When did you realize that your purpose should be destroying western civilization and western culture in all its forms?
When did you realize that your purpose should be destroying western civilization and western culture in all its forms?
Its not. I am powerless. My purpose is to wank.
when did you realize you're a weak amoral cuck?
Now why the hell would I want to go and do something like that?
when I was 13, but then when I was 18 I realized that my purpose was actually to teach society what I know so that we may all become happier
A weak person would just accept their circumstance and ostracization.
Are you starting to feel fear again normie?
>destroying western civilization and western culture in all its forms?
But the modern world is a result of straying from western culture, you brainlet. A return to tradition is the solution, and it's already happening.
This is exactly why too much of civilization is bad for you. It cucks men and pimps women, eradicates struggle and social cohesion which translates to destroying any meaning.
Thats why we need to tear all of this down and start anew.
>A weak person would just accept their circumstance and ostracization.
and this is exactly what leads them to despise "western civilization"
>Are you starting to feel fear again normie?
nah, just spiteful of plebbit retards to try to soapbox on Jow Forums
Yeah nah incel
Cry and whine all you want. You've already lost.
>When did you realize that your purpose should be destroying western civilization and western culture in all its forms?
When I was around 10-11. Not the culture, but the mercantilism and the degeneracy.
After 16,I've realized it wouldn't be possible so I dream to make a self-sufficient village somewhere remote, with enough bunkers, anti-radar and green roof so nobody bothers us.
And we start back to roman culture but with modern knowledge.
>normie calling anyone reddit
lmao fuck off you're not fooling anyone
You are abusing the quote function and calling someone a "normie", a word invented by SRS when they invaded Jow Forums in 2014. You have absolutely no ground to stand on, newfriend.
>alt right more irrelevant than ever
>cry each month woke movies like Black Panther gets released and get massive success
>only outlet is a japanese site
lmao go be delusional elsewhere
The problem is what do we put in place of civilization? Should humanity stay rural and spaced out forever?
I'm perfectly finw with western culture. It lets me buy manga online and torrent videogames. If it takes away my toys then it'll be a different story but until then I'll defend it to my dying breath. Where's the evidence that destryoing western culture will usher in a better one?
>normiefag arguing semantics
who gives a shit you don't belong here crybaby
Who are you quoting? Why are you redditspacing? Don't you have school today?
Consumerism is not western culture.
Who are you quoting? Why do you use reddit memes that are less than 5 years old? Are you underage, newcancer, both? Why don't you go back where you came from?
>consumerism is not western culture
then what is?
>then what is?
Thats the true question. I think society should be much more decentralized, with most of the population living in high-tech nearly self-sufficient tightknit eco-friendly villages with very few metropolises which would server as techno-cultural centres. For most adhere and flourish with our natural ability to only be able to keep meaningful relationship with some 20-25 people at time, while this small collective also gives meaning to what you do. For the small minority of others who need more (artists, scientists, explorers, warrior-types etc.) there would be cities which would provide basis for the future space colonization.
So both.
>literally middle eastern culture
user, I ...
Read Greeks, Romans and early Christian philosophers. It's all but a consumerism. Then read Spengler and Google "faustian people".
>>literally middle eastern culture
Cringe and bluepilled. I'm sorry you fell for Talmudist subversion, sweetie.
>Where's the evidence that destryoing western culture will usher in a better one?
No more ma child like you, faggot.
I would prefer even living in prehistoric culture than this shit culture enabling weak faggots and manchildren
OK then, I'm happy to defend what ever culture it is we are currently living under, happy? What would you describe consumerism as if not western culture anyway?
>worships a literal jew
>accuses others of falling for Talmudist subversion
user you're embarassing yourself
>I would prefer even living in prehistoric culture than this shit culture enabling weak faggots and manchildren
So you don't know what western culture is, and just refer to the existing structure of civilization as "western"? Please go read some books.
Quite the opposite, consumerism is everything non-european, non-western. Consumerism is typical non-white and Jewish concept which is imprinted in both capitalism and communism.
retards like you don't know that continental philosophy and post-judaic religion is all western and was imported to america before marxist cucks began infiltrating it because it hurt their fee fees. but yeah, keep believing that catholicism is actually middle eastern. i'm sure you'd get a warm welcome from the terrorist regimes when you try telling them allah isn't the true god. cuck.
>"Jews"(various Semitic cults) killed Jesus
>durr Jesus was a Jew!
Very low IQ post, Ezekial.
blacks kill blacks all the time desu
>African proverb
>it's about envy, spite, and destroying property
Not unexpected/10
Everything good in western/European civilization was done with philosophy exactly opposite of consumerism.
well it is the dominant culture of the west today.
