>you missed out on the peak of female beauty
You missed out on the peak of female beauty
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Scene girls are gone.
They left us.
Emo/scene girls are cute, but thots are thots regardless of what subculture they're in. There are some nice one and some bad ones, I imagine.
All scene girls were nice. They just had emotional problems and daddy issues.
They just wanted love.
>emotional problems and daddy issues
Sounds like something I don't really want to get mixed up in.
Eh, in my experience, it was just having to hold them and comfort them whilst they cried once in awhile.
Other than that, I miss them everyday.
>tfw will never have qt scene gf to protect and hold in my arms to comfort
That doesn't sound so bad. I just don't want to deal with someone who makes their decisions purely off of emotions. I really like the emo/scene aesthetic, but I missed out, since I'm only 18 as of now.
So beautiful before the ink and piercing mania got them.
I was 14 when scene girls were still a thing. I was also a normie back then and had 2 different scene gf's (obviously not at once). Back then, I would, of course, hold them and whisper sweet nothings into their ears while they cried, but I remember rolling my eyes on the inside; thinking the whole thing was stupid.
I'd give my right arm to go back and experience all over again.
Scene girls were so cute. Not only on the outside, but on the inside too. Looking to the future, I'll never take comforting a girl and holding her in my arms for granted again.
Don't make my mistake, friends. It's rare, but scene/emo girls still exist. If you find one; cherish her
i just want the big hair covering one eye back :(
emo boys were absolute shit though.
Emo boys looked cute, but I don't know how they acted since i missed out on that time period
I only ever talk to one girl, and she isn't scene. She dyed her hair blue once, though. She's alright, but she's super quiet so we don't talk much.
>emo boys were absolute shit though.
They were so hot was because they were all young as hell back then, between like 14-20. Emo/scene girls now are all 25+ so when they dress emo/scene they are only considered 'alternative' because they are too old for anyone to actually care how they dress. An actual trend setting young teen girl wouldn't dress that way because it looks shitty as fuck.
The whole emo/scene thing was a litmus test for being a whore/wierdo now. This girl on my facebook has dyed her fucking sons hair blue and there are videos on pornhub of her masturbating everywhere. Its disgusting.
Oh man. Must suck for the kid to grow up knowing his mom is a whore.
Link to the videos?
You incels really suck.
You're using that word all wrong!
Why do so few people appreciate the beauty of these girls?
>opposed to beauty
Hi, actual incel.
fuuuuck! i wanna wake up to 2007 again
>All these posts about scene girls
>Still no boxxy
The newfags won
So do I, user.
So do I.
Boxxy is /b/'s queen.
When I was still in high school I remember liking scene girls.
Unfortunately, most of their traits become undesirable when they have to take on the responsibilities of being an adult. Being a scene girl doesn't mesh well with being a grown woman.
Zoe Quinn is what every scene girl became. An ugly SJW who is weak, untalented and vindictive towards white men.
Just a stupid teenage fantasy, like many other of my dreams I had growing up, unrealistic and impossible. Just a stupid idea you have to be a naive teenager to believe.
Everything good is gone.
Do you know who the girl in the pic is? Any reference? Cause I legit think I just fell in love with her. Shes perfect.
I do not know. I'm sorry.
I spent 5 hours rendering this video though.
They all look the same to me
But there was a cute kinda scene girl my cousins were friends with and that was my first crush so I can see the appeal
Any girl who is really into specific shit does it to me
Shes legit my dream girl. Like I've never seen anyone as beautiful as her. Shes fucking perfect.
I'm sorry I made you fall for her, user.
It's ok. It's just I had never seen my dream girl personified but now I have.
I love pale skin why are there no pale girls
Because everyone is a latina mixture now user. Sorry bucko
I hope you find your dream girl one day, user!
>tfw this is boxxy now
oh no...
im even more sad now
>they dont know about 20ninescene
I'm aware of it. I just don't believe it could work. I had an autistic discussion about this on /tv/ (taken from multiple parts so that's why it's weirdly disjointed):
>For the same reason movies got dark and gritty back then, it was a pretty peaceful time with nothing going on and almost no negativity, so seriousness and grittiness was seen as something different and interesting.
