>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
>older than 27
>has ever used contraceptives
>has ever used recreational drugs
>raised by single mother
>shorter than 5'5"
>went to public school
>likes hiphop/rap "music"
>has dark skin
>has tattoos
>has piercings/body modifications
>has dyed hair
>has short hair
>wears men's clothing
>has dreadlocks
>wears makeup
>has painted fingernails/toenails
>wears high heels
>wears "yoga" pants
>eats fast food
>eats junk food
>drinks soda
>drinks alcohol
>is a militant gaytheist
>curses excessively
red flags for females
I want to construct an official list of red flags for females so robots never make the mistake of approaching a thot. Give me ideas and critique my own.
Red flags for females
Why is being short a red flag?
>>wears men's clothing
this is basically the same as writing a red flag guide for men and adding
>plays video games
Because it increases the chance of your sons to be manlets. Do you want to condemn your sons to being manlets?
I'd say playing video games more than an hour or two a day is a good red flag for males, but I'm more interested in constructing a list of red flags for females right now, though I guess we could do both. Give me a list of red flags for males and I will offer critiques
For some qt small girl pussi? yes
You're overestimating how large the average female's vagina is.
>went to public school
>has dark skin
>has tattoos
>wears make up
>drink alcohol
I think having just one of these is ok but I agree with your list otherwise
>>shorter than 5'5"
Haha, one line can really ruin the whole thing eh OP? 3/10 bait
Did ya ever cook 4900 pounds of spaghetti, and fill every piece of clothing that you own with it?
>has ever used recreational drugs
>shorter than 5'5"
>likes hiphop/rap "music"
>has dark skin
>wears makeup
>has painted fingernails/toenails
>eats fast food
>eats junk food
>drinks soda
>drinks alcohol
This is just unreasonable, OP, just come out as gay cause you come across like some kind of faggot.
I'm sorry, you have very low standards, my nigger.
Biggest red flag is the whore ignores me and doesn't want to be my gf after I tell her to
Okay, you fucking bottom-trash incel. O-fucking-kay.
>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
This literally suggests that women can't ever switch relationships. If you said "not a hoe" then sure. Also, what if she was (actually) raped?
>older than 27
Why, literally?
>has ever used contraceptives
Back to church, newfag
>has ever used recreational drugs
Hard drugs or addict sure. You'd really reject a women for smoking weed once in high school?
>raised by single mother
This is so stupid I can't even start
>shorter than 5'5"
Again, fair as a personal preference. Says nothing about personality.
>went to public school
Snobby ass fuck, aren't you?
>likes hiphop/rap "music"
I'd say fair, and still only popular rap music.
>has dark skin
What in the fuck?
>has tattoos
Fair as a personal preference, still doesn't necessarily say anything about personality.
>has piercings/body modifications
>has dyed hair
Even naturally? Also ^^
>has short hair
Are you legit retarded? It says nothing
Many women of all ages and backgrounds have shorter hair
>wears men's clothing
>has dreadlocks
>wears makeup
In moderation, you should have no issues.
>has painted fingernails/toenails
Says zero about personality. Literally zero.
>wears high heels
Maybe extremely high. It's otherwise standard in female formal wear.
>wears "yoga" pants
Some women actually wear them for yoga and other activities where they're comfortable.
>eats fast food
Maybe if regularly.
>eats junk food
>drinks soda
>drinks alcohol
If not alcoholic I see no problem
>is a militant gaytheist
That's rare as shit in women as it is. Any sort of militant behavior should put you on your toes, by the way.
>curses excessively
If I ever get a gf she either guzzles contraception like a good girl, uses and IUD or gets tubal ligation.
>having kids
>you would be a good father if you come here
Don't delude yourself and dont put your kid through hell.
>I want to have kids because it makes me feel good and makes my belly feel warm inside because I put life into some female
The absolute state of being full of yourself.
Half of the list reeks of personal preference and not red flags.
Women who were raped are really terrible. I was going to marry a girl but then she ran away. She thought I must've been gay because I didn't treat her like shit.
>You had a bad personal experience
>Judge all women as one for it
>my personal experience defines the whole planet
What happens if someone ends up in a happy relationship and says their experience "proves" that if a girl was raped it makes her a good wife somehow because she's good for him. Who would be correct?
>This literally suggests that women can't ever switch relationships
It literally doesn't, you retard. It just disqualifies WHORES that engage in premarital sex and RETARDED WHORES that marry men and then divorce them.
>Why, literally?
