do you think living in the 80s would have been better for you?
Do you think living in the 80s would have been better for you?
Yeah, just because I think we have way too much technology right now. These little gadgets and Knick knacks should've stopped being developed in the early 00s. We had more than enough. Cool video games, ok internet, cell phones that could call and text. What we have now is too much
t. south african
yes but I wouldve been an insufferable anti-war love-is-love hippy probably instead of the antithesis of that.
Probably, the coke was wayy more pure back then
no. no internet, bad vidya gaem
we're gonna see shit spiral out of control so fucking hard soon, we haven't seen nothin yet
I feel this on another level
t. zimbo
No, but living as a little girl in the 2010s would.
The 1780's to be exact. I could live in my country, own a business like my family used to, and kick back on a nice patch of land in the countryside making weird and impractical muskets shaped like dicks.
Even as a basic worker, I'd likely have much better hours and pay than I could get these days. I could even join the military and not have to deal with bullshit wars for Israel or having to shave my head and scrub floors with my toothbrush for abusive POGs. Just join, get handed a musket and a uniform, and you're golden.
i probably would have gone to the nfl, got brain damage
I'm a faggot so definitely not
Nah fuck that. Being able to carry around encyclopedias of big anime tits in my pocket and getting to come home to a national library of 2d milk trucks is the only thing keeping me from blowing myself up at the nearest mall
The world was trash already by the 80's
God no, I'd be living in the USSR on the brink of collapse. This sucks.
Can I have the get down on this.
Most of you would have gotten your ass kicked on a daily basis in the 80s and there wouldn't be any PC police to protect you.
Based luddite. I wish we could go back.
Naw, 90s are the shit. Ya couldn't be running in the 80s
It was pretty easy getting rich in the 80s since you didn't had global competition (or at least nowhere near the amount you had today).
Do you mean coming of age in the 80s? I mean I was born in the late 80s. Don't have shit to show from that aside from some cool 90s nostalgia.
I did live in the 80's for 3 years.
I didn't know what the fuck was going on at that time though beyond WWF wrestling.
Hows the ghoul problem?