>When a female joins the group of my online friends that I play vidya with every day after work and now everyone acts completely different and tried to subtly belittle each other for a 0.00001% chance of fucking her
When a female joins the group of my online friends that I play vidya with every day after work and now everyone acts...
Get used to it user, we men dont have any space left so its just going to get worse.
You need to introduce more and more women into the group so that it collapses and your real friends quit that shitfest.
I fucking loathe that shit. Just kicked 2 guys out of my server earlier for chest puffing over a girl on the server. like fuck it's all gonna burn down since she joined. but I dont blame her I blame the guys that change who and how they are to impress some chick they will never meet
it's so fucking cringy too when you can tell that that's what the guy's trying to do, god i hate that shit
>Not being able to handle some ribbing and testosterone competition
you were born the wrong gender user
I knew some dudes who did that and I fucking hated it too, but desu even I act a little different around girls. It's a subconscious thing.
Maybe we dont want to be part of the fucking competition you kike loving faggot
If you can't tell the difference between roasting cause you're buddies and roasting because there's a female around and you have no other way of proving your masculinity, you're actually retarded
then don't talk to anyone you mongoloid
>thinking that male interactions should be centered around vying for some cunt's attention
Fuck off roastie/roastie apologizer.
I want to have a good time and talk to people without it turning into a competition you vegetable
no. dummy retard
you can always go full gay, user
Just want to be one of the beautiful ones hangin out with my mousebros you feel me?
Why do most people always forget the age-old saying "bros before hoes"? Perhaps the fruit that Eve ate did not symbolise evil or knowledge but women themselves.
>New grill joins group
>Acts all sorta cutesy uwu which doesn't really mesh with me and the others
>Little to no one humors her subtle attentionwhoring or acts different to appease her
Feels good man. Don't walk into a community expecting it shape itself around you. Get with the established groove or fuck off. There's nothing to offer you.
>When a female joined our group of friends to play a co-op game and everyone became highly competitive and aggressive in accomplishing the goal and protecting of every danger possible for the 0.00000001% of get nudes from her
it's really pathetic how quickly people I thought were 10/10 bro's become 1/10 frenemies with me the moment girls would hop on the servers. like yeah that .000001% she thinks you're alpha ok buddy. gets tiresome cuz its happened countless times. one or multiple guys starts puffing his chest and acting like he's a man and it's so gawd damn pathetic
This is what life is
it shouldnt be but for some reason almost every male gamer on servers has to act like an autistic virgin the moment a girl shows up or go into me caveman me want girl mode.