Fertility is a finite thing. Eggs get dusty. An intelligent man does not buy a cow that cannot produce enough milk to get a return on his investment.
>Back to church, newfag
You should try going to church, degenerate.
>Hard drugs or addict sure. You'd really reject a women for smoking weed once in high school?
>This is so stupid I can't even start
Not an argument.
>Again, fair as a personal preference. Says nothing about personality.
It's a personal preference based on genetics.
A fatty is physically damaged and she is obviously retarded to get fat in the first place and remain fat.
>Snobby ass fuck, aren't you?
Children sent to government schools are the offspring of RETARDS and their genes are those of a RETARD, like yourself.
>What in the fuck?
If it's brown, flush it down.
>Fair as a personal preference, still doesn't necessarily say anything about personality.
Men prefer debt free virgins without tattoos. Tattoos are for douchebags, whores, and tribal niggers.
Self mutilation is a sign of mental illness.
>Even naturally? Also ^^
This is a fair point. If she dyes her hair through natural means, it may be a sign of vanity, but at least she isn't retarded enough to put unnatural products in her hair, I will amend the list after this critique.
>Are you legit retarded? It says nothing
You're literally retarded. You deny that all these choices say nothing about a female's brain? Are you actually black or a woman?
>In moderation, you should have no issues.
it's a sign of vanity and makeup is proven to damage your skin and make you ugly.
>Liberal arts student or degree
>Polyamorous past or present
>Has >1000 IG followers
>Is a virgin
>Has had more than 15 romantic relationships
>Doesn't work or is a IG model or some other bs 'job'
>Smokes cigs
>Smokes weed regularly
>Sad aesthetic
>On depression meds
>has no hobbies
>Says zero about personality. Literally zero.
It's a sign of vanity and poor aesthetics. Your IQ might be 0.
>Some women actually wear them for yoga and other activities where they're comfortable.
It's a sign of poor aesthetiics and a lack of modesty. There is no reason to wear whore pants for "comfort" when sweatpants exist.
>Maybe if regularly.
So eating poison is fine if it's only once in awhile? Very retarded life choice.
>If not alcoholic I see no problem
Because you're a retard, you can't see anything.
>Any sort of militant behavior should put you on your toes, by the way.
>a woman being a virgin is a redflag
>I'd say playing video games more than an hour or two a day is a good red flag for males
yeah agreed. but even +8 hours one day can be fine as long as it doesn't happen often.
anyway, if you still want it, here's a small list i constructed
>over 3 previous partners
>watches harem-tier anime
>rap/hip hop is his favourite genre of music
>has that onion haircut
>never asks questions back
>is an american
>finds history boring
>is very submissive
>gets angered or annoyed easily
>overly loud
>has no hobbies besides the common Jow Forums ones like gaming, anime, and shitposting
>military larper-tier clothing
i used a few of yours as well because some of them are universal for both genders imo.
Only in this shithole do people idolize virgins. In reality if a girl is in her 20's and a virgin there is something wrong with her. High school virgins are acceptable but they are clingy and haven't discovered themselves sexually yet which will likely lead to other problems down the road. It's probably the second most important red flag just behind polyamory.
>male friends
>party type
>tattoos and piercings
>drinker or smoker
>daddy issues
>mental issues
>emotional baggage
>avoids responsibility
>unnatural hair colors
>has a social media
>had casual sex or multiple partners
>single mother
>>over 3 previous partners
I'd say a man not being a virgin is a red flag.
>>watches harem-tier anime
Anyone that watches haremSHIT has horrible taste in Japanese media.
>>rap/hip hop is his favourite genre of music
Liking nigger music at all is bad.
>>has that onion haircut
Idk what this means.
Very obvious red flag. Fuck fatties.
>>never asks questions back
I don't understand what you mean.
>>is an american
As an American myself, I do generally agree.
>>finds history boring
I wouldn't add this to my list. I guess it's one of those subjective things.
>>is very submissive
A man should submit to no one but King and God.
>>gets angered or annoyed easily
Temperance is a virtue.
>>overly loud
Agreed, but still more of a personal preference thing. Not sure how being loud could be argued to be objectively bad.
>>has no hobbies besides the common Jow Forums ones like gaming, anime, and shitposting
>>military larper-tier clothing
As long as a man's clothes fit his lifestyle, and his lifestyle is virtuous, then I have no problem.
They are supposed to cling to oyu until you both grow old and die, you retard. She has evolved to be "clingy" because her ancestors have been "clingy" in order to survive for all of human history. A woman that isn't "clingy" is a broken whore.
