games, and another user on Jow Forums that I talked with quite a bit
I like discord as an idea, app and platform, but hate the communities it contains.
Lmfaooooo you gotta take it easy they're retarded
You'll basically have to teach them how to start conversation and engage
And also individual users. That's another bad thing here. You have people that say they're bored and want friends, and you get one of a few outcomes. Examples :
1)They say they want friends, but block you when you say you're male
2)They say they want friends, add you, they know you have nothing in common, respond with single words no matter how hard you try and if you tell them you're leaving because they're not interested they sperg out. If you stay out of pity, they go back into their hole where they do not talk ,do not contribute, do not start conversations.
3)memetics that frog post rp, scream, lewd post and other shit in the first hour or fall in love in under a day and plan out our relationship and life together.
its nothing to be embarrassed about.
they were assholes, tricking you and then trying to shift the blame on you.
you know, the last guy to use a madotsuki avi while replying to himself ended up going to jail for bombing shit
They were assholes, you're right. But it's embarrassing because I was thinking with my dick and almost got in trouble for it.
but i'm not replying to myself and nor am i Muslim, user
Talked to a cute girl on there from a dating app, thought things were going well but she hasn't logged on in a week, I wonder if I'm repugnant or if she's genuinely busy.
Just when I think I found the right one, nope, can't have that either. Wanting companionship is the source of most of my misery.
now that i think about it, you could have just told him right away when he started sending nudes that he is cheating on him but eh, we all make mistakes.
at least they did recognize their fault and didn't post your DMs.
Added a girl from soc, she sends nudes and have cybersex with me
Feels good man
These are 1 to 1 my experiences as well
how were things between the two of you before she logged off?
she probably does the same thing with 5 more, friend.
he was jewish, though
I don't care, I've received nudes from more girls too
Oh, so this is one of those threads where a tripfag pretends to be important, avatarfags and dishes out "advice". Lovely.
What? But posting the chats would have made the guy look like a cuck.
>started an emo/scene girl thread on /b/
>guy posts in the thread and says he wants to add me on discord so he can jerk off to scene girl pics with me
>post my deets
>he adds me
>send him pics of the scene girls
>he says he wants to dress me up like a scene girl and fuck me
>kinda get into it
>go along with it
>he eventually cums
>unfriends and blocks me right after
I felt like such a whore.
this "may"* not have happened
True, but it would also make me look like an asshole. I don't like looking like an asshole.
Traps aren't she also first mistake is flirting with someone who is mentally ill.
What's your discord though? I'm into emo girls a lot
Are you going to use me like a whore too?
Are you a girl (female) though?
Originally origigi
Being an asshole is still better than being a cuck. The guy's plan was retarded.
I think it's pretty obvious that I'm not.
I was talking to this girl, I met her from another discord chat that we got along well in.
Talked for a few months about stuff every now and then and eventually the topic came up, as it does, about how we look.
We had talked about all kinds of stuff, she told me on more than one occasion she hates sharing pics because she wants to get to know a person first to see if she likes them and she's not shallow, etc. etc.
Then the moment she found out I was under 6' tall she called me a manlet and blocked me.
did you have a stroke halfway into this
Any fembots looking for a cure e-bf? I promise I will be a good boy c:
Tired and not giving fucks when it pertains to sentence structure or grammar so what wanna fight
i'm originally Orthodox Christian
4) the BPD who lovebombs you for a month to a year, then flips a switch and tells you none of that was real and turns into 2)
>heh dance on my stwings dumm woachie
Well thats just rude, nobody should just straight up leave you-- whats your discord?
Don't leave me like all the other boys.
how do you use dms effectively in your experience? usually when i strike up a convo in the dms the other party is uninterested. much more success through vc
But there is nothing in it for YOU if you have to cradle a conversation like that, the point of speaking to others is some sort of reciprocity. You know what I mean?
This is common
ah yes. These types of people. Here's my story with them
>talk with a person
>dont even ask gender, just interact
>after a few weeks she tells me she's a girl
>cool, but try to not get too attached
>she keeps saying how good I am, how much she cares for me
>try to keep it cool
>one evening says she loves me and I mean the world to her
>okay, can't keep it together, we talk, but I try to not go to deep and lose my head
>a few weeks later she just disappears
>we used to voice and talk from morning till late evening every single day before that
>no signs of things going bad
>try to contact her and ask how she is for a few weeks, but realize she probably got tired and stop
>she appears again in a few months
>keeps saying how much she likes me and wanted to protect me
>"yeah right"
>don't fall for it this time, but still talk
>asks me whats wrong after a few weeks
>tell her I need some time and I can't just ping pong in and out and in into feelings
>"oh okay...like always i'm bad and ruin everything...like everything in life...i'm worthless..."
