>men these days would rather fuck asian women, old women, cartoons and girls with dicks before considering white women
The absolute state of western roasties
Men these days would rather fuck asian women, old women, cartoons and girls with dicks before considering white women
The japanese are killing it
They better step up their fucking game then lmao.
I think you mean, "men that have to masturbate because they don't get laid prefer Asian women, old women, and cartoons". Chad is still fucking white Stacey, stay mad.
white women don't like the type of betas who lust after Asians anyway
You know wh*toid monkey womyn aren't going to do that and it's beautiful
>tfw trans porn is replacing women porn
What will women do now? That was the only thing they were good at.
You sound like the mad one lmao
dis cant b real
You keep telling yourself that. Maybe one day you'll actually believe it.
Eh I blame femenism and generally the cost of living not being congruent with the economy.
>women would rather fuck other women than men
>"haha white roasts btfo we'd rather date asians"
>women also appear to prefer Asian men by his same standard
Yeah, because I started a thread about it.
There's lots of dorky kids using streaming sites. Adults download porn.
you replied to it though, confirmed assmad
>Top results are japanese and lesbian
>women also appear to prefer Asian men by his same standard
I'd say it's more likely that women prefer asian women.
>>women also appear to prefer Asian men by his same standard
I thought these were just color splotches to represent each gender. It took me a little while to recognize they were silhouettes. Is there something wrong with the part of my brain that allows me to recognize human shapes?
>he said as he replied
Maybe. On one hand, you're right in that lesbians use videos to masturbate more than straight women, but these terms are exclusive. No one would suggest men are looking for hentai of Japanese MILF traps, they would assume some men want Japanese women, hentai, MILFs and traps seperately. So that was my approach, which is why I specified "according to OP".
>pointing out OP's internal inconsistencies means I'm Asian
I don't actually think women prefer Asians; I already said that I don't find these representative. Lern2read
You're having an aneurysm.
>all of the autism in this sperg's post
>one would suggest men are looking for hentai of Japanese MILF traps
What you seem to have purposefully ignored is that porn is made almost exclusevely for men, so when you type something like "asian' without a "gay" keyword, the results will be exclusively female asians in any porn website or search engine.
(If you can't engage meaningfully with my ideas, it's probably because you can't.)
That's actually a good point; you're right. I guess that does make sense considering only lesbians watch porn.
lmfao why would I argue with a fat manchild? You're the only one who cares because you're an assblasted aspie tard. The fact that you put so much effort into this shit topic means you're a retarded autist
or... hmm... maybe it's because the losers who spend all day masturbating tend to search these topics up, inflating their results more than they reasonably should be while the men who actually matter, aka the guys having sex, are searching up normal shit but not enough to make a huge impact.
learn to read stats you low iq mongrel, you probably fell for the dating and black male crime statistics meme too lmao. people who are failures at life need to learn to stop voicing their opinion on anything relevant. there's a reason your life is shit, you don't understand even the most simplest of things and thus are incapable of functioning in society.
>japanese top the charts, white women at the bottom
>suddenly media is beginning to become anti-japanese
lmao and Jow Forums thinks jews control the western world
>or... hmm... maybe it's because the losers who spend all day masturbating
so you and all the rest of the ugly rejects who go on r9k on the regular
Nailed it. We don't know if these statistics:
>refer to all users vs. those with accounts
>whether the viewer liked the pornography
>if they switched to other genres or types of videos later, when closer to coming
>how gender was identified (if the metric is trustworthy, trannies)
>what you said about losers watching porn not being representative
>if this site is representative of porn users
So on and so forth. There's a lot of methodological errors in OP's approach, but he doesn't care so long as he can pretend the white girl in his class he obsesses over will die alone pumped and dumped someday.
you can almost smell the grease and lard from this post
All grease is lard, so you're being redundant. Sorry I upset you so badly.
>Top Trending Searches of 2018 by Gender
>^155% howto treat women
What did it mean by this?
You realize a Jow Forums thread isn't a scientific article, right? Don't be autistic user, all that is obvious for anyone with an IQ above room temperature - no one will take OP's pic as definitive proof that english speaking men prefer non-western women.
You're like those people that complain when their grammar is corrected that the situation they're in doesn't warrant effort not realising admitting basic grammar requires effort outs them as a brainlet.
You also completely overestimate the users of this site. Lemme guess, you think the racism is ironic too, eh, nigger?
it must be hard being an ugly incel who gets so heated over one way internet arguments lmao.
Dude, you just come off as a pretentious fag who's taken scientific method or stats 101 and believes he's the shit and so above everyone else for knowing the most basic stuff about science. Kill yourself.
No, I know the racism of you Jow Forumstards is mostly unironic, cumskin
>resulting to insults because I burst their little bubbles
>first I was a gook
>now I'm a cumskin
Sad! Why don't you go bump OP's stats?
Men are better at being women than actual women, its pure pottery.
>appealed to using a stawman comparison, making it obvious he can't argue abstract ideas
>used an insult
>is now mad that he was insulted
kek, go back to Jow Forums where you can be the smartest in the room full of trolls and larpers
*idea of being a woman
This is literally a tranny cope.
>my Jow Forums boogeyman
Anyway, I'm sorry I ruined your ability to revel in Porn Hub stats. Try to feel better about yourself.
>this assmad tard is still going at it