I want to emotionally and psychologically ruin the life of a pretty white girl. I have one in question who is finally into me after years of being an incel.
What do?
I want to emotionally and psychologically ruin the life of a pretty white girl. I have one in question who is finally into me after years of being an incel.
What do?
kill yourself
you want to ruin someones life because of your "years of being an incel"
end it chief
Why White though?
just be yourself, user
ignore this: blablalblbla it says my comment isnt original
cum on her face
marry her and have a nice family with her for 50 years, and then on the 50th anniversary tell her that it was all just a prank, then leave
Start by defining what you consider "pretty". Be specific.
Life is preferable to death and I'm not sad enough to kill myself.
Because they make up most of the women who have either rejected me harshly or alternatively gone out of their actual way to fuck with me. White grils believe that it is edgy to shit on their own race as well, and they do it often. Me with this girl doesn't make me feel special or different about that.
I don't really consider mushroom gangbang decapitated chick to be pretty but Jow Forums seems to. Redheads are the only white girls I find beautiful.
Gaslighting is a good start stick with subtle things that will make them question their sanity but still provide you with plausible deniability (hiding objects, adjusting clocks, turning things on/off). Also try to interrupt their sleep, eating and other bodily functions. Isolate them from other people in their life by sabotaging their relationships. Drug them with something addictive/hallucinogenic, stick to small doses mostly but occasionally ramp it up. Create a persona and use it stalk and harass them. Send threatening letters and phone calls. Follow them while in disguise and make sure they know. Send packages with dead animals, blood, or bodily waste. Get them to love you by being the perfect person for them, but constantly subtlety hint that you don't really like them or are disappointed in them. Whenever they do something even slightly negative towards you constantly bring it up and use it to make them feel guilty. Always keep a sort of manic hatred within you and try to enjoy the torment. Act a little crazy yourself and try to get it to bleed into them. The rest is looking for good opportunities to inflict emotional pain. I wish you luck.
Shit in there car AC or save their new vegas save while jumping from a cliff
Just fuck and dump her. Easiest way.
Do you have experience with this?
Why the fuck would you ruin the one girl who gave you a chance?
It's only somewhat ok because it will teach her to make better choices and steer clear of bitter incels like everyone else does
Because she doesn't know the truth that I'm a bitter incel autist and will promptly leave me once she finds that out
I've done more minor versions of what I've described but I mostly learned from having such things done to me
or, just to clarify, I fucked her, I wasn't a virgin before fucking her, but I still have the whole incel mindset incurably
and she is a redhead
weird larp man
they live such great lives. Growing up with talent,GOOD FAMILYS, friends, neurotypical minds and they basically get everything they want. Their worst memories are loosing some volley ball game or some shit. I don't want to ruin their lives but i want them to see how fucked up it could be. Not just going hungry or someone dying but having to live in fear and despair every day.
these people tend to be nice but they need a dose of reality so they don't get decapitated backpacking in some 3rd world shitter.
>there are girls out here who go mushroom hunting
>penny buns none the less
large teeth for cracking shellfish
get closer to her, the closest as you can, then kill yourself. dont forget to leave a letter and blame her in it
You have to be attractive enough for her to actually acknowledge you as a human first for this to work, so in other words, sorry.
triggered normalfag spotted