want to see a very small glimpse into college volleyball girls team snapchat?
Want to see a very small glimpse into college volleyball girls team snapchat?
post moar man
how did you obtain these?
decent.. I wanna slap her titties around a lil bit.
Not if the girls have anything remote to that facial expression
hmmmmm, no thanks
you're not fooIing anyone sweetie ;)
muting me for posting more bc i dont say more shit, thx r9k
hurr nakey girls always
A rogue fembot that was on the team and got tired of Stacy's shit, at least I'm hoping.
huehue boobs
>very small
I enjoy this. Please tell us how you have acquired these
What an ugly girl.
imagine dealing with all these shitholes for so long
imagine being a lesbian or a gay guy getting all this free "haha we're naked" snapchat action from your sports group, it must be heaven
r9k mode sucks
>acting like he wouldnt have relations with her anyway
more gay text
this nigger got a tit job LOL
Any ass? post ass!
fuck gonna have to resubmit
teehee boobs get it
>good morning, brother
imagine getting bored of this shit because of how much you deal with it every day
turns out college athletes and autistic loser 4channers have more in common than they thought
I would go straight for them
truly horrifically ugly :')
>ywn send photos of yourself shitting to anyone
>you will never know the camraderie in group pooping
why even live
I cannot for the life of me understand what motivation these women would possibly have to do this.
Is... is she shitting out cum?
what college user?
They go to take a piss/push cum out after getting creampied
r9k shit and blah blah fuck
They want attention. It's possible that they could be sending these to their Significant other, but I doubt it. OP is probably chad or has chad connections.
i literally told you what the context is, you retard nigger virgin. they send this shit to fellow teammates. sorry youre such a fuck retard virgin to understand girls who can bang almost anyone and have to group shower all the time with the same people dont give a fuck when everyone has great bodies
These are clearly old pictures(note the snap timer in the upper right corner), but chances are it's a snapchat group and they're sending these back and fourth to each other. I have one with my friend group and my fraternity, most groups of guys/girls have their own too
basically we just send memes and dicks back and fourth.
>t. zoomer
Im in college and I like going to the math library
>i literally told you what the context is
I didn't read the thread that much, lol. No need to get mad.
>you retard nigger virgin
h-how did you know?
>I have one with my friend group and my fraternity, most groups of guys/girls have their own too
>basically we just send memes and dicks back and fourth.
but why
l made it better.
I noticed most of these girls have horrible shoulder posture, am I too far gone? But srs they're doing sports why are their shoulders rounded?
I wonder what it feels like to have huge tits.
Tape some salty coins to your chest and find out
post more please, these are dank
I wonder what it feels like for a girl to poop, can they feel the turd in their vagina while pooping, since the asshole is so close to their pussy.
is this supposed to change anything? ahahaha I can't even tell which one of these two caked up girls is supposed to be the walking fridge box from before
It's really fucking horrible.
Right, that one is trickier but it's a good thing you chose me to answer your inane questions. What you do is you google Kombai penis inversion. Fill your dick with bags of sand first though. Then take a big shit largely composed of salty coins, and you'll finally know.
yes and if they get confused it comes out the wrong hole
I wonder if a girls poop actually smells.
When girls are constipated, they can stick their fingers up their pussy to physically push the turd out.
Damn that's crazy, I want to coax a girl to shit with my soft warm tongue while I hang out around her asshole.
would GF immediately
most excellent brother!
Why did this remind me of Dawn of War? I even read it in a space marine voice
Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.
Imagine being in college and already having saggy as fuck tits, lmao