>Be me
>Friend shows me video of chick from my old school letting her dog go to town
>Think what the fuck, but nothing of it
>See related pic
I have no words to describe how I feel
>Be me
>Friend shows me video of chick from my old school letting her dog go to town
>Think what the fuck, but nothing of it
>See related pic
I have no words to describe how I feel
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the point of posting any of this if you're not gonna post the video?
Faggot, you shouldn't feel anything about some bitch killing herself after feeling shame about what, posting a video of her getting fucked by a dog? Yup, that is totally a normal thing that people won't judge her for.
>What's the point of posting any of this if you're not gonna post the video?
We are waiting faggot...
Yes, milk... of course it was. What else could it be?
Am a teacher at SCHS can confirm
>dog was a chiwuwah
>she never killed herself but she's bullied relentlessly now
>gtofo underage OP
schs? don't just give us an acronym cunt.
Scott County High School, Kentucky
There u go faggot sorry for shit quality
Lol that dog is a fucking Chad.
so you're just gonna upload probably cp and beastiality on youtube now?
have fun in jail
Shitty upload but based nonetheless.
thats not a Chihuahua
Why would she record this
Why would she show people
Why does a teacher have it on his Snapchat
Welcome to women/modern society
can someone reupload please
>Why would she record this
Teens are retarded
>Why would she show people
Look at 1st answer
>Why does a teacher have it on his Snapchat
Not mine but that vids been shared so many times its nuked to hell
She's 18, it's high school, not middle school baka
did she really kill herself?
can we get another upload on something not youtube
>uploading dog porn to YT instead of making a webm
who the fuck are you people
not op but we can't bc its technically child porn
Hopefully Vimeo doesn't take down private vids
Shit password is 503
op, did this happen in northern mass, If so I think I might be located close to this person.
central catholic high
Please in something other than 144p please.
>she killed her self after it spread
good, degenerates like her belong on a cross
can confirm, we found her Instagram account.
she a fat tard
thanks user
>TFW even a dog fucks more girls then you
Based. I appreciate your efforts, my fellow user.
why cant i report videos on vimeo
this is literally illegal
what the fuck man
chiwuwahS dont count as fucking a dog, can it even penetrate? That is more like a video of her humping a foully pillow leaked.
Share a good high school story about the students. Like catching a handjob or something or parents being retarded.
did she kill herself?
need a confirmation on this
>this is literally illegal
Fucking gay, dude.
found this bitches Instagram profile. She is definitely retarded
haha the dog nose and ears filter on her photo
>some kids started an underage prostitution buisness in fucking freshman year and got caught
>already about 100 fights and only halfway through school year
>have to teach politics so always get color haired femefuck every damn class, same tranny faught to ban sharp pencils
as for catching sexual acts ive had a student grope his gf during class as I looked him in the eye, wanted to kms afterwards
America is doomed
ok but why is she using the dog filter?
>Dog filter
We should have known all along
who the fuck knows why
What exactly do you mean business
it says pchs so we can use the initials and maybe look up the records from her school, then use that to see if she actually killed herself, although its doesn't seem likely bc her Instagram is still active as of like 6 hours ago I think
>u didnt stick to the le 4chin ruleZz
Kill yourself.
no she didn't kill herself we think, it seems like that is unrelated
I've seen the video, dog is actually going hard
>tfw not giving in to watching dogfucker shit since it's a small dog on a fat bitch
go back bitch youre not doing anyone a favor with your presence here
i don't mean to wax philosophical but i really wonder why she fucks the dog
Women would rather fuck dogs than talk to you.
Let it soak in.
well she actually has a really nice ass so
and you cant see her face
The fuck? What's this Scott county stuff? I saw all on twitter people from my old school posting about this girl from the next town over, which for me is Lacey Township NJ
I've got the video and all, I've even got these twitter posts, I'm just confused who saw what. Why the fuck would this spread around my area if it's from Kentucky?
Second screenshot, I'll upload the video in a second
here's the link
Might be shit since I had to post it from my phone
You guys are sick disgusting people. I hope all of you burn in hell. THe girl made mistakes but her life didnt have to be ruined after death by you fucks
yeah whatever faggot here's your (You)
fuck off white knight she wont suck your itty bitty cuz you virtual signaled for a dog fucking whore. piss off to reddit with the other cuck white knight heroes that defend mlady all day no matter what she does.
pathetic eternal virgin
lol youre both faggots. this is a little girl were talking about. Im not defending her actions you tards. Im criticizing you for not letting it die out
>this is a little girl were talking about.
>little girl
how's it feel being this fucking stupid?
a minor you disgusting cunt please kill yourself
in which country you gigantic waste of space?
What the fuck. Are there any women left on the planet that are more intelligent than a down syndrome monkey?
Are you really that retarded or are you just pretending?
>chad fucks at 13
Are you really that retarded or are you just pretending?
The thing is, the horse has his dick out.
nah, you're just a faggot, enjoy gettting an fbi tip
Is this nigger just a good troll or is he for real?
where the fuck is your argument in this post? don't even bother saying anything if you can't properly contribute. The argument was that the girl is a little girl. Then your argument became she's a minor, which she isn't in most states and countries. Now your argument is nothing. Grow the fuck up retard
you are all included in the tip. Enjoy your time in jail disgusting bottom feeders
Women have a thing for bestiality.
>pic related.
muh dick hard niggah, bring dem popo up mah crib
I see you want to be included aswell. Very well then.
Did she originally killed herself?
Include me in the tip!
>whoopsie Haha made a big mistake uhoh gonna go to jail now haha
the fbi likes cp too fucktard
Great BaiT!!
Is the FBI going to fly out to my country and take me to an American prison for watching a video of a girl who is of legal age in most countries in the world (including my own)?
Take you moral faggotry back where it belongs.
what is it with white women and dog/monky fucking???
>that disgusting 56% face
She looks like the type of girl who would fuck some dogs in her free time.
Nevermind. It's not hot if the dog was the best she could get.
>tfw no dogfucker gf
Fat fut fucks dog, because nobody wants to touch her
A story like many others
>tfw when everyone is now too newfag to remember dogmogler