>want to live in China away from mainland America
>China is communist so America is all I got
Feels bad
Want to live in China away from mainland America
China is unironically natsoc at this point
bruh there is so much better alternatives, you dont want to live amongst literal vermin that let their fellows die in the streets.
just without blatant racism though, they just breed out minorities and force them into their culture
It is not so bad. I currently am in Guangzhou(a city in China)
China is mad max level capitalism. The USA is more socialist than China.
Have you tried the whorehouses there? I heard they line up dozens of teen girls for you to pick from.
Not really, all capitalists are loyal dogs of the party and they get rewarded handsomely for it, meanwhile the rest of society is strictly controlled, this is how it was in nazi germany.
China is capitalism af tho.
Plus you get a bunch of Chinese whores ready to suck foreign dick.
>be me
>be Chinese
>sent to English class because parents expect me to study hard and be doctor
>see this Irish ESL teacher
>manlet, bold, no fashion taste,skinny fat
>mfw I see his 8/10 qt3.14 gf who works as a model
>mfw I see ugly 4/10 Chinese teacher/translater eye fucking him and sucking up to him
We are all gonna make it in China/Asia as an ESL teacher.
lol buddy i doubt theres another major nation as racist as the chinese. no way actually.
they are not racist, just xenophobic in a pragmatic way. chinese men are marrying the fuck out of uighur girls while simultaneously putting uighur men in camps for being islamic separatists that they are.
Whorehouses in southern China are full of 40 year olds with STD.
The best whorehouses in China are the private clubs in Shanghai and other cities in Eastern China. In there you get 10/10 goddess and model-tier Russian chicks. Also Traps and dudes if you are interested in them.
they literally had an exhibition showing the similarities of niggers and apes. ive seen countless videos of white people getting insulted while walking around. its incredibly racist compared to western nations.
Yeah but you will still get laid in China as long as you are not Asian or pajeet.
they also literally pay for white people to sit at the business meetings doing nothing, pretending to be some foreign partner.
white people being insulted is just fear and jealousy most likely and it's normal. it's not racist, it's just xenophobic. segregation would be racism and they don't have that, chinese men are glad to marry minorities because there is a huge gender imbalance caused by one child policy, but the same policy didn't apply to minorities.
isn't there like a tianjin explosion every month
I like how the PRC tackles important issues like porn on weibo, and meanwhile the water's 40% cadmium and 60% gutter oil
>black walks by
bystander: man that was pretty racist of him. that guy did nothing he just walked the streets
user: actually its not racist, its normal and xenophobic
point is not wether this is ok or not, but in a western country that very behavior is labeled racist.
I mean it's the same shit as the baizuo, just flipped around. The consumption habits of the upper-middle class? National fucking emergency. Air you can't fucking breathe and infrastructure that gives you cancer? Ehh, whatever.
there are tons of russians and other whites living in china and they are fine, this is just a xenophobic incident. racism would be putting every single white guy in a ghetto regardless of his religious and political stance.
>The consumption habits of the upper-middle class?
can do something about it
>Air you can't fucking breathe and infrastructure that gives you cancer? Ehh, whatever.
can't do shit with that or there won't be upper-middle class anymore
ok i do agree. also shows that racism is basically extinct regardless of what tell you
if you are a foreigner who wants to make a significant investment in China's economic growth without going to the mainland then you should consider traveling to Gwadar.
Pakistan is a US ally and Gwadar provides the perfect opportunity for foreign investment.
Japan, Russia, and Qatar
biggest muslim population in europe
Qatar keep Filipinos in slave camps to work everyday.
>taking peoples' money and using it to make them miserable while they get cancer from making the money you're taking from them
Is China ancap?
ancap with chinese characteristics
No, it's a country run like a mafia. The entire Chinese government is one big organized crime gang.
>He thinks America also isn't this way
Nowhere near that level. In America you can still get thrown in jail even if you are a politician. In China the mafia government is judge, jury, executioner. When you are ranked high enough in the CNCP you are effectively above the law, and can also throw in jail anyone you don't like.
I was joking but damn I didn't know it was like that.
>english teachers
gross and pedo
that's how the mafia works xdddd
Jealous and copepilled.
lol just come on down to singapore. chinese people here are nice (at least i am ;))
I am going to have to ask you to elaborate my good sir.
elaborate on? idk as long as youre not a southeast asian or mainland chinese or south asian person the people here wont have a problem with you