What is your ideal qt gf/bf? Do you have a racial preference? A style preference? (hipster, emo, Stacy, nerdy) Gamer, artist, homebody? Curious what my fellow blackbots are into.
I'd like her to be black and introverted like me. Or extraverted so we could go out and stuff. But then again I'm mixed race and not black
I want an aryan princess with a thick booty. Virginity required.
mixed with what tho
Do you have to be of African descent to be a blackbot? I have very dark skin but I'm not "black"
Dad is arab, mom is black/white/asian.
that sounds like weird ass mixed
>I have very dark skin but I'm not "black"
you just answered your own question
I've been mistaken for every race. Including white.
I like hot hipster white chicks and cute/hot asian girls
congratuIations l guess
I used to want a black woman that liked the same stuff I liked, nothing too "eccentric", had or wanted to obtain an education and wasn't into the ignorance, but over the years they've all shown themselves to either want the typical black guys that get all the pussy or just want non-black guys. Its to the point where I don't even view black women in romantic terms anymore, it just never works out. Sucks, but I'll probably end up with a white woman. I do surprisingly well with Jewish women.
So why post in a blackbot thread? You clearly aren't black
I dunno lol. I'm bored after work. I just do shit.
Russian nerdy gf who is into the wilderness
Im Mulatto, white mom black dad. My first gf was the same and it was one of the things that brought us together in our 90% white community. We broke up and grew apart as highschool came around and the both of us ended up with white partners. All in all stoner white girls are my thing. But id still love to find a lightskinned sister whos classy and articulate.
all I want is a black bf
I'm back. You boys make any progress getting me that aryan princess?
Literally at the point where I just want someone to love me for who I am. I know a few cute girls that seem like they might be interested (call me a sweetheart and shit like that) but ultimately low self esteem gets in my way. Pretty sure if I was more confident in myself I could probably have a healthy relationship woth someone.
Personally I have no racial preference other than people from Syria or France. My family has race preferences though, so it's tough there. Also black women in America don't like me only want chad or are brainwashed into liking white guys(dunno about chicks in Africa tho) Asian chicks are racist and brainwashed, jewish are probably Zionist, white girls in y town all hate me and treat me like shit and are also racist. It's sad because I don't think I am a bad person at all. I don't want to do harm to others I mean unjust don't know about women anymore lol. I've given up already it's pointless lmao I'll just be alone UNTILL some woman notices I'm not a bad person- oh wait they are all hive mind so if one whore says something they all think it.
I never understood the blackbots that wanted white/latina/asian women. Why would you want to deal with all of the racism from their families and have people try to attack you in the streets?
>What is your ideal qt gf/bf
A homely girl with acne who plays singleplayer games and realizes that mmos have become shit, also insecure and competitive
preferably asian, if they're white they have to have a prominent long and thin nose. also preferably foreign with an accent. chinese/eastern european accents are very cute. also must have small boobs.
wears glasses, has long silky hair (has to be black or brown, no blondes), likes cute cartoony clothing brands, has a background in music, preferably piano or violin (i don't play myself, but my first crush was really good at violin)
as you can probably tell i've never had sex before.
Why do you say that? What disqualifies black women and why do you steal our white wimmin?
this is blatantly wrong, you're just a beta that black girls don't like. And you already know the whites will treat you like shit so why even go down this road?
Can't control what I like, it's completely irrational. First woman I was romantically linked to was Korean (and this happened during puberty), so this has been my preference ever since. Wish this wasn't the case, though. Dumb racial preferences make my life much harder because it means my dating pool is pretty much nonexistent
Thin, pale, green eyes, black/brown hair. That's it
That's like asking why gay people choose to be attracted to the to the same sex
not really, since you can be conditioned/brainwashed to prefer certain races
>pic related
>horny, sadistic, abusive and likes to cuddle
>will let me stay inside all day and watch anime with me
>will frequently beat me then make me lick her thighs, kick and step on me for her amusement
>rewards me with sex and cooking
>will have her hot girl friends over to show me off like a pet slave, encourages them to bully me too
>stays with me because I'm the only one who can handle her abuse and that made her decide to keep me forever
Latina or Spanish women for me. Then again, I was born and raised in Florida, so it's most of what I see. I'm probably conditioned to like them more/easier due the frequency of which I see them. As for preferred skin color, tan is best. Not tar black, ofc, but the darker the tan, the hotter she is, with few exceptions. I have tried with black women twice, but one was a stereotypical cheerleader who only went for football jocks and the other was just really bad timing (she had just gotten a bf each time I asked her out). Ironically enough, the last 2 women I tried for, had more of a white person's skin tone, but were clearly ethnic (One was Arabic/Chinese/Hispanic[?; don't know for sure], and the other was Venezuelan). Most black girls I know are like this guy says , so they're not an option. At this point, I'll take whatever woman wants me, as long as she isn't fat (I just hate fat people, regardless of gender).