At what age did you go from incel to volcel and realized that getting laid does not matter and that girls won't make you happier?
If you can't find your own happiness no one else will help you.
At what age did you go from incel to volcel and realized that getting laid does not matter and that girls won't make you happier?
If you can't find your own happiness no one else will help you.
I've always been this way for as long as I can remember. I'm not asexual and think a relationship would be cool, but I never got the whole relationship chase/need the majority of people do.
Why be celibate you fucking duck? Just celebrate life. Live happy in whatever you do.
Because relationships are too much work with too little reward
22 when I finally got laid. Jerking off to hentai seriously feels better than sex a lot of the time.
probably around 21. i'm 24 now and i have on my dating app profiles i'm voluntarily celibate and i don't allow messages from single mothers or whores with a high body count and i've gotten more first messages from women than ever before (still khv btw)
>can i ask why you're celibate?
>are you reallyyyyy a virgin xP
>aww you just need someone to help break you in :^)
women are disgusting whores but what else is new
Good company will always make one happier, but it's also possible to work on one's happiness alone. However, if you have great friends, it will obviously be harder. Anything can be a drug.
20, ended up getting laid at 21, been with her since (25 now)
around age 13 when i got my first gf desu
several gfs later it's still not even worth getting any intimate affection whatsoever desu desu
I still have friends despite being a virgin, friendships are much easier to maintain
>around age 13 when i got my first gf desu
Get the fuck out of here
What exactly is a volcel? How are they different from incels?
I started reading, stumbled upon the book "straw dogs" got blackpilled into hell, realized if nothing matters in life i am truly free to be whatever i want, then i realized i don't need no one.
I've never been an incel, I have never pursued relations with a female.
just get a gf bro and you'll agree it's not worth it and wish you never bothered
sick and tired of all these nonstop gfs i just want some me time
People who don't feel frustrated and obsessed with their virginity and just move on
The name literally says they are voluntary
>"straw dogs
Is it related to the movie?
>be a manwhore Chad
>complain about getting too much attention
>Is it related to the movie?
Doubt it, it's a philosophy book, it has no story.
Didn't watch the movie, can't tell.
somebody who either has had chances to lose his virginity or can easily lose it if they tried. most hold out either for marriage or just wanting the first time to be with a woman that isn't a massive whore.
People who don't even try, normalfags say they are just coping.
>I want to have sex, why won't any women give me sex!?
>I'm preserving my virginity for my future spouse
you're a man of culture and learning, Straw Dogs and Silence of Animals cemented the blackpill in my mind.
spread the gospel, or don't, it doesn't matter
I got a relationship with someone who understands me. I feel on top of the world, lost 50 lbs, got a well paying job, became more social.
Anyone who says that a real relationship doesn't help is a fucking retard or coping with with the fact that their GF or ex GF doesn't really give a fuck about them.
In my early 30s when my hormones finally decided to die down, I thought "wait a minute, why the hell am I so desperate to fuck these people, they're horrible!", and now don't care about them at all.
It depends how youre defining it. If you mean straight up involuntarily-celibate to voluntarily-celibate then it was when I broke up with my first gf and banged a thot. Banging a thot was very enjoyable for a bit but afterwards it made me feel terrible and I couldnt even bring myself to do it a 2nd time.
I still desperately want a gf though. It was easily the best time of my life and I cant believe anyone who was actually in a decent relationship wouldnt enjoy it.
Good for you
Most people are not that lucky
I want money and recognition more than women. My life is boring, women will not make it better.