Like BLACKed only the inverse. Taking a girl from another race and just fucking them up with your white cock, completely turning them from liking their own men. Whitening their bloodline. Creating them Hafu babies.
How many here like BLEACHing
100% and was just talking about this.
Asian girls are cancer though
keep it 1 hunnid
I did some myself, felt pretty empowering actually.
Taking self hating women? No problems sir , enjoy your Elliot Rodgers who is mad about not being fully white
wrong. an asian woman that doesnt date out is the self hating ones. btfo
Just curious, why would any non-white user care about the whole blacked/bleached meme?
this is true for all ethnic women who date white
yes it is indeed. women that arent dating White men are self hating, and believe that they dont deserve it.
the ones who specifically want white men are self hating and want to dissolve away their ethnic genes
95% of nonwhite women wanna be bleached and most white women are trash anyway
I've never watched BLACKED but I would definitely watch BLEACHED. lmao.
wrong, the opposite is true. the women who dont want to White wash their ethnic genes are the self hating ones, since they believe that they dont deserve the best (Chad).
>yes it is indeed. women that arent dating White men are self hating
how about white women that aren't dating minorities?
>tfw asian male that transitioned to be bleached
white cock is the best desu. niggers can fuck off.
>White wash their ethnic genes are the self hating one
So, since it's ok for asian women to white wash their genes, how about if white women get their genes BLACKED?
White women that arent dating minorities are not self hating, they date Chad.
black != Chad (White).
any more questions, robot?
>went to Africa and where I was at least, women will willingly want to become single mothers no strings attached if it's with a white baby
It's crazy how much weight it can carry in parts of the world, they literally thought white people were magic.
God is White. 1 hunnid
i just think to myself
>"at least some of us are getting it w/ Wh*te ppl."
>Whitening their bloodline
It's actually the opposite. Hapa babies tend to have more asian features than caucasian ones.
no, that's wrong make it Spic! = Chad
fine. just keep it 1 hunnd
i don't like white men honestly.
t. asian female
>Taking a girl from another race and just fucking them up with your white cock, completely turning them from liking their own men.
Nah you are just mentally ill lol. No one except mentally unstable men on imageboards think like this
That doesnt even make sense. If you want to change yourself, you hate yourself. If you want to date someone like yourself, you like so much you want to continue your line.
What you mean is she doesnt want white chad. Which means she doesnt hate herself, once again. But your obsession with white chad might mean you want his dick. Not sure if it means you hate yourself or not, but i dont think that matters lol.
I only support it if you're gonna marry the girl and have many kids with her.
I don't want to bleach her then be a deadbeat dad. Thats what creates elliots.
but yeah asian women are God tier and I can't love any other race of women.
seething chang. holy shit lmao calm down bro.
>everyone who doesnt want to suck dick is chinese
Imagine absolutely S E E T H I N G this hard because someone called you out on your homosexuality
breh, idk
this is a totally based thread guys
That's not what's happening. The women are poor and view foreigners as a way out of poverty. Same thing happens to Black people that go back to Africa, the local women swarm them even harder than they swarm white men. US and UK Somali men are making a habit of leaving single mothers in Kenya/Somalia because these women truly believe that the men "love" them and will take care of then. They get married, fuck, she gets pregnant and the man goes back to the west. There's nothing special about having poor women willing to take your dick, same thing happened to me in the Dominican Republic