Oh, you aren't one of those STEM autists, r-right user?
Oh, you aren't one of those STEM autists, r-right user?
Sorry lol I'm going to college to get paid not laid chad
>He doesn't know getting laid will get you paid
kek Chad will become an actor and make millions while having fun, while virgin STEM losers slowly rot away from stress
>tfw STEM fags in /uni/ threads complain about their degrees/gpa's being jeopardized by basic things such as in-class participation and presentations.
Imagine thinking of yourself as intelligent but not being able to interact with others, sad!
The virgin vs chad meme has become a what I dislike vs what I like meme. Sex and relationships are really simple, if you're good looking you'll get sex and companionship, if you're ugly, you're out of luck.
Yeah, you might be having a better time as a humanities student than a STEM student in college. However, once you graduate with hundreds of thousands in student loan, and you will probably end up with a job that doesn't even relate to your degree with shit pay. You will regret not getting a STEM degree.
Hahaha you actually believe this. Just wait until you graduate
t. 4 years post college
>having debt
>not having a full-ride scholarship
Who's the brainlet in this case?
isnt that chad/virgin comic a bit obsolete?
TFW in STEM at a top university in the UK and want to fucking kill myself, i fucking hate it i should've done history at the same uni all my high school friends went to, fuck my life
Most scholarships are for being a nig or sports. That or youre going to a shitty school so they're bribing you.
>tfw had to make the same choice because of the overabundance of history students in my country
w-we can make it
>Stutters while nervously talking over PowerPoint slides
Delete this thread immediately
Nah man I go to one of the top 100 private universities in the US.
I thought i cared about money but i dont, i just want to be near my friends again.
>dedicating your life to something you hate to make money
That's a yikes from me boss.
Unless you go on to complete a PhD in History its literally a pointless field of study because their are zero jobs in it below doctoral level.
ngl probably gunna kms in the next few years, already on drugs its the next step. Should've believed the people who said do what makes you happy.
Middle is me except I look like left and I'm an engineering student
which uni u go to
>tfw virgin no education
I mean they can still relatively easily become
>any kind of museum employees
>workers for the government (many of these positions don't require any certain degree)
I know it's not much though. And it's too late for me anyway.
original alallaajksjhujhde
>tfw 6'4 compsci major and i tower over the robots and asians in my classes like a fucking giant
i cant hide bros it sucks
I'm an art student with a minor in software engineering.
also why cant we just sperg out and be super autists? what is with you fucking normies and your healthy social 'lives'?
>tfw can't decide on a major, I just like math, climbing, archery and hiking with no other interests
Don't worry friend, I'm also in top UK uni for a STEM degree. All my friends went to polys doing accounting. I wish I was dead.
I am. At least I won't be broke.
Easiest STEM for a brainlet?
Most of the actual Chads here don't even go to University, they'll go straight to work or become an apprentice in a trade job. Whilst the left side of your image is correct, most guys who take the humanities are either borderline faggots or normalfags who stand out like a pin in a haystack.
Biology desu desu
>ethnographic biases
As an anthropology graduate student with a future in the unemployment sector, this phrase bothers me.