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he did this a while ago, reddit did this a while ago. most of the people here are normies larping. old Jow Forums is gone.
I wish I could rub my asshole all over his face and get the dirty shit particles on his tongue. fuck pewdipie, fuck Jow Forums, and fuck reddit.
1 do have aspergers though and the only peoppe ive ever met from here were the same intellectual shy type. I doubt it actually
78 million 9 year olds
It's a video from march, you fucking idiot.
It's been mainstream since Reddit tard
Not even original at this moment
oh wow this is the 3rd fucking thread saying he fucking did it and blah blah blah linking to a months old video.
would you underage faggots fuck off to /b/ where underage faggots hang out
4chans been mainstream since 2008 you retarded faggot
oops, no it isn't
Get out of your hole once in a while.
yes it is you queer loser
it even gets featured on tv shows
LMAO, Jow Forums used to be featured on national news for child porn and le anonymouse hackers
Do zoomers really believe that they're on a secret club? Jow Forums has been fully mainstream since 2012 with the intermediate era being 2008-2012.
Honestly even my mom knows what Jow Forums is.
Your mom must not be a boomer. I feel old now.
Jow Forums has been fairly mainstream since the events of 2007.
Jow Forums has been completely mainstream since 2015/16 during the run-up to the American elections.
The whole culture of /b/ in 2006 was amazing but it was dependent on the broader culture of the internet at the time as well as what American society was like back then.
Fuck normiepie. All robots should subscribe to T Series to stick it to him and his normie subscribers
It's not about his content, it's about what he represents. T series is just another corporation. They aren't a YouTuber, where's the You in a collective? I want a real person to be on top, not some shitty Indian company.
user, Jow Forums's been mainstream for years now. Where the fuck have you been
>tfw never subscribed to a youtube channel ever
True robots don't like to be told what to do
he didn't mention Jow Forums at all. he even said that shit was from reddit.
fuck off, electionfag.
Who cares about all of that shit
We gotta bring normiepie down and we need to subscribe to T series to do that
I fucking hate this retard
He's unfunny and dumb as a rock
>autists STILL desperately holding onto the 'secret club' fantasy
Jow Forums has literally called airstrikes on isis before, i'm pretty sure we can boycott cuckiepie if we put out minds to it
This. Most normofags just don't bother coming or give 2 shits about it, or they come and leave when they see that barely any post is like their ebin greentext 4chango maymaes
I have never seen the appeal, of this fag.
and it just pisses me off how he made a killing doing absolutely nothing with his life.
>"we Jow Forums users" talk
I hope this is ironic
>where's the You in a collective
Up your ass cuz you're a normie faggot
This is the average Jow Forums user now.
where have you been, OP? the normies fucked this board back in 2012. i remember.
because the memes here went mainstream, people were bound to find out the source. nothing good stays hidden forever, my friend.
Allow me to show you something.
It's a TED talk from Moot from nearly 9 years ago.
>Even back then Jow Forums had over 7 million regular users
>The crowd laughs at several Jow Forums only "in-jokes" that he makes
The anonymity of this site appeals to EVERYONE not just """""us""""""
Jow Forums probably has more users than PewDiePie has subscribers. This is far from any type of secret club. It's just that now the newer people flooding in don't respect the "culture" of this site when they post here.
Lets just ban all normiesfags