>over 27 is bad
excuse me milfs have big tits
forI originally forgot to quote.
And dusty eggs that produce autistic children with old lady fetishes.
>she's below 5'7"
>she's above 5'8"
>she doesn't own a bibal
>she goes to the (((church)))
>she kissed someone
>she held someones hand that's not her family member or a person that was in medical danger
>has pets
>hates pets
>smokes, drinks, does drugs
>doesn't know how to have a fun time
>watches shows
>isn't up to date on the world
>doesn't play games
>plays games for over 5 hours
>plays games for less than 2 hours
>plays games released after 2006
>her relationship with her parents are too close
>she doesn't talk with her parents and don't get along
>she dresses up as if she's always trying something. Does her nails, wears branded clothing
>she doesn't dress up properly for me
>doesn't read
>read too much shit
>doesn't have hobbies
>has male hobbies like coding, math, history,engineering, art, sports
>isn't able to relate to my problems
>was ever depressed or had a depressive period
>her hymen was damaged for any reason
>talks too much and never shuts up
>is always too quiet
>doesn't know how to cook
>cooks shit meals and pretends like shes trying
>older than 22
>younger than 17
>she's fat
>she doesn't have a soft belly and her legs are too thin
>went to a shit school
>went to a private school
>was home schooled
>knows more than me
>doesn't know shit and is dumb
>used (((medicine))) ever for any reason
>doesn't vaccinate and thinks it causes autism
>doesn't want kids
>wants to have too many kids while we are unable to sustain them
>wants to work
>sits around all day while I work, does nothing and doesn't earn any money
>wants to have sex before marriage
>doesn't get turned on by me constantly and doesn't think about having sex with me
>wants to marry too early
>is autistic
>doesn't understand my autism
>is a city girl
>is some urban idiot
>farm girl that probably took horse cock
>doesn't have any friends
>has friends while she has me
>always talks that she's lonely
>talks with other people besides me and our family
>likes anime
i want to rape her, ....original....
>It literally doesn't, you retard. It just disqualifies WHORES that engage in premarital sex and RETARDED WHORES that marry men and then divorce them.
You can't have a bf, sleep with him then breakup and get another guy (according to your rules). That's what I meant.
>Fertility is a finite thing. Eggs get dusty. An intelligent man does not buy a cow that cannot produce enough milk to get a return on his investment.
Most women only get menopause around age 50. Unless you are planning to have 10 children, I see no issue.
>You should try going to church, degenerate.
Calls people "degenerates" unironically... Why am I trying?
Then I'll assume (because of this and all other shit) that you are a boring purityfag with sky-high standards that deserves no gf. Maybe a fucking nun who doesn't really love you.
>Not an argument.
And yours is...?
>It's a personal preference based on genetics.
Same as the drug argument.
>A fatty is physically damaged and she is obviously retarded to get fat in the first place and remain fat.
"I am not attracted to fat women so they must be retarded" (By the way, "fat" is subjective. Overweight =/= obese.
>Children sent to government schools are the offspring of RETARDS and their genes are those of a RETARD, like yourself.
Yeah, if you live in china or some shit. Thinking again, you may actually be right about the US. Sad country.
>If it's brown, flush it down.
Not an argument.
>Fair as a personal preference, still doesn't necessarily say anything about personality.
100% lack of knowledge about the history of tattoos (and other bodymods)
>This is a fair point. If she dyes her hair through natural means, it may be a sign of vanity, but at least she isn't retarded enough to put unnatural products in her hair, I will amend the list after this critique.
Many shampoos have unnatural ingredients as well. Your argument makes no sense.
>>Are you legit retarded? It says nothing
proof that short-haired women are X or Y?
All this is virgin theory. In reality you want a woman who knows what she wants, is independent enough to not need the constant presence of another person in order to be happy, and has her own hobbies and goals she can work towards herself. If you are going to spend the rest of your life with someone you don't want them to be pathetic all time and act as if they need you and only you in order to be happy. Might sound good if you never had a companion or watch too much anime but it gets old fast.
Pets. Don't get girsl who have had pet dogs or cats, and especially not horses.
>>hates pets
This reminds me to add "she dislikes dogs" to the list.
>>watches shows
Consumes pedowood media is also a redflag.
>>doesn't read
This is a good one as well.
>>her hymen was damaged for any reason
>>talks too much and never shuts up
>>doesn't know how to cook
Basic, but important.
>>younger than 17
Big disagree.