I'm sure you're very familiar with how your people act.
that doesn't make consumerism not western though. Most of those philosophies disagree with each other too, like empiricists and idealists are both western. Consumerism is just newer.
I'm in that self destructive mode where I just want to degrade myself and suck black cocks. Wouldn't mind a hard pounding
Marx is a western philosipher though.
>just refer to the existing structure of civilization
So the retard that consider mercantilism as the western civilization tells me to read a book?
What a joke.
Those safe-spaces and this sick obsession of overprotection of the mind isn't an inherent structure of civilization, you damn fool.
Maybe the trick is controlling the women?
>western philosopher
Top kek. And Obama is pure nordic aryan.
Most definitely one of them, yeah.
Your post doesn't make any sense, you ESL.
>Your post doesn't make any sense, you ESL
More like your cognitive abilities are way too low to comprehend it.
But just go back to your "culture" and go buy stupid items in order to have a small instant of gratification.
And yet it's still too much for american blacks to understand
>expects man-children to help him rid the world of manchildren
sorry sweetie, I'm more than happy for ahmed to rape your gf in exchange for free anime. Trading shekleberg for chad is just trading one uncaring overlord for anouther when it comes to us betas, at least shekleberg gives us treats. If you want help overthrowing the system you'll have to offer us something in return.
see pic related
Did you reply to the wrong person? I'm the one that denied consumerism ITT, you stupid spic.
>muh wiki
Jesus, get a grip on yourself user. I didn't expected much, but this is new low.
I don't have the power to destroy a civilization, but I am going to leach, pollute, and not contribute all while frequently masturbating until I kill myself and opt out.
Well it's better than the nothing you've provided. For some reason you think Jesus is more western than Marx if I got that right?
I'm other user, was not praising Jesus itt. Jesus was - if he existed - presumably of same/similar ethnicity as Marx. Both Jews. Therefore not European and not western. This fucking dumb slippery slope of accepting non-europeans in western culture is beyond stupid.
>normie was made by srs
that word has been around for way longer than reddit, must be underage.
Why are you abusing the quote function? Why are you redditspacing? Why are you denying Jow Forums history that isn't even more than 5 years old? Are you underage, new, or both?
Jesus was Aryan, schlomo.
>reddit spacing
I didn't even know that was a thing, clearly you're the one who uses reddit.
and nigger im 25 and been using this site for over 10 years, and no, Jow Forums nor reddit came up with the word normie you dumb faggot
>I didn't even know that was a thing
Reddit spacing has been part of the Jow Forums vernacular for just as long as "normie". So you are new, yes? Started using Jow Forums in 2016 or later? There is no need to pretend, accepting that you're newcancer is the first step to not posting anymore and leaving, then we will all be happier.
>changing the culture from only half of people working and making dating difficult has enabled manchildren
Something doesn't add up here
American education. And you are also true lost tribe of Israel, you stupid wonky mestizo.
reddit spacing was only invented around 2016 you election newfag
also pressing enter twice doesn't mean anything you fucking schizo
>reddit spacing
Is nowhere near as common as normie on 4chanigger
I started using the site a lot when the rock was cooking in 2010
enlightened, not powerless... okay powerless too but everyone who thinks they aren't without a net worth with 3 commas is just wasting time. neet is the way of living
I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and pink nipples you slack jawed mutt. Your life is a meme.
American education is run by the jews. instead of history we just have hitler hating class
Yeah, sure you do. Only pink thing on you is your insufferable faggotry.
Keep crying, Mohammad.
>Trading shekleberg for chad is just trading one uncaring overlord for anouther when it comes to us betas, at least shekleberg gives us treats. If you want help overthrowing the system you'll have to offer us something in return.
Fucking this. Jow Forums unironically wants us to go fight to put Chad who treated us like garbage in power and rule over us. Why in hell would i do that? Why would you ever think that i would want to fight for the race that rejected me and humiliated me every time i was around them? I didnt get rejected by niggers or muslims, i got rejected by my own people. My own people treated me like shit. Not niggers. Why would i hate niggers and minorities when they never really did anything bad to me?
Nationalism only makes sense if you're a norman. Normans love eachother, it makes sense they want to kick out other races so they can have even more to themselves. For me, what it means for other races to be kicked out is that there are no other scapegoats anymore for normans, and i'll become even more of a pariah then i used to be.
Make no mistake, society always needs a scapegoat. Once the outside threat of minorities is gone, who do you think will take their place? Its you, retard.
