Why don't you just become a breeder fembot? We all know you'd be happier being a baby factory.
Why don't you just become a breeder fembot? We all know you'd be happier being a baby factory
What in the literal fuck is she gonna give birth to...
A fucking hippo?
that's what thin, fit women look like when they're 9 months pregnant
you're used to seeing landwhales pregnant with their pups
thats the best hair color
If someone could caption that that'd be great...
holy fuck pregnant women disgust me so much. JUST LOOK AT HER STOMACH OH MY GOD IM GOING TO PUKE
god i never want my future GF to be pregnant it's literal body horror.
I mean maybe she's just really short but that seems like a twin belly to me
Because no one wants to breed me.
it turns me on, bellies are best
Jesus she'll have several meters of stretch marks if you added them together. You cut out only the skin with stretch mark, twirl it into rope, and still climb down from the second floor good lord.
I'll breed you if you're Northeast Asian or have a high IQ.
look everyone. look
please post more before and after baby factories
Have high IQ, which is one of the reasons why I'm not fucking someone I'm not married to. Much less having children with someone I'm not married to.
One child is more than enough. The pain was unbearable.
where do you live ? ill marry you . dont worrry
Where do you live bby, are you fat?
No I wouldn't I hate kids lmao. No matter how many times normals tell me it's worth it I'll never change my mind because it isn't.
You sound retarded.
And you too.
Playing hard to get huh, no worries I like my woman feisty ;)
No. You sound like a balding 40 year old Indian man with erectile dysfunction who harasses teenage women on facebook.
I fully understand not trying to find a husband on Jow Forums, but if you actually want relationships with people here you need to post a rough location and some means of contact information.
Also I doubt you're smart. Why do you come here?
Keep going babby I'm almost there
hrmmm I wonder why no one wants to breed you, you sound like a real gem
I'd love to sully your womb with my defective brainlet spermies.
High IQ people have difficulties communicating with and relating to average IQ plebs which makes careers and relationships difficult. The best IQ to be a successful person is 120-130, after that it's basically flat but goes down a little. That's why there are so many low achievement, high IQ people.
I'm sorry if I upset you, Raj.
I have absolutely no desire to find a husband on r9k, and especially from a thread like this one.
>Why do you come here?
Was a weird kid, ended up here when I was 13.
I have a preggo fetish and fap to pregnant girls, that girl has twins or that's shooped. That's no normal hump.
This is actually the least annoying reply I got this far. Would probably consider your brainlet spermies over the others.
Being a weird misfit has barely anything to do with coming to Jow Forums in 2019. This place has been flooded with normalfags for over four years.
What content do you come here for? Why would you relate to people here? It's just a bunch of retards baiting each other alongside chronic masturbaters spreading their fetishes.
>my flaws are actually misunderstood virtues
You're the worst kind of insecure person.
>It's just a bunch of retards baiting each other alongside chronic masturbaters spreading their fetishes.
That's pretty much why I come here lol. It's also funny and there's a nice sense of community.
I didn't start coming here in 2019, I've been coming here for much longer than that.
Nowadays, mostly for shitposting. It's not a reaglly great board but it has less porn than /b/ and there's still a good thread from time to time.
I relate to people on here because I'm friendless, lonely, and mostly unloved I suppose (?). I used to go on some blue boards over the last 3-4 years but I refuse to use 4channel.
I have never seen a less attractive preggo in my life. Literally alien tier
That's actually the case for high IQ people though. It's obvious when you're largely a social hermit/outcast for most of your life but then bond instantly with other high IQ people and socialize easily.
How come you don't bond with anyone then? Maybe you're smarter than anyone else.
why am I so attracted so slim preggo women with massive bellies and huge areolas. i can't breed with them, but i want to fuck them more than anything else in this world. it must be nature's way of sexually satisfying me while making sure my defective genes never actually reproduce
Multiple Satan's spawns. My grandma had triplets and the proportions seem similar.
>I refuse to use 4channel
You're cool, even if you're a bonkers faggot.
I can only imagine what OP looking like. Fucking Augustus gloop looking ass
Lol dude what's your problem? Why are you so triggered by IQ? R u niggeR?
>You're cool, even if you're a bonkers faggot.
Thanks, you too probably. I like being called a bonkers faggot.
>muh you triggered nigger
Maybe if you keep making retarded comments you will convince me how smart you are. After all only someone really smart could be so socially retarded.
No. I'm just teasing you. I'm actually in the same boat myself.
>y-you too OwO
Pretty much... I've been exclusively beating it to traps lately (no homo ofc).
This board managed what dozen terrible choices of women didn't. All it took was a bit of projection and couple made-up fagtron stories that hit fiendishly close to home.
Stories such as? I'm kinda high, talk me to sleep.
The usual made-up incel shit.
>have gf
>[insert random scenario that forces separation for a short time]
>i'm loyal, she turns out to consume gallons of semen through all her orifices
then couple faggots "femanons" (traps) excreate some posts about how they worship their partner, whatever - not a faggot, don't care right? Turns out there's some truth to it. Got to know few anons who went for traps and they seem to be happy as fuck. Their traps aren't even some slutty traps (an apparent oxymoron), but legit adorable tradcon-ish traps with a bit of a self-esteem issues (thus their dependence on validation from other males). I was certainly never that happy with a girl, it felt like she was constantly looking for a better deal, even when she already was way above her league. But wymyn, right.
Anyway, my breakups always boiled down to her not feeling loved (because i want to build my career so i can fully focus on family by the time i'm 32) and me growing to resent her because she acted accordingly. Eventually i kicked every single one of them out because they ended up being nothing more than leeches on top of making up excuses to shift the blame on me.
And here on Jow Forums i only ever hear praise on traps, even get to talk to some and they seem pretty chill considering how fucked up in their heads they are. By now i just want a passable tradcon trap to bring up (artificial uteri when?) two hetero sons and a daughter with.
Too bad we don't have good traps in yuropoor, i'm too tied to my job to move out.
>low achievement, high IQ people.
They do not exist. The "I'm smart but lazy" meme is what your single mother reinforced your ego with.
>teenage women
Anonette, don't fall for stereotype, even though 90% of this board is trash (well it's better than the 95% IRL at least), there's still decent people.
Unfortunately, a rude and impolite person like you has more chances to be in the 90% than anything else.