Let me be very clear. I am not a cheater, and I had no intentions of cheating on goth gf. I think thats terrible and disgusting. But i wanted the nursing student (Im gonna call her S from now on). So the next day, tuesday, I started heavily implying that I was going to end the relationship.
I drove out to her house tuesday night and broke it off. There were hysterics like youve never seen. I wont go full blown details unless you guys want them, but she went absoutely insane. I didnt tell her about S either, because I'm not fucking retarded.
Anyway, I went home and shed very few tears about the breakup. It was shocking. I didnt realize how terrible and toxic it was. I immediately felt like a weight was off my chest. I woke up the next morning feeling better than I had in several months.
That evening, I asked S on a date. We were both very busy, but we agreed on the next weekend. Over the next couple days, we kept talking. She was amazing, but there was one thing: She was weird religious.
No drinking, smoking, she wouldnt swear. She was very clear that premarital sex was off the table. I'm catholic and she is some weird christian denomination. But i didnt mind much, she was so perfect and I honestly wasnt even worried about getting laid. Not like i was getting laid anyway.
Anyway, by the time the weekend rolled around, she stopped responding. It was pretty brutal desu, we were getting along really really well. Despite her weird religiousness, we shared a lot of the same beliefs and attitudes and had the exact same sense of humor. But out of the blue, she stopped responding to most of my texts.
So i point blank asked her, "hey are you still trying to hang out next weekend?"
She sent me back a really nice paragraph, explaining that no, she didnt want to, and that I was really nice and really sweet, but that she didnt see a relationship with me because of how busy she was with nursing school.