Would you date her?
ASPD girl
fk no
Every girl demonstrates extremely sociopathic behaviour; she is not special, she is the norm.
Its a well known scientific fact that Dark Triad traits are far more common in men
So no
I, too, watched the Shane Dawson videos about Jake Paul
Yeah but just for the sex, she looks freaky as hell
also I am very lonely
Not a chance in hell. She talks about herself like she's this master manipulator who can make people just give her anything she asks for. What a fucking prick.
That means she's super easy to manipulate if you're actually what she pretends she is
So that's a plus for me
nope, she sounds evil tbqh
It doesnt necessarily mean that at all
nope, it's an idiot
She looks like a guy i studied with, she looks like a trap
Is the guy you studied with a sociopath too?
Well they can't just outright say all women are sociopathic value gamers
No just a faggot, never heard about him after he got thrown out a bridge, i guess he survived though, no one ever talked about someone dying from being thrown of the bridge then, so i don't
no wonder you guys have never had a gf.
the girl in the OP is cute in both the way she looks, and the way she acts. She's dainty. She's easily a 7/10. if you wouldnt date this girl, you have no reason to complain about tfwnogf
see everone this is the overly thirsty eternal virgins we talk about in those other threads. you can tell how he overrates her by 3 points claiming she's a 7 when she's a 4 maybe a 4 on a good day. But due to overwhelming thirst from his eternal virginity this pathetic unman rates her higher and tries to implies people who wouldnt date her have bad taste or have no room to complain aobut being single. As if this virgin has any room to cast rules on anyone.
nice try kid but your thirst is showing and she's ugly. just get an escort to fix that virginity and thirst problem and you'll still be a pathetic pussy worshipping simp but least you will have learned sex isnt that amazing and girls like this are not 7's you over rating cuck
where do you live? Beverly Hills? She's easily a 7/10. Maybe you should get off the internet and go outside because apparently you live in an area with the hottest women on the planet
doubling down on your overating of females wont change the fact you're a pussy worshipping simp that thinks that 4 is a 7. Maybe you should move from the goblin nation you live in cuz that female is a 4 at best. she's also sporting a ring to lead her around with a leash thus showing she's also got shit taste. man you thirsty virgins are why females have such entitled demands these days. cuz some thirsty virgin will proclaim a 4 is a 7 and worship her overused pussy and think she's the prize at 35.
Who is "they"? Its a well known fact that men are far more sociopathic than women. No one is "making" men that way, its just how it is. Its evolutionary, men are warriors and builders, they need high stress tolerance, low remorse and low empathy to do so. Women are caretakers and mothers, sociopathy does not mix well with those things.
Mental disorders aren't real. Prove me wrong.
>nose ring
Nah. She's a failed Stacy, that's all that means.
is she wearing a fucking wig
If that's a female, then I'm the pope.
I'm not a catholic btw
>muh anti social personality disorder
>muh bipolar
>muh anxiety
>septum piercing
>retarded makeup
>retarded hair