Bots with gfs how did you end up that way. How'd you get saved from the Jow Forums life
Bots with gfs how did you end up that way. How'd you get saved from the Jow Forums life
I went to an anime club and after like a year of skipping events people did there after club I caved in and started going to them
Fvck off
I love being a robot 1 spend all day studying chemistry and lifting because i have near unlimited freetime.
I dont care for animalistic desires.
Creative pursuits are the key to happiness
Got mine from attending a discord meetup for Jow Forums.
Sometimes it pays to take chances and be social
What? More details please
I just told mature coworker I'm an incel and asked her to fuck me and she did. It's that easy guys.
>Creative pursuits
>chemistry and lifting
Focused on myself, started lifting, reading philosophy and psychology books to expand my world view, tried new sports, started going to university on campus and actively trying to meet people, downloaded tinder and went on as many dates as possible, and then I turned around and started dating my best friend anyway so glhf guys.
>Bots with gfs
I mean what are you wanting to know?
It's more likely than you think.
Psychiatric ward. Didn't save either of us, but made things worse. Dragged each other further down into the pit, completely closed off and enforced bad behaviors by allowing each other to avoid people, and everything else. Instead of pushing each other, when we failed or felt anxiety for doing something we'd tell one another to "well maybe don't do it" "maybe next time" "try it next week" "lets just hug and not worry about it". Went full NEET for years, but thankfully parents didn't kick us around.
Eventually when we started therapy again it greatly helped us to change things around, so NOW we are saving each other from the NEET recluse life.
>tfw no mentally unstable gf to motivate each other to improve
it sounds like you are both still together, this is a wonderful story.
I got a gf unironically by being a Christian, enlightening her on the Jewish Question, and then telling her that God wants more White babies and that she is going to have my children
what board does meetups through discord? /soc/?
I started meeting girls here and on dating apps. At some point I stopped giving a fuck, if one girl rejected me, then it was on to the next one. "At least half the population is female, meaning there are bound to be a few hundred women who would let me throatfuck them," or so my logic went. I'm not sure if that was the best way to think of it all, but I did eventually meet a really nice girl who listens to me talk about my dumb nerd hobbies and lets me throatfuck her.
Nice. I'm also at the point where I don't feel anything when rejected and why would I, better men than me get rejected all the time.
It doesn't necessarily saves you from the robot life. I won't say the typical "a girlfriend won't solve all of your problems" because I know it can. I do genuinely belive a girlfriend may actually be the only thing someone needs.
However, sometimes you can't handle the situation, being it because you are just to used to being alone, that you simply sometimes wonder if it's OK for you to be in a relationship in the first place, or maybe because you feel you can't make your significant other happy. Maybe simply because some days you don't want to wake up.
I feel that some people can be too broken, and a girlfriend may not want to save them, they're human, after all, and have their own needs. If the girl does want to save you from yourself, you probably won't feel like you are being enough for her anyway.
You can eventually get out the hole, of course. Maybe because she took you out, or because you managed yourself.
In the meantime, you would still feel the same, and come here everyday.
yeah but how do i find an on the spectrum gf
You have no fucking idea how lucky you are that you actually found a girl like thay i envy you grratly
Sheer chance, met online through mutual interests and hobbies, and just instantly hit it off. I'm no looker or anything, and she's well out of my league
My bf unironically met me on here. We had a short conversation and exchanged info. Then we started talking, and I fell head over heels for him. Now we're in a relationship and deeply in love with each other.
Sometimes these things happen, neither of us were really looking for a relationship, when we started talking.
Poster above, exact same scenario except didn't happen here, main thing was that neither of us were actively looking for a relationship out of what was happening. Year strong now. Are you guys close or is it long distance?
I'm happy you're already together for a year, user!
We're long distance, but at least same continent, so time zone wise it's easy. How about you?
Met her on here and unironically was just myself
Jow Forums / /soc/ california discord
Talked to her in a thread on here.
Been together for 5 years. She's really wholesome.
Same for me and my boyfriend.
We live across the ocean, met 4 times since we met a little over a year ago. I'd like for him to stay over here for a bit, and then to move in with him when I graduate.
We met eachother through mutual friends and now we are almost 6 years together.
>she came to live in the dorm where I lived
>up till then I was 24yo khv
>By then I had learned to hide my robothood quite well since I had to hold a very social student job
>We talked from time to time, circumstantial when we were in the same space
>I was pretty popular around the dorm because my immense self-esteem issues made it so that I always placed other people before myself
>she picked up on that
>also made music (depressed emo rap) that I performed on student parties from time to time, which got her attention I'm pretty sure
>met her friends once
>they all said I looked too "artsy" for an engineering student (strange because I dress extremely casually imho)
>after two months she was my oneitis
>couldn't hold it in anymore
>told her after a nightwalk
>turns out she felt the same
I just hope I don't relapse into suicidal thoughts because I think that's a real turn off for her
Exactly the same right now, long distance but on the same continent. Though the big news is that she's moving over here later this year, only about an hour or so away from me
>being so naive as to believe getting a gf is a saving grace from living as a robot
Did she help you with any of your problem?
basically started drinking excesively at parties i was invited n shit
it was quite bad at first and people made fun of me for throwing up every time, but once i learned how to drink properly i started developing social skills when drunk and after a while i managed to use learned skills when sober,
not the easiest road to normie life haha