How do you feel about utopia? Can humans survive without conflict or would they just go mad with boredom?
How do you feel about utopia? Can humans survive without conflict or would they just go mad with boredom?
the real utopia is one where a safety net exists but there are still challenging and relevant tasks for most people to occupy themselves with.
I think we will ALWAYS find things to bitch about,
even if it's the smallest detail in a seemingly perfect world
We can simulate all of our conflicts.
You can still have simulated conflict, such as competitive sports.
Utopia is Greek for
>no place
The original book Utopia was a scathing satire of idiots who think they can *fix* society
Equality exists only in the graveyard.
We will always strive
Utopia is possible, but not when people are governed by social contract or predetermined set of rules. Only with true unbiased AI governing all humans, dynamically altering rules and making literally every single person occupied and more or less happy, so ideas of Marxism and true equality are possible, but definitely not under any form of traditional governing.
Utopia is literally dystopian in the very book describing the fictional nation. War, slavery, and forced labor exist and are practiced there. They are ruled by a monarch, are forced to wear the same clothes and one another, and they live in homes with up to 30 other people. They have no possessions either, and anything they need is to be taken from a public warehouse.
It's a book describing a literal dystopia.
Reward without risk? That's no fun.
Every instinct and piece of social programming tells me that this is so very wrong for the human race but I also don't know if I'm clinging to obsolete modes of thought.
Also, the fact that Karl Marx used this book as the basis of his own ideology should raise some very large red flags. If you want a halfway decent society, stop striving for a perfect one. We're sure as hell not going to come close anymore, the industrial revolution has turned life into a waking nightmare of constant labor as it is, I'd rather not have the law itself turn against me as well.
Wrong is a word with such a plethora of definitions and contexts, that it loses all meaning in larger picture of things.
i dont understand why people conceptualize people wearing those clothes in these uptopia/futuristic drawings
people would NEVER wear some dumb shit like that, i just can't see that ever becoming fashionable
I'm not using Marx as epitome of perfect society either. Perfect, is just like word 'wrong' has very little substance outside of its perceived meaning.
What I'm trying to convey is as long other humans govern humans, there will inherently be unfairness and less efficient allocation of resources/human potentials.
Or we can go down the AI route and abandon such old-fashioned concepts in order to survive the future and cosmos.
I personally think that AI government is inevitable. Its simply more efficient then anything humanly possible.
Must be why women are so tormented
people wear mao suits in china and n korea no biggy
and fashion can change dramatically over 100 or 200 years. if you had told someone in 1919 that grown adults will go around wearing mickey mouse tshirts and blue pants with holes in them for fashion you wouldve been ridiculed
I think if we achieve a fusion reactor we will be close.
AI will unironically be the death of humankind. Imagine if god made humans more powerful than he was, do you think the primitive cavemen with powers to rival their maker would spare his ass? That's the kind of scenario we are facing. This thing would have the potential to fry our asses if given total control, and it wouldn't have any incentive to keep us around wasting resources it could very well use for its own means. Unless you mean an AI that isn't truly sentient and simply regurgitates predetermined responses like phone AI, in which case all that's been accomplished is giving the written rules a shiny new medium to be absorbed by.
I too believe that we would be better off as a species if some kind of advanced AI would govern us. A rational system that will make it possible for mankind to grow and strive.
Not gonna happen tho so nuclear holocaust it is
Does your wrangler know you are loose?
It was a satire that, like most satire, was taken seriously by morons.
If you mean AI as is currently used, that just means
i.e., programs. Or, a dude wrote it.
If you mean
>godlike super intelligent new sentient beings
that is impossible
Might as well wait for the faeries
If there's a safety net and you can't fail, most people won't bother trying not to fail. They won't care about any challenging or relevant tasks you set up for them. Yes, some people are inherently ambitious and will make themselves productive without any external impulse, but most people will just act like animals unless they're scared of what will happen if they do that.
In other words, the stronger your safety net, the more it harms society. People need to see evidence that, if they aren't at least somewhat careful and responsible, they could wind up starving on the streets.
"and caesar wept for there were no more worlds to conquer"
utopia isn't possible because we'd be dealing with pure idealism.. the thought that one frame of mind is present thoughout every member of world society would mean that either we have a common cause or enemy, which also inherently makes the "utopia" technically not a thing.
one persons' utopia is not similar to another,
the conflicts we have are rooted in our basic motives which are on several diverse spectrums.. people cant even manage ideal relationships why do we fantasize about expanding that sort of meta out to a whole united society.
frankly id wage that the likeliness of a utopia developing from our societies would be similar to the likeliness of humanity being a thing
Alexander, doofus
An utopia is bad for humans, Kaczynski was right
There can be plenty of drama, competition, mistakes, existential dread, unrequited love, challenges, problems, and inequality in a utopia.
People still get addicted to substances and practices. People still want to race up the side of a mountain. People still want to outdo each other in a marketplace. Multiple people will still want the same sexual partner. People will still commit crime. People will still be mortal. People will still fuck up.
It's utopia because the society will take care of the winner and the loser. The loser still gets to eat, doesn't die from exposure, they have access to mental/physical health care. They all have a healthy environment, beautiful nature around them (including the animals), and monuments as well. It's all renewable so that society's great, great, great, great grandchildren can have the same anxiety and arguments that they have.
It's like having a permanent server running 2007scape. People can go on trying to run marathons, climb mountains, create better production, make new entertainment, games, and further master the old competitions (running, lifting, sports, and e-sports, etc.) until the heat death of the universe.
a place without niggers?
i would love to live in a utopia but normies would fuck it up.