>Have never had a girlfriend
>Have never had sex
>Have never had a kiss with a girl
>Have never held hands with a girl besides my mother

I think I am fucked. Is there any chance I can save myself?

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In 3 years you can conjure yourself a gf

of all the things that could be happening in the universe and it chose this

Wizards lose their powers when they acquire girlfriends, even illusion gfs


>held hands with your mother
Maybe you wouldn't be such a failure if you weren't such a mommy's boy.

How the fuck does that make sense?

What happens in 2022 that allows this to happen?

are you capable of carrying a conversation with a stranger for for 1 minute?
if yeah then can you maintain a friendship with someone for any period of time? do you have any friends you seen recently?
do you have a job?
if yeah can you emotionally support yourself?
another person?

these are just rhetorical questions to get you thinking on how you can start improving yourself

figure out what is holding you back and fix it, then fix the next thing. you can start anywhere. no girl/boy/man/woman wants a socially and emotionally crippled manchild

dont listen to the faggots on here who say its not possible to get better, they dont believe in themselves and hate seeing another person doing so

everything else will come with time as you develop, trust me
or dont and just stay on here forever

>Gain powers through chasity
>Lose powers when you lose your chasity

Are your retarded or something?

No, just accept it and relax. You'll always have your next life.

All credible evidence points towards the one life you have right now being the only life you get.

Lose weight, get fit, make money, spend a few months banging whores. You do that and you'll be set to start banging normie girls without paying them.

If you are paying the girl, she was never a normie in the first place.

where is this credible evidence?

you ever seen a corpse making coffee in the morning?

Credible evidence is whatever he would accept based on his current life experiences. It's okay that he doesn't trust the people who have shared their NDEs and the studies on reincarnation where kids had birthmarks corresponding to lethal wounds of their former lives.

whoa, are you a scorpio too brah?

Do you have credible evidence of someone living their not-first life?

what if you were raped? the original kinkd

No, but you can help me and other shitheads in their early 20s avoid ending up in your situation

>whatever he would accept based on his current life experiences.
It all comes back to this... even for myself and I get that it doesn't make sense -- it's just a feeling man.
i.e. I don't believe in astrology at all but I will accept people anecdotes because they all share fundamentally similar experiences and they tell of verifiable experiences that of course can be lies for fame or whatever, but I just choose to believe them because they seem like genuine people.
You won't believe it unless it was your own personal experience, I imagine.

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Doesnt matter, had sex, lose powers

If I knew what I was doing wrong, dont you think I would have fixed it by now, fuckface?

Yes, in Thailand

>Hasnt had sex before 18

You were doomed from the start

this tbqh. Most brads and chads lose it at 15 and thats being generous. You are not a chad if you lose it after 18

yes, thats basically me everyday. I also don't believe in the afterlilfe though, after death it will be the same as before you were born. Its not even all just gonna become black and peaceful, you just nolonger exist an basically everything in the universe becomes meaningless after that.


What is it if we're not being generous?

What an idiot you are

I think gullible is the word you're looking for unless you're implying that I'm an idiot for not defending my belief in reincarnation/existence beyond the physical.
>She was about 3 at the time and as we went up the hill to where I used to live I said to her, You will see where daddy lived when I was little. her reply was I know where you lived Daddy, how can you know that I replied. She replied - You know Daddy when I was your big mummy and the policeman lived upstairs. I was not at all frightened or taken a back as I have had many of my own strange encounters, but sure enough when I was a small boy I lived in a block of flats with Mum Dad and my younger brother and upstairs live a policeman, he was a local Policeman and also had been in the prison service with my Dad some years earlier as Wardens. Sadly my mum had passed away in 1970 whilst we were living in that flat. I told my Nan when we got back with the dinner, to which she replied - Oh I can believe it is perfectly true.
This dude made that Youtube comment just to larp, yeah?

>This dude made that Youtube comment just to larp, yeah?
Of course? If you think there's any other motivation, you're an actual fucking idiot

13. fucking 13. maybe 12 i first masturbated at 10 or 11.

Are you basing your cosmology on youtube comments?

Uh yeah I guess. I was a KHV til 25. Basically you need a cougar to get the ball rolling and then start looking for young substance addicts to date(like buy them something to cure hangover), even better if you do substances on your own, but can keep it under control.

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That was just one example.
There's that, IANDS, Robert Monroe, Dr. Ian Stevenson, etc.
Need some way to cope with being a wizard.

>Older than 22
>No sex


Ah, so become a degenerate

Depends how tall you are, user. If you are a manlet you have no chance for improvement. If you are at least 6', you have a chance.

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>t. 5'5" and seething

Fuck off and talk to people

You should resort to touching girls without their consent in public. It is the only way you'll get any sexual satisfaction. It's ok tho, most girls say nothing. So just start slowly and work your way up to cumming on their ass.

You are already degenerate you the virtue of being so low on social ladder. If you have a nice job, had no digital media related addictions, have a car, your own place and not mentally I'll at least a bit, not out of shape, bad skin and badly dressed etc. then you are a cryptobrad and you can make it on your own by using tinder or whatever, just wash your penis.

I cannot tell if this is autism or not

I held hands with a girl while laying on the bed watching a scary movie with friends. Her hand was moist and gross. She stopped after a few minutes. 0/10 dont want to do this again