tell me >:( no smut allowed!!1!!1!
Whats the most wholesome/pure dream you've ever had Jow Forums?
probably something from when i was a kid. i remember a dream i had about living in a house with a bunch of cats and we were all friends.
that's adorable! sounds like a nice night of sleep :)
I hugged my waifu and felt warm and fuzzy inside.
I had a recurring dream when I was about six or seven about living on an island with The Muppets.
i hope it didnt go any further! that wouldnt be pure, but sounds nice! i hope you have another good dream tonight user :)
dreams when you are young are always the best! sounds comfy user!
I've only ever had one, and it was a bittersweet dream.
I dreamt that I won some sort of tournament and got to finally speak with my waifu, and I remember crying out of joy in the dream.
The next second I turned around and she had faded away, and someone said "Be grateful you had what little time you did with her." and I woke up with a tear stained pillow.
It was a good dream but it made me feel like shit for days.
I had a dream about a pet I used to have.
I woke up crying again.
thats a bummer user, but i agree with dream voice you have to appreciate what you got, even if you deserve more. im sorry it made you feel bad tho, that sucks :(
im sorry about your pet, its not nice to cry :( maybe feel happy that you have the memories of your pet still.. i hope you have a better dream tonight user
nice trips btw :)
I haven't had any dreams I can remember since, and I don't know if it's a curse or a blessing. Thanks anyway, user. It means a lot.
I used to have extremely vivid and realistic dreams that happened in real time. Like once when I went through a whole day of high school, nothing crazy just the usual bullshit, only to "wake up" on the bus ride home, just to discover I had another day of high school ahead of me.
Anyways, there was one such dream where I taught a girl I liked how to skate. We held hands on the rink as I lead her around, me skating backwards, until eventually she got the hang of it and we skated around, holding hands. I tried to do a little trick but ended up falling down, and that was when I woke up. It felt so real, like my high school dreams, that I could have sworn it happened, even when I knew full well it hadn't. I knew I would never be with that girl, because she moved halfway across the world to Germany. I could never teach her how to skate. So I just clasped my face and sobbed in bed for a good five minutes.
Those dreams sound so nice to have, but I'd imagine it'd be tiring waking up from doing a whole day of school in your dream so realistically to then having to do it again when you wake up.
That dream sounds really nice, aside from it never being able to become a reality. I'm sorry you cried you must have really liked her, especially since that dream felt so real to you. That's the worst part about dreams, waking up. I hope you have a good dream tonight user, and I hope it makes you feel hopeful instead of sad.
>in a forest fighting grobi
>fall down a cliff
>wake up in a dark room
>someone wearing dirty brown robes and a hood is next to me
>they role over
>it's a girl
>she has pale skin, blue hair
>she opens her eyes
>they are blue as well
>she smiles at me
>I smile back
>she leans her forehead on mine
>we just look into eachother's eyes
>most magical feeling I've had in my life
>my senses become insane
>I can see microscopic grains of dirt, I can make out the individual fibers of the leaves of weeds growing in the corners of the room
>I can see butterflies in my peripheral vision, and I get the feeling they'd disappear if I cared to turn away from the angel in front of me
>I can see galaxies spinning, supernovas expanding, comets soaring in her eyes
>suddenly my senses revert to the mundane
>as a troll easily as tall as 3 men breaks into the room
>I leap to my feet, putting Her behind me, and make ready to fight
>suddenly awake in my bed
It sucks that you didnt get to finish the fight!!
Sounds action packed though! the blue eye/blue hair combo is adorable in anime so it must've looked even cooler in your dream! I hope you pick up where you left off tonight user! :)
>I'd imagine it'd be tiring waking up from doing a whole day of school in your dream so realistically to then having to do it again when you wake up
Oh yeah, fucking agony. Almost as bad as realizing I would never see that girl again.
I've had recurring or continued dreams before, but over the span of years. Like I'd dream a scenario when I was like 12 and then without any known connection or memory of it I'd have the same dream or a dream in the same setting at 19. These dreams about women are usually one time affairs, like the time I had a dream about a date with Mio from k-on.
Jeez that sucks! I hope you get more restful sleep nowadays user, did you ever realize you were sleeping during one of these hyper-realistic dreams? Or have a lucid dream?