Found a picture of anonn
Well it's pretty silly to say jews have had no impact on Western culture or philosophy or are not a part of Western canon. No matter what you think of them.
Yeah but every other powerless wanker is embraced by his community and has a life full of love. Then there's guys like us.
Wish this kind of philosophy was accepted in western societies. No shit columbines happen. And they blame guns for it it's fucking ridiculous.
That guy has a stronger jaw than you.
>behaving like a negro is what a white man should do
I have some doubts.
he'll go down like a white bitch that he is regardless :)
The white man who is not embraced by his village is told to go to the psychiatrist and medicate his dick off so he doesn't cause any trouble. Bless the lord for civilization.
And you will wake up every morning as a shitskin with no soul until you die and your conciseness is gone for all eternity because you are a homunculus.
This guy gets it. Normies love their ingroup outgroup dynamic. It will never end for them they will always try to create some shitty hierarchy whether it be race or social proof. All to run you down and keep everything to themselves. They'll say your suffering is justified while enjoying everything just because of their normalcy
The only move is to shit on everything they have.
Burning your enemies settlements to the ground is the most white thing you can do
Told so by jews, not sure what does a violent negro mindset and African proverb have to do with western civilization though.
No not told so by the jews. Told so by his own people. The jew is the pyschiatrist, the people that send him there are his own people
>whitoid calling anyone soulless
I am laffing. You faggots are responsible for the worst oppression, racism, sexism, animal extinction and planet killing.
You are a cancer and the default enemy of humankind.
Only because of a culture created by marxist jews and hollywood jews, before the degeneracy communities and family weren't as dysfunctional as today.
Bringing civilization and industry is the whitest thing to do.
What counts as "before the degeneracy"?
>a problem
You should just be in your own country hypocrite stop needing white people so bad
>steal shit and invade other nations for centuries
>cry when people go to their cities because all the stolen economy is there
I am still laffing. Maybe you shouldn't have stuck your crusty pink nose into other peoples.
No, not everything is the fault of an imaginary boogeyman. Its white people that did this to other white people. Its the ruthless norman culture that is focused on consuming everything and destroying anything that doesnt agree with it. Im sick and tired of this jew bullshit being used as an excuse to ironically jewishly shut down discussion and quitly try to get everyone back in line of supporting the norman culture again. Its not the jews, its other white people that did it and its other white people that continue to do this. You are just a weak coward, you are too afraid to face the truth that this problem is inside your own house rather than outside so you make up some imaginary boogeyman to make you feel safe and forget about the fact that there is a monster INSIDE your house.
Go shill your delusions somewhere else
>that pic
Wow subhumans actually believe this. Africa is an amazing wealth of resources that your useless species doesn't even deserve so be glad I think you should go back and rot in paradise with your stinky low iq brothers and not just be exterminated so it actually can be put to good use. Lazy entitled filth.
>admits being a thief and murderer whose accomplishments were only made possible by being war criminals
>behold the empathic benevolent whitey
I wish more whiteys were as vocal as you. If minorities knew how you really think the world would be stringing you up wholesale for your outright demonic psyche. Don't worry the day will come soon.
Those poor African countries were good when run by Europeans, exempli gratia South Africa and Rhoedesia.
I don't admit to anything, nothing got taken from africa you slimy leech. You subhumans trades your own people for guns so you could wage war against each other. That's why africa is a shithole, because it's full of the human embodiment of shit.
>If minorities knew how you really think the world would be stringing you up wholesale for your outright demonic psyche
Umm, I don't think you've thought that through. In warfare, Europeans tend to beat Africans.
>didn't take anything
>we took your resources just one post ago
LOOOL you ain't fooling anyone
Because you don't realize what I'm talking about means you already lost :)
>thinks he can beat a united Western alliance
We literally didn't take africas resources, they're all still there. Fun fact the average iq of some african countries is below whites standard for being retarded
Before WWI.
Ah yes, those (((fellow white people))). (((We))) are to blame.
so the degeneracy started 30 years after Marx died?
Western culture is dead, it was not western culture that neglected and abandoned me, but it's murderer and usurper
I don't need warmth, when I kill my enemy, I will do it coldly
People didn't immideatly start reading Marx's stuff.
In fact, it was WWI and the poverty it brought that got people intrested in Marxism.
So if someone kidnaps your sister and sells her to me as a sex slave, and i accept the offer and fuck her multiple times, i did nothing wrong and its all the fault of the person who kidnapped her? You'll just let me walk free, and even thank me for giving her a place to live as i fucked her on the daily?
civilization should be destroyed but culture is valuable
also this ->