>order chicken tendie pub sub online for 5:10PM
>leave house at 5:05PM so I can make it to the deli counter pickup spot at exactly 5:10PM
>pub sub isn't ready
>ree internally
>take a lap of the store, see if there are any buy one get one free deals on tendies or oreos
>there are not
>go back to pickup spot at 5:15PM
>sub still isn't ready
>i've now given these fucking wagies an extra 5 minutes of MY time to get their shit together and make my sub
>see that a new sub with somebody else's name is there
>look around, nobody looking, feel sub, is warm
>good enough
>on way to cashier serf, pissed off, decide fuck it i don't want their shitty sub
>put other persons sub in trash and leave to warm up some tendies in the oven
Fucking wagies want $15/hr but can't get a sub made on time, so I shit on them by taking somebody else's sub. Now they will make a sub for me that won't get eaten, and another sub for the guy whose sub I threw out.
Fucking stupid wagies did this to themselves.
the way subways are laid out you wouldnt have access to the other guys sub since it'd be behind glass windows. cute fantasy larp you get a 4/10 for effort
>the way subways
>pub sub
fucking dumbass, don't be mad your work amounted to nothing wagie
aww the lil virgin autist got toasty cuz someone doesnt buy his made up larp. remember to pick the flavor salty in your reply lil bitch
Not him but a lot of delis and bodegas will call out sandwiches and leave them above the counter and go on making the next one. Not wholly unbelievable.
you are literally retarded and a newfag. chicken tendie pub subs are the greatest invention on earth and you have no concept of their greatness
you have no idea where I have or have not eaten peasent so stop with your pathetic shit posts of you dont know something assumption assumption retarded assumption
I know for a fact that you've never eaten a sub from publix you fucking pleb, you thought a pub sub was from subway troglodyte
and that somehow makes me a newfag.. hmm interesting logic you run on. this guy may or may not have eaten somewhere so he's a newfag on a website!
boy you certainly get frazzled easily when someone calls someplace subway. dat autistic meltdown and name calling after. almost like you're mentally a tard lashing out in anger.
not knowing what a pub sub is makes you a fucking newfag retard. I guarantee you came here post election too
kek hilarious how triggered you are over the word subway to pub sub. And you guarantee huh... well that's gonna make you look bad considering ive been here alot longer than 2016. But ah well not getting into it with some /b/tard posting some unfunny shit on here. you're pissed cuz I said subway and you keep staying triggered and autistic over it thus I derailed you're own pathetic thread. but do fire back with more salty tasting replies and denials of the reality of what just happened. now maybe i'll go hit up subway at publix and get something to eat
of course im fucking triggered you have no respect for publix or their chicken tendie subs. please go to subway and eat trash subs with soggy bread while you browse reddit on your phone newfag
>he thinks he's still replying to op
>can't spell
k triggered autist i'll continue enjoying my night while you're triggered like a snowflake over subway pub way publix sublix. quite comical desu.
kek cuz spelling is the end all be all in life. back to rebbit with that shit
I'm sorry, but you have to be over 18 to post on this website
LMFAOOOO retarded nopub poster clinging to his love of his kiddy diddling droopy bread hoagie chain. Fuck off bacc to leddit kiddie I know you want Jared to tickle your pickle but you have to be 18 to post on this site
tell that to op first user since im not underage but that sure is the goto insult next to incel these days. so you're just an underage incel to me fuck off
considering that post is regurgitated /b/tier shitposts i'll say back to /b/ kid
why are damage controlling so hard? just admit youre a retarded newfag that cant possibly understand the excellency of a chicken tendie pub sub
i've been on Jow Forums for 10 minutes and i already found a newfag i want to punch in the throat. just fucking go home.
kek sounds like your life sucks. I hear reddit is a nice site for soft boys like yourself
LMFAOOO kid I haven't been to /b/ in years. Love that you completely dropped any semblance of a defense you dreamed of making for one of the shittiest sandwich chains to ever exist. I'm not only talking about the fact that their claim to fame is a guy who touches kids and loves horse intercourse...I'm talking about a chain that uses literal yoga mat material in their bread and leaves meatballs out for days....
Dude honestly just fuck off of this fucking board and go eat your asshole meat subs to help pay for Jared Fogles legal funds you subhuman
>your life sucks
heh you sound angrier than anyone else in this thread tbqh nopub loser
jesus christ dude just leave, the state of (you) is in a rough place. I'm sure the community on reddit would be quite welcoming to such a retard
wew lad you dont even know where I eat ive said that before earlier in the thread but you just keep doubling down on your autism and staying triggered like a sjw cuz I called it sub way. Get over it it's just words and both are just places to eat you hilariously triggered child
nice no u reply faggot.
I told you goto reddit and you're sad pathetic ass fires back no u goto reddit hurr durr im king of rekt!
holy shit just kill yourself with that weak ass bantz
there is more than one person replying to you right now and both of us recognize your latent homosexuality. it seems you are having trouble repressing it again so you come to Jow Forums to take it out on innocent anons buying sandwiches. i hear there are a lot of supportive communities on reddit however, maybe they can talk you through your problems and help you discover your true self :^)
friend, it's ok to get this butthurt after losing an e-argument, but it isn't ok to shit up my board with your retardation. please go back
Hi guys just a random user coming by. Can I get some (you)s too?
aww how cute another no u goto reddit post. do you underage all suffer hivemind or something? Weak ass material you're throwing at me.
Literally never has publix been a meme on here ever
Kill yourself
you actually type like a 16 year old nigger
oh sorry user but op shit up the board and his thread got derailed than a bunch of triggered subway publix autists showed up throwing shit fits and ive been entertaining myself since.
also I didnt lose any arguement but cute revisionist history you got going on
and you type like a triggered sjw snowflake outside of her safespace, cry moar
>"You don't know where I've eaten"
jesus christ dude what are you a fucking combat veteran in the food industry? If you've had a pubsub (which you clearly haven't) just say (or pretend) you have already. Why be such a faggy edgelord? HURRR YEW DONT KNOW THE SUBZ IVE SEEN LIL BWOI
Not a single one of you will even comment on the disgusting sad excuse for a sandwich joint that subway is. Honestly, forget the fact that it's built on pedophilia...defend the subs. They've legit been caught using yoga mat materials in their bread... Subway is the very bottom of the barrel in their field. I wouldn't even consider them a sandwich shop at this point.
>redditor tells me to go back to r*ddit, doesn't expect me to tell him he should actually go back to r*ddit and fucking stay there
okay your free Jow Forums tour is over now dude
>subway pub way publix sublix
>everybody is stupid except me
What to eat if you are in jewrope. There is only subway and dominos here that make sandwiches.
Originality is to this post as girth is to OP's mother.
I assume there are local sandwich shops right? I wouldnt be caught dead eating at a subway or dominos with my /comfy/ publix nearby
thank you all for keeping Jow Forums great you fucking autistic fucks
these wagies are paid nothing, they're understaffed and have a backlog of 6 subs. and you expect yours in 5 mins, & then blame them when it doesn't happen?
how long does it take to make a sandwich lmao