>tries to guilt trip me and says she will cut herself and other things
>try to talk her out of it
>says I don't love her anyways so why bother
>tell her I can't just force my feelings, but i'd be okay if we talked and I can spend the evening online, but she can't expect me to fall for her and that i'm not happy she's trying to force me into it
>write another message
>doesn't send because she blocked me
>removes me from everywhere
>never comes back
The one thing i'm happy about is that I did express my feelings to her, but didn't sperg out. And i'm extremely happy I was able to control myself when she came back and didn't look for her even once or tried to reach her after that. Maybe I should of tried harder or just pretended?
i lost my virginity to someone i met from an r9k discord. we dont talk anymore. do i regret it? kinda lol, i did just wanted to lose it though.
Discord probably has the worst communities in any medium of social interaction, ever and unless you just use dms you'll probably always be stuck with or around the worst possible people. Discord makes Jow Forums look welcoming
roastie roastie vile and toasty get out of here!!!
Gay encounter?
Straight encounter?
Greentext it.
Discord dilutes and makes every single community soulless. It's unwelcoming in the fact that people will just ignore you and that's about it.
Discord is amazing for DMs or small servers of your own closest friends that you play with, chat, do stuff together. And it's also good for actual hobbies, such as electronics, coding, creative outlets and so on. But the ones that just say "make friends here" "dating here" "we like anime and games! xD
im not a femoid i have been told i have a feminine (read: sissy faggot) way of typing though
im straight and its not that deep
>join r9k discord server circa 2017
>find out theres a girl in the server in my area
>she asks to hang out
>shes a virgin because shes 16but hey its legal where im from bing bing wahoo
>she sucks my dingaling
>i freak her vag
>she leaves the server
>we never talk again
this transpired over the course of a few weeks. i was pretty desperate to lose my virginity and this was the best i was gonna get. admittedly i regret it but it doesnt really matter a whole lot now.
Calm down, Chad. Leave some roasties for the rest of us.
This Could Be You!TM just find a girl thats as desperate as you are to lose your virginity
i don't really have any horror stories, things usually ended before they could become genuinely traumatizing
but i do have the typical "things just don't usually work out" shit one way or the other
>place is already a circlejerk and can't really include myself
>it's a new server and it usually dies very quickly
>it's a new server but it becomes orbit central once someone makes it clear they're a trap or a girl
>things actually go okay for a week before i do something stupid that gets me socially shunned and i leave
>things actually go okay for a week before i do something stupid that makes me feel like i shouldn't be there anymore
>add another user but i'm terrible at messaging one-on-one so we just remove eachother and move on
>add another user but they're incredibly more put together than i am so i don't really feel any sort of connection to them
etc etc etc etc
if nothing else i will admit most of the time the problems are my fault for not being interesting enough or for being an autist
I live in California. I think things are different in Japland.
There's no old people on this so why bother?
At least yours ended up liking you again, mine just did 2) until I gave up.
16s not the goal any hole is the goal so long as it belongs on a female (female). youre not gAy are you user?
How old? 43 here.
Uh, well, I'm bi. So like half straight?
>16s not the goal any hole is the goal
shut the fuck up, faggot
Everyone seems to be in their teens or very early 20s.
yeah have fun rotting in hell, sinner! cant believe youd wanna freak a hole that doo doo comes out of
woah slow down there. you seem a bit stressed, something got you down buddy? sex lowers your blood pressure, you should try it some time.
I guess I'm too old to live. That was embarrassing. Sorry.
26, you're fine champ.
Yeah, 29 is an outlier, so 43 is a little out there.
I'm 28. I wish I could find a friend. I try my hardest to make conversation and its like I'm just talking to walls.
I have a feeling she ended up "liking "at least a few other guys at the same time.
32 here. I just can't post in servers for some reason, seeing all of those people in one chat typing and posting at 100+ WPM speeds is just so foreign and uncomfy to me.
Still feels like I'm a social retard compared to these butterflies.
I found one femanon, 30, cute, quite introverted but lived on the other side of the pond. She eventually flaked me on though.
>guy in his 20s calling people young
fuck off
I'll talk to you if you want, buddy.
This, I hate those servers that are fast as fuck and no one is really talking about anything.
you cant really find any crazy discord servers anymore.
2016/17 was the discord years for Jow Forums
>tfw almost 40 so I'm too old even for someone like that
What happened, did you plan to meet up?
Had my fair share of cringe, 'e-dated' some fags, just the usual. I would never do that now though.
I've never gotten into servers because they feel all cliquey and it's like you all need to compete to get attention. Really I've never gotten into the whole online community thing, you see people with their steam messages or discord or whatever, I'm just there.
We talked for a while about things, nothing too deep but deep enough to know she was a pretty introverted and cautious person with no IRL friends, (and a virgin if she's to be believed). Enjoyed talking to her about growing up in the 90s ("remember vhs tapes!") and future plans. And then one day she stops responding and fell off the few social media things she was on.
It kinda hurt.
Why do these always happen? Why do girls talk and then suddenly switch like this?
I have this paranoia where I avoid posting anything that could be considered personal information because I think that the people I know will be browsing too and call me out on it. Shit I don't even like posting the town I live in. Because of it I feel like I've avoided some of these shitty situations.
My not-gf told me that I just imagined that she liked me and ridiculed me for being so stupid that I could ever think that.