>>she doesn't have a soft belly and her legs are too thin
As long as she isn't fat, I can take her to the gym and make her thicc.
>>went to a private school
>>was home schooled
Big disagree.
>>doesn't vaccinate and thinks it causes autism
Big disagree. Read the (((vaccine))) insert, goy.
>>doesn't want kids
Big agree. Antinatalism is a mental illness.
>tfw 16/26
I'm alright with being repulsive
>You can't have a bf, sleep with him then breakup and get another guy (according to your rules). That's what I meant.
Premarital sex is casual sex and an abomination.
>Most women only get menopause around age 50. Unless you are planning to have 10 children, I see no issue.
So you're saying it's fine to breed all the way up until menopause? You're very ignorant of female biology, educate yourself.
>Calls people "degenerates" unironically... Why am I trying?
You aren't trying at all. Your life is defined by not trying, pig.
>Then I'll assume (because of this and all other shit) that you are a boring purityfag with sky-high standards that deserves no gf. Maybe a fucking nun who doesn't really love you.
You are a pig in mud.
>And yours is...?
The youtube video I linked.
>Same as the drug argument.
Yes. Some people are retards. The drug problem isn't necessarily only that it could damage her health, but that she is stupid enough to use drugs.
>"Fat" is subjective
I'm done replying to you. You're too retarded.
that's fair. but
>I'd say a man not being a virgin is a red flag.
why? and mind you i capped the partner count at 3. not being too picky can be helpful.
>Liking nigger music at all is bad.
does this count as nigger music to you? youtube.com
If she likes dogs, she fucks dogs.
>It's a sign of vanity and poor aesthetics. Your IQ might be 0.
People trying to look good isn't automatically "vanity". "poor aesthetics" is subjective AS FUCK.
>It's a sign of poor aesthetiics and a lack of modesty. There is no reason to wear whore pants for "comfort" when sweatpants exist.
Same shit I've said about aesthetics. maybe yoga pants are more comfortable than sweatpants?
>So eating poison is fine if it's only once in awhile? Very retarded life choice.
"Poison" is a big exaggeration. You do those things to celebrate or if you have only.
>Because you're a retard, you can't see anything.
No argument was made.
Dog is man's best friend. They have been our greatest ally and closest companion for as long as we have record of our existence.
The beat doesn't sound explicitly nigger, but the flat brim hat on that guy indicates their worldview and the lyrics(which I didn't listen to) may be inspire by niggerdom.
>"poor aesthetics" is subjective
Stopped reading. You're a mentally ill subjectivist nihilist. I bet you're the same retard that say "fat' Is subjective.
shut the fuck up you fucking loli-loving retard
>Premarital sex is casual sex and an abomination.
Personal opinion.
>So you're saying it's fine to breed all the way up until menopause? You're very ignorant of female biology, educate yourself.
Where the fuck did I say that?
>You aren't trying at all. Your life is defined by not trying, pig.
You know nothing about my life, asswipe.
>You are a pig in mud.
Best insult of the day.
>The youtube video I linked.
No sources. The site they link to isn't up.
>Yes. Some people are retards. The drug problem isn't necessarily only that it could damage her health, but that she is stupid enough to use drugs.
People make mistakes.
>I'm done replying to you. You're too retarded.
Not an argument.
>flat brim hat on that guy indicates their worldview and the lyrics(which I didn't listen to) may be inspire by niggerdom
i advise you to actually listen. anyway, even if i'm not particularly fond of the genre, my point is that not all rap is degenerate/"nigger music"/bad.
>she ever had naughty thoughts towards any man before marriage
>she loves to travel
>she doesn't want to visit historic places
>doesn't know the significance of those historic places
>other men look at her
>she's ugly and nobody looks at her
>constantly does stupid photos
>doesn't want to have a photo album of our life and family
>visits Jow Forums or any other online community
>only tries to meet people irl
>is tolerant of people and liberal leaning
>is a Jow Forumstard
>muh communism
>muh capitalism
>doesn't have any political beliefs
>doesn't want to burn the long nose tribe
>thinks gays can have rights
>is judgemental of people for no reason
>has her own life and goes out without me
>is always glued to me like some dog and doesn't give me space
>she thinks she's not property
>she doesn't believe in equal rights
>thinks that people are made equal
>doesn't want to live innawoods
>wants to live far away from the city
>listens to music
>doesn't have a cassette collection of old bands
>is a hipster
>likes what everyone likes and follows trends
>falls behind and is stuck in the past like some idiot
>makes me look like an idiot
>doesn't help me when I mess up
>does idiotic mistakes
>tells me what to do
>doesn't follow commands as I say them
>goes through my phone or social media
>doesn't let me go through her phone and social media and has passwords that I don't know of
>is too picky with food
>eats everything like a pig
>doesn't have blonde hair and blue eyes
>looks like a typical nordic bimbo
>had friends at school or during university
>has no degree
>studied something before we met and was sued by all the jocks at university
>has no contacts
>keeps up with her contacts and talks with them
>doesn't know how to grow and take care of plants and vegetables
>provides for the family in any way thinking she's an equal
>Has hair longer than below her waist that gets in my way constantly
>has hair shorter than shoulder length and looks like a tranny
Make me, crypt keeper. Don't you have some cold ones to molest?
