I need your help guys, I'm talking with a 46 year old absolute mommy on some dating app, how do I not fuck this up.
I need your help guys, I'm talking with a 46 year old absolute mommy on some dating app, how do I not fuck this up
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself because you'll never get her
Need deets to be any help brobot.
I cant read the scribbles in the corner. Who made that drawing. It makes me wee wee hard and I would like to see more.
install void linux
Mizuryuu Kei according to Danbooru: pixiv.net
Now gimme sauce on that manga.
how do you have the capacity to reverse search one image but not the other
I reversed the other and got nothing, duh.
fuk u arch is better
Show screen shots or not real faggot
here, but originally boriginally
say "all of them, youre so stunning that i couldnt help but appreciate the in all of them" btw what site is this
its an app called meetme.
i said "I honestly like them all, I think you're very attractive" but then i did choose a picture because she was showing her legs off and >pic related
she hasnt responded since i sent that two hours ago, i even followed up later with "whats on your mind" an hour ago but still nothing
Stay chill, dude. Maybe she will respond a bit later. Mommies can get busy with housework and all, you know ;)
Don't be too pushy or too intrusive, it's awkward and obnoxious I'd wager. If she doesn't answer in a few days or so, tough luck. Shit happens, keep your head up.
>>pic related
thats where you fucked never use Jow Forums lingo on old hoes... dnt sweat tho youll find another OP
alright true, she has two kids anyways so she's probably just busy
i didn't say ">pic related" to her, i just meant that pic related is how I feel about the leg pic
>Two kids
Obviously it depends how old they are, but if this is the case. Then yeah, no wonder she can't spend hours upon hours on her phone. Also as a friendly advice. Keep your eyes peeled so you don't just become some cuck beta provider for her. I don't particularly hate women, but I awknowledge they in essence can be deceitful and manipulative. Remember to think with your head and not with your dick.
linux mint is far superior
enjoy sucking that systemD then
>I have a son almost your age
And how old are you OP? Not trying to thread-hijack but I am considering entering your practice of MILFhunting.
That's literally the most autistic thing you could say in this situation desu
I'm 18
there's more of it, user
18? Fuck, dude. That feels a little...early to be going after milfs.
not OP but try having mommy issues that you don't know where they come from
the artist for this hentai is the best
I'm more of a Nora Higuma guy but it's still great.
install devuan
For anyone else who wants sauce on this one since this buttpipe didn't deliver: Yuusha No Bouken ~Miwaku No Youseitei No Yoru~
don't break OP's dreams
posting the last image I have of this set
well? what happened op?
>going after 46 at that age
36 would be perfectly fine, but 46? dude
I'm liking all those tags except the piss ones, can usually fap around it tho so to speak