Give me the feels, I want it all.
You look lonely
How about you feel my foot up your ass
Hey, don't be rude.
I'm so alone. It never bothered me until recently.
I'm a white woman that means I can say faggot on the internet check your priviliage
Me too user, lately I'm really obsessed with it, constantly thinking about it.
I've been experiencing apathy and complete emotional coldness for a few years now.
I've abandoned every form of affection towards other humans.
i just feel cold and empty, not sad.
My life is in a constant cycle of drinking and sleeping.
I dont feel human anymore, more like an empty hollow vessel.
i have an idea of what i was or am but i simply cannot really confirm my existence.
Tell me about your feelings OP, I want to experience what emotions are.
ywn put pee pee in vagena to gf
No you put kakarot in vageta
excuse me what the fuck, explain
If you don't fuck up the mating process with a female you will be given a devil fruit
Man I think I'm maybe heading your way, I just have that feeling that I will be empty vessel in few years. Well I always was kinda melancholic person, and always had trouble in finding the girl that really fits me, but lately I'm thinking about it all the time. I mean there are more problematic persons out here but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't write about myself. I just don't have luck in finding the one, I'm free for like 4 or 5 years, without a woman that I can cuddle with, talk to, understand to, I just need those things in my life. Someone to hug after a fucked up day. I'm really lonely even desperate sometimes, but it never hit me hard until now and it's lasting for a couple of months now. I hate this feeling, and I'm becoming slowly pathetic about it.
You shouldn't be ashamed of talking about yourself, some people make this board a competition for the person with the shittiest existence.
I always knew, as lonely as i was, that a gf wouldnt actually bring me joy and happiness in life.
I've always been in different, in my childhood i was sent to therapy and i've always had a nihilistic view on life and problems with understanding emotions and feeling them, even though it never got as bad as it is atm.
I dont have the motivation to do anything at this point, but it seems like you still have a chance at fulfilling your desires and actually achieving happiness.
Try to turn around while you still can my friend.
I have pretty much come to terms recently with the fact I am doomed to spend this life alone. I've had a lot of opportunities in the last couple years to actually make a lot of friends and yet somehow I have fucked it up because I am unlike everybody else, no personality very uninteresting even if i fucking try. Maybe I'm overthinking it too much but life is hard, fucking hard
Are you diagnosed with depression or something similar? Motivation is a problem for me too, but I decided that I just have to do something about it or I will just hate myself whole life, so I started little by little and I'm okay with it but I gotta do way more desu. I just have that voice in my head that keeps me going somehow, but you see now the loneliness is striking so yeah. Btw I have anxiety disorder and panic attacks sometimes so it's really hard to be motivated sometimes.
>tfw need the sleepiness masturbation induces so I can fall asleep but am trying to stop touching my didk
Yeah, I was diagnosed with severe clinical depression at a very early age and took useless meds for a long time too.
Over time i developed schizoid personality disorder and anxiety to the point where I'm not able to talk to anyone besides my therapist and my brother.
even my eyes are almost completely black so even from the outside i look dead inside haha.
Well damn it, I am nihilistic in general thinking but not in living, I mean nothing makes sense and everything is useless until we create some reason but even then it's useless in this world except for us. I just hope that I will find or create some good reason. And just don't do anything bad fren, I love you.
Well have a nice life, my friend.
i hope you find what you seek.
I want hugs
I have the feeling nothing could ever change that
muh joe
At this point I'm just addicted to feeling lonely and sad as shit.