Recurring dreams seem so cool to me, yours seem especially cool user since they'd happen after a long stretch of time has occurred. That must be pretty trippy. Maybe it's for the best that your dreams about women are only one time occurrences so you don't get too attached. :)
Nope, never had a lucid dream. The hyper-realistic dreams were a product of a younger and more energetic mind. They only came up about once every month or so. My sleep nowadays is... meh. I get 7 hours, have some dreams, but it's been years since I've had one of those ridiculously real-feeling ones (the last one I had was about failing a university exam for a course I had never taken, but I still remember dreaming 2 hours of sweating over the exam, followed by going out for feel-good drinks)
>a date with Mio from k-on
This is pretty wholesome
i dreamt I was in a coffee shop with Chie and Yukiko from Persona 4. The atmosphere was cozy and the feeling of contentment was palpable. I wish I never woke up from that dream and that I died that night.
Probably being in a mixture of some woods near my grandmothers house and some nature setting represented as a picture in a childrens book i used to love when i was younger. Actual eternal bliss.
user! Don't say stuff like that :( I'm glad you had a nice dream but death is not the answer! I hope you have a dream tonight that makes you appreciate the real world :)
That sounds so relaxing, I'm not a huge fan of nature but that seems really chill. I hope you have another dream like that tonight user. :)
most of my dreams are nightmares (just getting chased) but I remember once when I was little i had a dream that a found a pair of goggles in a dirty urinal and when I put them on I became spiderman. It was pretty cool
I saw that girl on the street and I couldn't believe it, I didn't say anything, just felt really good and warm and happy.
Silly sleepy me forgot she killed herself.
i'm sorry you have bad dreams a lot, thats the worst :/, a weird way to become spiderman but that is a cool dream none the less! I hope you have a nice dream tonight user :)
Thanks, eternal luck and best of dreams my friend. :)
You're a good person, user. The world needs more nice anons like you.
Wow user, I hope that dream didn't affect you too much. I'm glad that dream made you feel nice, I hope you dream something tonight that doesnt involve suicidal girls.
Thank you user, that means a lot :)
nice trips btw
I don't have dreams anymore.
I'm sure you have some dreams, you probably just dont remember them :), user I hope you have a really nice dream tonight that you remember. Everyone deserves to have dreams. I'm sending comfy energy your way. :)
i don't know. but i remember having a great dream as a kid about me being Mario in some kinda pyramid.
That sounds pretty fun actually, that seems like a common theme with this thread, lots of dreams about being characters or meeting them. I don't think I've ever had a dream like that so it's pretty nice to hear. I hope you have nice dreams tonight user, maybe you'll be Luigi this time.
I don't dream all that often so when I do i usually take note of it and am able to remember it relatively clearly the next day. I've had my share of sex dreams and of course those are great but there's one dream I had that i don't think will ever be topped. I've been talking to this girl for a long time( 2 years now) and naturally developed some pretty strong feelings for her at this point. Shes aware of them and has some pretty strong feelings for me too but doesn't understand them well enough yet(probably never will). Anyway the point is i care about her. The dream i had was just us to laying on a couch, i was on my back and she was laying on my chest with her head on my pecks. Thats it, thats the dream and yet ive never been so happy in my life. For the past two years i've done nothing but support this girl in every way i can, emotionally, mentally, and even financially when she needs it. She even tells me she loves me. But it doesnt matter, despite it all we arent and probably never will be together. Sometimes you can play all the right moves and still lose, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.
Two years ago i had a dream where i met an old childhood friend, we got lost walking around places we used to hang out, and suddenly we ended up on a ship which capsizes and i never see him again
Dream of havin' Blanc from Neptunia series as my wife and cudlling with her. Then it moved to me playing with her twin little sisters for some reason.
One of the more odd ones recently was following
>working at my job (brewery/factory)
>in the corner of my eye I see lime green blob creeping up from the drain
>smelled like vodka and lime (one of the bewerages is that flavor)
>dont believe my eyes
>follow it
>starts attack co-workers and equipment
>acts like The Blob, grows bigger
>I run to my superiors
>alarm is sounded
>I volunteer to hunt for The Blob with some other people
Following parts I dont remember
>we manage to chase it down
>somehow, somewhere someone managed to get steamroller which is now used to constantly run over The Blob so it cant move
>meanwhile me and others are rushing to gather as much high% alcohol (place acts as sort of central hub for delivering booze to state-run liquor stores) and gasoline as possible
>The Blob is then soaked with alcohol and gasoline and then set to burn
>small pile of ash was left
Then I woke up
I was dreaming about someone and I kept smiling, woke up and I was still smiling
Then I told her that
Me and a bf cuddling in a large comfy bed