>tfw starting college at 22 this semester
Don't know how to describe this feeling. At the same time it feels like I can obtain what I missed out on, if I went right after high school, but at the same time it doesn't.
Tfw starting college at 22 this semester
literally 30 year olds im most college classes, most of my first year friends were 20-24 when i went. quit being a loser user.
Nobody gives a fuck, retard. Stop being paranoid and fix your HPA axis.
I've been in a course with a 32yo guy and he was the most based guy in that place. He knew what he was there for, unlike the vast majority of my peers who were just affraid of real world so they got their mommy and daddy to pay up for their meme degree. He knew what was up.
Dude i'm 25 and starting this year. No one gives a fuck.
As long as you didn't NEET up and did something else it's fine.
I've made a few years break between my bachelor and my master grade, i wanted to leave so i went to the military and also worked in a lab for a few years total.
Started this semester, it's hard to get back in, but as long as you have discipline, everything will be fine.
Literally no one cares, youre going to be 100% ok
I had an ongoing job for one year out of the 3.5 years I spent outside of school. Otherwise, I was a NEET.
I'm in the same boat user, good luck.
Remember to join at least one club.
>I had an ongoing job for one year out of the 3.5 years I spent outside of school. Otherwise, I was a NEET.
Well, better than nothing.
I hope you're ready for going back to an active life user.
How do I fix my mindset
I am 20 almost 21
Finally started my bachelor
I'm. In first year now
But I am way slower than my peers
The people that were in my high school class are already in the third or last year of their bachelor
I can't stop comparing myself and feeling like a loser
Lost too much time
id think its nice if you start a little late, because you can go out to clubs and bars and shit
Stop comparing yourself to others, start comparing yourself to you. That's for mental health. Some people can handle it, you certainly can't, so don't torture yourself.
Put in more effort. We're not equal, some people need more time to learn shit. Find what learning style suits you and if you're not putting 8 hours/day into your uni, you have no right to complain about being behind. It's like a job, you don't work for 2 hours and call it a day because "muh anime titties are more fun".
I get good grades now
That's not the problem
Just the years of that I'm behind people my age or younger
Hard to come to terms with
I just feel better than others because I am a loser I guess
You're better now. Some girls dig older guys. You need to learn how to recognize them.
How likely is it that I can get a virgin gf as a virgin at this age?
You are still yong, starting college at 22 is totally normal, and stop comparing yourslef to others, if you can't stop doing that make some new friends , had the same feeling when i was 21making new friends and forgetting about the others made me more confident
I did the normal age and I think you'll be much better off, being a little older and a little more ready to work hard at being in college. I just jacked off and screwed myself over. Yeah you're going to stick out a bit, but not as much as you think, and who cares anyway? You're there to learn, not hang out with dimwitted teenagers.
Not that low. A decent chunk of your classmates will be virgins. You're probably better not telling them you're too though.
>Just the years of that I'm behind people my age or younger
Not all of them have uni, not all of them have good job, not all of them will have either of those. You're not behind them, your measure should be you, not someone else.
>Hard to come to terms with
You'll see how ridiculous it was to sweat over this. There are way worse things you could have done, dropping out of uni (assuming STEM) is barely a failure, many people lack the motivation and discipline at that age so they need that kick in the balls.
It's good that you know you fucked up, but anything more than and you're losing your time again. Yes, you fucked up. So learn from it and move on.
>starting at 24
fucking shit
Started at 24, 25 atm. It's whatever
I was 22 when I started as well actually. I'm 24 now - going 25 in a few months and I'm at the top of all my classes with 2 years left after this semester.
Because I did a lot of the dumb shit you do in your youth and I also see how much wagekeking blows I can easily motivate myself to study harder than most others.
You're going at a great time in your life OP, just keep focused.
I'm about to graduate at 29.
Relax faggot, it's better than having never gone
>got bachelor's back when I was 24
>Still trying to applying/getting accepted to med school or PA school
>A lot of people in my classes were 21-22 at most aside from one guy
It's alright, don't worry OP, just focus on your studies, and maybe try to network. Latter part is crucial otherwise you'll be cucked. Unfortunately good grades can only get you so far.
I went to college late and it's basically what you make of it. If you're a lost cause you will continue to be, if you are socially passable you will overcome the very small age gap and possibly even make use of it
can you even make friends, shit with most people you'll have a 5 age difference
i hope you're going to study a good degree. there always people who are going to be in college.