how do I overcome my fear of men?
How do I overcome my fear of men?
You don't booga booga
Get raped by a few at the same time to assert dominance.
>fear of men
What even do OP?
you can suck my cock to start
do I just become a hikki and never leave my home then
Is there a reason you fear them?
You just wake up. It takes a while, it's more comfortable to keep napping. But one day you'll see how nothing matters and how everything matters. One day.
Well first, why are you afraid of men? I guess there are plenty of reasons, but it must be something specific and individual.
>loser girls
>always into occult/dragons/magick/paranormal
but why
You need to learn the difference between white knights and shitlords and get the former on your side. Until you have mastered this art you will always live in fear.
I don't care what you do, I hope you stay afraid so long you miss out on all your good years and then when you finally decide to try you actually do end up with a murderer because you have no experience dealing with men and don't know warning signs for crazy people since you assume all men are going to be crazy. It would be hilarious.
Never and I repeat NEVER overcome your fear of men or you will not make it to your 20th birthday
i don't know what I did to you to wish that on me
I won't, the above post scared me and I just want to continue being alone instead
You should be afraid, if you find one guy who you can make yourself useful to, then you can start being a little less afraid
Why did you want to overcome your fear? Do you wanna a BF?
Yeah, fear white men roastie. But at the same time, make sure you vote for more immigration of shitskins and make doubly sure you take a road-trip to sub-saharan africa to help those poor africans with their humanitarian crisis!
no, user is right. because of my lack of exposure I would meet a killer and not realize it and get killed because I can't see actual signs of a dangerous man and I'll get murdered. it easier to be fearful and avoid them if possible.
Why are you afraid to begin with my friend? You're being ambiguous
With reason. Sure, they may be sinful stalkers, but that's no excuse to start creating a misleading public image to cripple them, for then they will in turn start creating a world for cripples, not realizing they were at fault first for looking when and where they shouldn't have.
Realize that your fear is about you, not the world.
gandhi was a huge faggot and fraud, he wouldve used violence if he didnt know pajeets stood no chance
ok i beliv u pls calm down
Male escort. They'll only go as far as you let them so you can use your time with them as exposure therapy, its what I did with women.