>Now that everything's gone to shit, everyone is desperate for more goofy, positive stuff.
>An example of this are superhero movies, where in the 2000s you had things like The Dark Knight, and now we have all comedic stuff.
>People didn't care much, or at all, about politics back then, so that helped a lot.
>Also, there was still the lingering effect of general relief from the Cold War ending.
>Basically, being edgy was seen as cool, but nobody really was. Some people tried to look dark, but they everyone was mostly positive.
>Now it's the opposite, now everything tries it's hardest to be colorful and cheery, but most people are depressed and bitter.
Forgot to post a scene girl along :(
Do people try to be more cheerful now? Seems more like ironic cheerfulness or some sort of gallows humor.
you left out she went full retard social facist warrior
Fake bubbily personalities are very common. It's typically to cover up depression. Then there's the people with ironic depression.
pls gib scene gf pls.
Good fucking riddance. They were all skanks anyways.
Because they're ugly as fuck without kabuki hair and kabuki-levels of make up.
Uhm, no.
Try again.
Scrub the makeup off and take off that wig. She'd be a 6/10 at best.
>one of my best friends in middle school was a qt scene girl
>always liked her but was too much of a pussy to ask her out
>eventually had to move away
>she was the first one of my friends I told
>don't speak to her for years after that
>friends with her on facebook
>shes a brainwashed liberal drone now
Not sure how to feel about it
Peaceful? We were post-9/11 and war on terror at that point.
>tfw no blue hair scene gf
I want to die desu
>I was 14 when scene girls were still a thing. I was also a normie back then and had 2 different scene gf's (obviously not at once). Back then, I would, of course, hold them and whisper sweet nothings into their ears while they cried, but I remember rolling my eyes on the inside; thinking the whole thing was stupid.
Oh my freaking GOSH
I'm a former emo girl. And your behavior sounds very attractive here.
Reminds me of this VERY similar scene (start at one minute):
Well, thanks for bringing back buried romantic feelings. Back to the lurking depths for me.
What even are youth subcultures these days?
No. Scene was an evolutionary dead end on the phylogenetic tree of the cutest woman. Similar to a neanderthal. The real peak is art hoes, the ultimate culmination of every cute hoe in history.
Na i fucked a few emo/punk girls when i was a normie. Nothing special
trannies and fascism
The peak of female beauty will be in the future, brought on by gene manipulation and sex robots. Natural humans cannot compete, regardless of whether they are scene or not.
do yourself a favour user, make her your qt scene waifu gf and redpill her about the jews
I dont miss scene girls but I miss more laidback looking emo girls like pic related.
every scene/goth/emo bitch i knew was a junkie thot. but they surround themselves with weirdos so they're actually cool. scene girls are the reason why Jow Forums has less incels. fact.
art hoes are low-tier. not worth investing in. they're all the same. you wont find any one of them with an ounce of originality. sure they make good fucks, but aside from that, they're just bitches with nothing to offer but a couple of good songs to add to your playlist and a cock-sucky daddy-worshipping personality. which in itself is kinda hot, but if you really think about it, they're just socially engineered to be that way. it's not real.
Forgot to say pic unrelated.
Unless you like girls that are basically enraged babboons at all times.
actually briefly dated one ( i dont know how, I was a greasy spotty little faggot). She was surprisingly quite prudish and judgemental of girls she deemed to be sluts. Privately educated, rich father. Don't think she was the norm. She's a dentist now, extremely classy and beautiful. and it kills me I fucked it all up with stupid teenage drama.
only old picture i can find
But they would never pick us. They just picked any fag that dressed emo and pretended to be emo. I was more emo than all the,emo kids i just didnt dress like them
You do realize you just described all girls right?
I was born in 1988 so i grew up and saw the emo happening at its peak. It was great i was there on myspace. Saw them irl too it was the best girls. But they werent imterrested in me