How is a person like this meant to function in society? Someone please put one between my eyes.
How is a person like this meant to function in society? Someone please put one between my eyes
you could be a twitch streamer
Post link pretty please you faggot
just be yourself bro :^)
in an original fashion of course
Just fake it until you make it my man.
Can I play as well?
I got 0th percentile agreeableness kek.
so how retarded am i??
Pretty fucked. I'm your future
I'm basically a lazy fuck but I don't go out of my way to be rude or invasive.
>extraversion and agreeableness are both literally 0 every time I take this test
Is this normal robotos? From a while back though
Jesus christ you're like an extremely angry and depressed hippie
>Le epic meme tier personality test is a get out of jail free card for my destructive, immoral Shitty Personality where I can cunt everyone off and blame it upon my personality without feeling bad.
Man up you stupid Fucking cunt like our forefathers would have done, I mean for fuck sake they were forced into unnecessary shitty Jew wars yet your crying over some trivial baby shit like this!
Man the fuck up and reject this bullshit kike pseudo science of naming everyone "mentally Ill", cause your not mentally Ill your just an entitled snowflake looking for an excuse as to why your so fucking vapid and boring without purpose and meaning in life.
After all mental illness is nothing but a globalist social constraint aimed at holding the population down, from achieving their true potential in life beyond that of mindless drugged up worker drones!
Stare people in the eyes, use psychological tricks, be sincere, uphold honour and stop circlejerking on cancerous places like this and you will realise it was an illusion all along!
what site is this? ladsfhsdljf
just get free man your bars dont mean shit just get free
All of you Introverts are the fucking worst. You people are the reason everyone including yourselves are unhappy.
What should I make about these results?
Why are we all so damn lazy?
I know buzzed is cancer but this article probably is onto something
I actually work pretty hard when I bother to show up.
hi, other me originally
>all of these giant softee limp wristed open cubts
Uhm sweetie I understand my emotions VERY well and love fine art, you don't have to stop sleeping with tyrone but you do have to eat all the eggs.
You have it easy bro. Count your blessings.
100% neurotic, feelsbad
>plebbit notifications
Get the fuck out.
get fucked normie
agreeableness. nice
Past, present and future disaster
I did some test and got this as a score.
cynical asshole full raid gear
Did you think this post was clever and scathing or something?
why do so many of us with high neuroticism also have high openness?
Well I think I just hate people
I wish I had the strength to kill myself.
rate me. who do you think i am?
It's three combination that makes a robot a robot. The reason people have a hard time getting on with robots is that they're too open and open about their neuroticism - people get freaked out by the lack of a filter.
Is this chad tier or npc tier?
It's a miracle I haven't jumped infront of a speeding train yet.
Have fun:
Why are you all so angry? orig
I dont know wether this is ok or not but hey.
this is literally not even human tier. you're like a piece of furniture
Seems like all of us are scoring low on conscientiousness.
I stare at walls for hours on end.
>lots of average shit
Openness doesn't mean disinhibition, it means interest in new experiences, ideas, and aesthetics. People with very high openness are just a bit more likely to be ideological misfits with niche interests.
Why everyone here emotionally unstable?
Please just kill me, seriously. I'm a waste of oxygen and space.
am i gonna be okay guys??
So many zoomers who think they are gods gift to humanity but can't sweep a floor
Jokes on you I'm 25+ and wish for death every day
>intellect: low
>artistic interests: extremely low
>imagination: extremely high
>depression: extremely high
why even live?
Too dumb to function, have a good imagination but no way of expressing it because of my hatred for art.
normie tier but still lazy
>Extraversion - 0th percentile - extremely low
>Agreeableness - 18th percentile - very low
>Conscientiousness - 27th percentile - low
>Neuroticism - 66th percentile - high
>Openness - 6th percentile - extremely low
Jesus, man. I haven't realized I'm this fucked up.
here it is, no mute please
>tfw tied with for laziest motherfucker in the thread
What now? I don't wanna be like this, man. I have responsibilities that were meant to be addressed years ago.
i guess i should just kill myself
Here's the full results. My comp was acting up so I restarted it, when I did the page gave slightly different results from this pic I took before I restarted. Notably, agreeableness traits were slightly higher(~5%) while individual openness traits were slightly lower(~5% again, except adventurousness which was 12% lower). Didn't seem like a big deal partly since the actual traits (Agreeableness and Openness) stayed basically the same, Agreeableness was still 82% but Openness was 94% from 95%. Mostly though I just didn't want to do the whole MSpaint thing again and I don't even know which results are more accurate to my answers.
I'm a little bummed out right now and that certainly affects my score, but I think this is a pretty bad test.
Seemingly not the exact same test, but same shit anyway, 120 questions and all that.
>I think this is a pretty bad test.
I think it's okay and the results I got this go around are very close to the ones I got 2 years ago from taking the test.
My beef with it is that it seems really easy to get higher than average neuroticism, either that or people on Jow Forums are just insanely miserable and moments from suicide. Which is probably not inaccurate but it still seems weird that almost no one here is average or below average in that trait.
What's your neuroticism trait layout like?
I am, despite being generally unhappy and very isolated I am generally stable mentally otherwise (26th percentile, low)
I think I'll be okay. Inner stability accounts for a lot when your exterior environment is unfit.
Some questions were really stupid like
>Do you feel nice when you are happy?
but anyways I tried to be as honest as I could.
I disagree with that level of conscientiousness I was given though. I am more hard working than most people around me. What I truely lack is self discipline and time management.
Once I master those 2 I will be able to be more productive. Right now I am taking a break from my studies. I have failed the social game long time ago so now I am focusing on obtaining a good future.
Can't say I'm surprised at any of the results.
>I disagree with that level of conscientiousness I was given though. I am more hard working than most people around me. What I truely lack is self discipline and time management.
Yeah, your dutifulness and self-efficacy show that, why the expanded traits are as important as the overall score, if not more so.
I hope for your sake these are honest results. Don't understand why you'd be on Jow Forums though.
Not surprised. I expected more agreeableness though.
went from 2nd percentile agreeableness a year ago to 49th. neuroticism and openness is higher as well
Wonder what this means... I probably took the wrong test.
Guess I'm an honest guy who doesn't often approach but gets along with people. I don't dwell too much on the bad shit either.
This is an original comment from an unoriginal poster.
Should I get myself tested so I can get neet bux.