Is there anything else I could eat outside of potatoes, chicken, rice and noodles?
Im just so hugry and I'm getting tired of eating the same shit everyday.
Is there anything else I could eat outside of potatoes, chicken, rice and noodles?
Im just so hugry and I'm getting tired of eating the same shit everyday.
You could eat this.
*unzips dick*
Just don't eat at all.
Why are you asking us cuck? Just because we're Jow Forums doesn't mean we're you're personal master
I don't.
A plate a day.
I don't even know how to cook.
Moms at work so she can't make anything.
Pretty please.
Vegetables? Just steam the broccoli in the microwave and throw some salt on it and you have a simple meal.
But that won't satisfy me.
no. try different sauces
Fuck chicken and noodles. Boring shit. Potatoes and rice are both versatile. Could eat it as mash or could use the mash as a coating, or just as chips (fries). Learn to cook rice in different ways. Try making pilau rice, or spicy rice, or lemon rice. Something different. Red meat is more interesting than chicken imho. Try making some stuff with minced meat which is cheap like chilli or spaghetti. Could also get some cheap cuts of steak from a quality butcher like rump steak. Get a cast iron pan and sear that cow on it. Try some exotic meats like venison or bison. They are normally cheaper than beef.
You dont need to be satisfied, you just need to survive. Satisfaction is for pussies.
Satisfied as in not full enough or don't like the taste?
If you aren't feeling full you should try to eat more fats like nuts, butter, oil. Fats naturally satiate your hunger better than just eating a bunch of carbs like noodles and rice and potato all day.
if you're poorfag like me I just buy cans of chef boyardee, mostly out of convenience but you can probably make more pasta for less if you buy the sauce and boxes of pasta and cook it yourself
Add garlic and other stuff.
I'll help you out user, I'm a professional chef
what kind of ingredients do you have and what kind of flavors and textures do you like?
>add flavored tuna
Spaghetti and noodles are the same thing.
Beans are great for poor people like you OP.
noodles can mean spaghetti but I was lead to believe it usually referred to soup noodles like ramen and shit like that
Eggs and rice and beans and bread are all common options
Vegetables? Beef?
You can make a spinach pie with eggs and cheese, it's pretty tasty.
Legumes, pasta, frozen veggies.
There are guides on the Internet on how to eat properly on a tight budget, look them up.
eat fucking fruits and vegetables, holy shit. try some spinach one in a while. a banana three times a week. you're fucking yourself up by only eating potatoes, chicken and rice. jesus christ.
Try cabbage, broccoli, pork, fish, zucchini, onions, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, or beef. Those things taste good.
His shit must be as hard as a rock.
I imagine him going through the pain of birthing every week.