>not all rap is degenerate/"nigger music"/bad.
Enough of it is for me to reject it all. Just like there are a couple black people that are cool, but I don't want to live in Africa.
There are aesthetics that people universally tend to like. You don't get to decide what is "poor aesthetics" yourself.
Basically, go back to church with your pedophile friends and enjoy feeling superior to all else because you have some (simple) life preferences.
Working dogs. For men. Women can't take care of them.
Well I have your mother so...
>inb4 "lol your mom jokes in 2019? are you 12? kekek"
>Women can't take care of them.
Nor should they. Any dog in a woman's life should belong to her father or her husband.
well, can't argue with you if you aren't willing to give it a real try. but that's alright since most people aren't very invested in actively getting into new music anyway.
I have no problem with mom jokes, but you liking old hags doesn't really hurt me.
>showers too much and wastes water like some idiot
>doesn't keep up with personal hygiene
>has too many clothes
>wears the same shit every day and has no choices
>hates winter
>loves warmth
>enjoys swimming
>hates lakes and rivers
>goes to the gym
>doesn't keep up with her body and isnt in shape
>has any muscles at all and looks like some testosterone guzzling FtM
>ever posted any kind of photo online, even if it was her family who did it
>has no online presence like some backwards creep
>as a "handywoman" and able to use a hammer and nails
>makes me fix shit at home
>hires someone to fix shit and wastes money
>has any deformities or physical traits that are damaged or not normal
>doesn't wear glasses
>never tries to seduce me and turn me on
>has any sort of fetishes
>never shows emotions
>talks about how she feels
This is the very basics of a woman that's not shit. I could keep going, but this should give you a good framework of finding a girl that's not a complete slut.
>since most people aren't very invested in actively getting into new music anyway.
And I see no reason why they should be desu. This obsession with "new" things and the pursuit of novelty is very hedonistic.
yea like there's a point where it's disgusting like in the mid to late 40's but 30's is fine.
Hey, people I don't like reproducing less/not at all is a positive in my book.
Just go back to get meme groups retard
You must be a real stud, OP. A model of a man, sculpted by God's finest tools.
user. just because you aren't that much into music doesn't mean others can't be. curiousness for trying out new music/literature/art is a virtue.
absolutely red pilled alpha Chad male.
>sculpted by God's finest tools.
As we all are. It's a shame so many disregard this fact and debase themselves.
>tfw God ran out of marble while making me so he used play-doh instead
You'll never find love user and that made me smile today. Thank you.
Appreciation of art is a good and wholesome thing. The problems is certain out-groups and the deterioration of the concept of "art" by injecting trash into society and calling it art.
I think you have autism, user. Not the meme one, either.
Was probably over a month since i've laughed like this, thanks user.
Autism is one of the downsides to high intelligence.
>expects user to wach a 1hr+ vid just over a point which is immediately retarded on first reading
enjoy dying alone stoopid
Autism either makes you downright retarded or highly intelligent, the former is more common than the latter.
Even if I never find a wife, I have my God and people. I am never alone.
Autism does not make anything, you don't know what autism is.
>no contraceptives
Actually my sister got them prescribed due to bad periodpain, this being a red flag is kinda dumb, its just medication
>no public school
So her parents not having enough money for private school is a red flag ?
>dark skin
ok I wont comment on that
>wearing yogapants
Well I mean its probably comfy so why not ?
>no fast food, soda ,alcohol
I mean as long it is not overdone and the overall lifestyle is healthy I would not consider this a red flag
Most of the others are mostly just personal taste, so whatever suits you I guess.
More like you don't, senpai.
obviously aesthetics are subjective you nigger. if they werent, modern art, film, cinema all wouldnt exist
>it's just (((medication)))! It doesn't do anything to your biology! It's healthy, take it!
