If I was given the choice between a black and white man to be my partner, I'd choose the black guy
If I was given the choice between a black and white man to be my partner, I'd choose the black guy
smells like tenda's hapa ass is shitting out more racebait
>being this insecure about having a small penis
Fairy nuff.
Does Bumble give you the choice?
kys homosexual larper
I'm not gay and I said I date men, so that must mean I'm actually a woman.
what the fuck are you even saying? if you're not gonna make sense then don't post in my thread
On the off chance that you are not a larper, feel free to drop your contacts and we can make something work. But you have to have a vagina.
>no timestamp
sure faggot
>actually falling for the bait
OP is a larper, don't even bother. He won't give any details
If I was given a choice between a white woman and an east Asian woman as a partner/fwb/friend/coworker/employee or anything else you could imagine, I'd choose the east Asian woman.
I figured as much. Just wanted to see how people would react to seeing a black guy on r9k.
E-gfs are for desperate cucks anyway.
post blk weenie
holy shit you're so pathetic
Had I the choice between a nordic princess and a dirt poor jungle asian, I'd marry the SEA monkey.
Wew lad, that's some seethe you have there
Too bad your choice is between hand and dildo, fatty.
Go back to fucking aids infested niggresses
>all these replies to fucking obvious bait
Good for you. If I had the choice between an asian girl and a white girl, I'd choose the asian one. It's your preference.
So its true that gays like blacks huh