Continuation of >>5034189

Continuation of also mupdate (put current mupdate # here)

Attached: Risk.png (2056x1560, 459K)

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Fill russia

thanks OP :^^^)
please move towards the iron province in africa

>mfw palindrome but this version of risk doesnt have any palindrome bonus
god damn it

May I still join in?

Wurs Plaia
Violet, purple

Defend against any and all attacks. If not then simply reinforce more of the border of Yugoslavia.
Spills take Southampton and London.

Converge on rome.

Go around the fortline, attacking budapest, bratislava, Praha, to berlin, hamburg, etc, keep going after the western cities in Germany after that

Wow dude, when I said fill Israel I meant FILL ISREAEL, even if that means going to war with the jews. Fortify Israel southern border and then east to Jordan

Project Chino #38

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No matter the topic chino guy finds a way to make a song about it

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Are you still allied to the Yugoslavs? Also the Jews are no longer an active player.

>fun ID
You don't deserve it.

>tfw no Southern desert to conquer and im stuck between 2 people i have an NAP with

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Shit I should have +49 in my name

fire emoji

Join in my attack against the Yugoslavs, you shall have the whole of Africa if you do.

Just checking.

Still didn't have it....

Byzantines, I beg with you that you break your alliance with the yugoslavs, If it was not for my strong will you wouldn't be emperor and the yugo slavs would be taking over the world right now, consider my words

Plus you could make byzantium whole again

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Nope join me and kill the kaiser. Renounce your NAP with him and fight alongside me.

Lmao I have been loyal to the byzantine this whole game. Why should we betray that relationship?

posting my country's national anthem

The same petty reason you went to war with germany, borders


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Danish Empire takes the rest of Norway and fils more Sweden

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No i was just throwing in a hoi4 memespeech for bantz


Make my bonus bigger

Invade Norway from the north and take the North sea oil if possible

Might want to update the NAP list. I broke mine with Germany

Move me east through Iraq, Saudi Arabia etc

please get those little islands of my coast then just fill out any unclaimed euro territory that i can

Forgot to quote the mupdate is my roll

Liberate Monaco and Marseilles from Germany.

Then go to Praha and Berlin.

Any more goes to a counter clockwise offensive against the west german cities.

Well can I atleast have an nap with you?

nigger there is no way you can reach norway
all sea tiles cost 2 to move on
you can MAYBE reach northern Britain if you get a good roll

Quads stolen

Fuck you

Create more reinforcements some tiles away from the Yugo frontline, where there are none.
Aim to take Milano and Torino with spills.

As surely as we are brothers, give your turn to me. I need as much of a bonus as possible

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Updated bonus, forgot about England.

Meh, is not a big deal, the game is over soon from what I see

Dude you can have an alliance with me if you want

Doing that means you will have to reject your Yugoslav alliance.

>mfw Im surrounded by the 2 world powers who are also fighting each other and im allied to both of them
im going to die arent I?

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Oh. Well nevermind then.

You will be left at peace if you disavow your NAP with the Yugoslavs and attack them in Africa!
Even if you remain neutral you shall be left at peace, I am not as they are.

Do this
and you will be rewarded

hhhmmm I dont know
I remember I asked you to leave me a path in france so I could get britain

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The kaiser is falling. Your words are nothing.

Do you want Britain? You will have it if you assist me in this war.

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These acts by the yugoslavs will not go unpunisged

Head for wheat

Boner update

Full on Blitzkrieg to take the Yugoslav cities! Do not worry about the other land, simply aim for the cities.

Roling to fill the UK and Ireland if possible

Fill Jordan, and then move north and fill Georgia. Any remaining points will be used to fuck up the rest of the niggers

Danish Empire fills the rest of Norway and Sweden
Spills to taking those two islands between Sweden and Finland and the North Sea Oil

fixed bonus its 48 not 50

Little Slav, the Huns are coming to get you. Where is your boast now?

Mein freund, we are at war! Please cede your turn to me next map, I will be in complete gratitude if you do.

Next turn we must both go on the northern offensive.

move to cagliari please
also remember I have the advanced sea travel so it only costs me 1 per sea tile
any spillage goes in to italy

The plan does not change. Onwards, to Berlin! Take western german cities if possible!

You have chosen the right side. The parts of Britain I control shall be yours once this war ends.

i have an extremely strong suspicion I will come to regret this decision

Yeah no shit my dude. So are you going to have to split your forces between Germany and Atilla or what?

Emperor, I come to you at this time and ask that you help us in our crusade against the wretched yugoslavs, and reclaim your rightful lands that they hold, I will not goto war with you even if you deny this and I hope we can remain at peace

Attila ll

I'll fight him in italy and africa, you take him down in the east

Simple plan. You mainly go after the russian north, and I'll handle the west.

Ja, a good plan.

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so the current situation is:
Slav commies and Byzantians fighting against imperial Germany, the Hunnic horde and KANGS
Iceland invading britain
and Denmark taking over scandinavia


Fine, I do not want a war with you and hope we can remain at peace

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Attached: Risk.png (2056x1560, 459K)

You fuck with my bro you fuck with me

Re-enact what happens to slavs in total war: attila

Move north and fucking rekt Attila

He never broke the NAP with me officially! Penalty next round!

your bonus is 37

go from Roma to Firenze and San Marino
if there is any left go from Cagliari to Tunissia

OK, this roll is tricky so pay attention, rolling to fill Ireland and the UK, do not attack the grays if I have spills take the land of the grays BUT NO THE CITIES.

dubs confirm
Moortugal BTFO

Take back all provinces taken from Russians! Any left goes to defending!

Continue as before, take out the Yugoslav cities and focus solely on them.

Danish Empire invades Wurs Plaia in Faeroe Islands and Iceland

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And your bonus is 37

Correct your bonus, freund.

Danes are you really not gonna help your ally again?

And take back Berlin if possible.

Don't listen to Attila he is manipulating you!!!!

I counted it's 38

Hey Denmark, now is the perfect time to defect and all converge on the russian horde. Let's all get a slice of that russian peace deal, eh?


Why will you not assist me against the Slavic filth? Are we not of the same blood?

>Don't listen to Attila he is manipulating you!!!!
t. enemy of his ally

Let me edit out this Moortugal NAP...

You are my ally, assist me in destroying the Yugoslavs!
Let us have glory, as in the days of old!

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How the fuck can I help at all? I do not border the enemy, can I move through my the land of my ally to attack the enemy? I know I can in other games
If so, redirect my attack toward the Yugo cunts
Oh for sure, if OP agrees to this, they are dead

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oh yeah I will do that as well

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