>kikes would lose their throne
>we would start a race war and win against negroes
>high quality trannies would be deluxe hookers
>we would colonize mars in 20 years
>r9k wouldnt exist
The world if women dissapeared
>humanity as we know it ceases to exist after 100 years
>pic of lamb in a plastic sack.jpg
>look mom I posted it again
All people do now is say what they think makes them fit in, SJWs 4channers, teachers, parents its all just some type of regurgitated virtue signaling even this thread. I shouldve actually kicked the stool out from under me when I was trying to turn this movie off 14 years ago.
>Oh my gosh im so special and unique, im not like the other girls XD RAWR, they're just a bunch of sheeple XD
this is what you sound like
No shit. People dont want to think for themselves and want to feel accepted. Why would someone intentionally go against the grain? No one wants hardship when its all to easy just to agree with everyone
>not being a part of the groupthink means im an outsider and automatically an obnoxious one
Im a neck beard with dried cum on his hands as I type this. I dont claim to be above it just another simulacra jerking itself off in the rain. Thanks for proving my point though.
By going online and trying to score e-points by pointing out that you're a special snowflake boi you are automatically a faggot
humanity would die out...?
I dont know what part of my post conveyed enough surprise that you felt the need to explain this to me.
is right though, youre a faggot.
>point out that post is just blatant appeal robot woman hate hive mind for (you)s
>realize this is general societal trend since the dawn of social media
>never say anything about myself or my own beliefs or uniqueness
>special snowflake woman/fagggot detected get out of my thread REEEE
Quality original posting
Call me a faggot attention whore if you want but im not the one making low effort threads that appeal to everyone in the most simplistic way. Ill leave tho and you and op can go back to jerking each other off and watching fifty more people post WE WOULD ALL DIE IF WOMEN LEFT LMAO
>the world if women dissapeared
It's called lisa:the painful, go torrent it or watch a lets play or something. Have fun believing that.
>long site culture of purposefully stirring the pot and being cheeky fuckers
>why would anyone who is anonymous and not facing consequences go against the grain
I dunno I think because it was fun
>the world if women disappeared
This game would be more realistic if the sexes were inverted. If women disappeared, men would have no reason to go ooga-booga.
Men disappearing, on the other hand, would lead to a fall of competence in all fields. As society collapsed, women indeed would group in primitive chaotic tribes, like their old matriarchal societies irl portrayed so well.
*trumpet noises*
No, I am pretty sure we could fix up a method to for creating artificial eggs, even if some of the first prototypes would be horror-movie tier.
Lot LESS of procreation though, since it would be costly and might get based on real merit but those are not bad things imo. Far too many humans around as it is even with the females gone.
No, thanks to artificial wombs and reproduction with stem cells.
This, especially considering in game it hasn't even been a generation.