Is "periodpain" life threatening? Did your sister or her parents not consider that menstrual cramps might be something you are supposed to feel?
>So her parents not having enough money for private school is a red flag ?
Home schooling is better and costs nothing but a library card or internet connection.
>ok I wont comment on that
>Well I mean its probably comfy so why not ?
So sacrifice modesty and just seek "comfort"? Why not just sacrifice chastity and fuck strangers all day and night because penis in vagina feels "comfortable"?
>I mean as long it is not overdone and the overall lifestyle is healthy I would not consider this a red flag
Because you're a fat mcdonalds eater yourself no doubt.
>Appreciation of art is a good and wholesome thing
i mean that was my whole point. i was very obviously talking about music and art in general, not things like your nitpicky example.
ok autistic what do u listen to?
>inb4 "classical"
Modern "art" and film is devoid of aesthetics.
>i mean that was my whole point.
Your concept of art is false if you consider niggertunes art.
>menstrual cramps might be something you are supposed to feel?
>aren't illnesses just something we are supposed to die from
Hymns, Sardinian overtones, rock, some classical.
>why am I alone
Who knows lads.
Are menstrual cramps an illness? Are they life threatening? Are you retarded? The answers to my questions, in the same order as I asked them are as follows:
>Your concept of art is false
ha ha ha. just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't.
>just because you don't like it
You're incapable of honest discourse.
>has ever used contraceptives
the birth control shot keeps my skin clear lol would you prefer me with pizzaface?
>has ever used recreational drugs
>has dyed hair
I've got light blonde highlights in my dirty blonde hair
>wears makeup
light makeup (mascara, base, & nude lipstick) makes you look professional
>has painted fingernails/toenails
it looks nice and keeps my nails from breaking
>wears high heels
this is the only appropriate footwear in a lot of situations
>wears "yoga" pants
I actually do yoga
>drinks soda
diet coke is life
I'm khhv so a lot of these really aren't good thot indicators
>wears men's clothing
Fuck you, it's comfy
No (you) for you.
>my God
he isn't real man, really sorry to break it you
>my people
stay with them and dont integrate with others, and I think we can both be happy
>(((medication))) is bad for you, pain is something natural and should be felt
The risk of long term problems is very slim, and yes when the pain is so intense that you cant go to school it makes sense to medicate it
>just homeschool
It has been shown that homeschooling is in most cases even worse than public school
>sacrificing modesty for comfort
there is literally no correlation between these two. Like saying taking public transport is sacrificing fitness and you should just walk
Also im starting to believe this tread is bait, if so good job sir you got us.
only children & childish people have your mindset towards art. i hope that was honest enough.
>he's a gaytheist
fucking kek, just listened to sardinian overtones and they sound like trash. I dont even like most rap, but I'd listen to a shit rapper like drake over that tripe any day
user believes that we should experience things that we always experiences because "muh natural"
enjoy dying in a cave at 22 years old retard
>The risk of long term problems is very slim
I deny your assesment. You know what is better than little risk from medication? No risk by not taking frivolous medication.
>and yes when the pain is so intense that you cant go to school
Or she can stay home from school(are sick days not allowed?) which she shouldn't be going to in the first place. You place so much importance on sending your offspring to government "education" facilities, it's almost funny.
>It has been shown that homeschooling is in most cases even worse than public school
It's the exact opposite. Home schoolers are superior by every measure.
>there is literally no correlation between these two
You literally just said there is, you retard. Wearing yoga pants is immodest and you say it's for comfort. That is sacrificing modesty for comfort.
>Also im starting to believe this tread is bait, if so good job sir you got us.
This is your fragile ego trying to defend itself from a differing worldview. Your beliefs and the very fabric of your life is without a foundation or support of any kind, so you have to insulate and pretend any you disagree with is just non-serious.
>user believes that we should experience things that we always experiences because "muh natural"
This is a straw man because you're afraid to engage in honest discourse with my words in reality. That is why you only dodge and deflect rather than actually address anything I type.
>enjoy dying in a cave at 22 years old retard
Historically inaccurate statement. Even humans in caves lived into their 70s.
blade runner, Beatles, Bowie, American psycho, banksy, black mirror, fight club, the godfather. I could go on and on
>I deny your assesment. You know what is better than little risk from medication? No risk by not taking frivolous medication.
Not that user but you're fucking retarded, dude.
There's no reason for a person to suffer through excruciating pain just because the treatment can be used for another purpose that you personally don't approve of.