Asian bros, i'm here to let you in on a secret

Asian bros, i'm here to let you in on a secret

Just be christian and go to church. It's literally that easy. Something about being an Asian Christian guy that is really appealing to all sorts of women. My first and only girlfriend who is now my wife was a girl I met at church. She was 24, incredibly smart, cultured, pretty, and a virgin. Had absolutely no qualms with me being asian. And no, I know someone is going to lead in with accusations that our sex life after being married is probably non-existent because she's some conservative white lady and im some microdick chink. No, we have a very healthy and active sex life.

I'm telling you guys, hit up your local (protestant) church, get in a small group or a bible study, and the ladies will come.

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OP are you ok? Because women who go to church are usually into kinky stuff

I never said she wasnt kinky, just a virgin

I don't wanna get married or have kids.

Then you probably won't have much luck with christian girls, sorry bro


>Asian Christian
bizarre combination desu, but at least you're not mormon

Where did the priest touch you? This is a safe space.

protestant because of how widespread they are or purely for their beliefs? thoughts on mormon grills?

Um I guess I just don't have experience with catholic or non-protestant women? I would assume mormon girls just are more comfortable around white guys? Protestantism feels very accessible as an asian person. Catholicism really feels like you have to be born into it.

>cath*lics calling other denominations traitors

I'm half asian,
The windows are the eyes of the soul, they have black eyes,
Therefore, they have no souls.
Why would you cuck yourself for delusions and no end reward?
If you want to be liked by white people act white,
Asia this day and age is pretty much a carbon copy of western civilization.
Dont be a cuck and don't be a fool.

All men have souls as God has said and assuming you don't, God gives you purpose after you are born again


It was just as surprising to me as it is to you. And that's not a knock to Christians because when I mean smart I really just mean a philosophical intellectual. She is super into Camus and Dostoevsky, reads a ton of secular literature, and just is generally well cultured and and open-minded.

You dont really know Asian people, having Seoul as a capital does not mean those residing in or nearby the city have souls.
Christianity was nothing more then subjugation of minds and men.
You took the bluest pill and I won't let you spread it.

Seems like being anti-religious has just made you a hateful person

Seems like being religious made you a cuck.

i'm asian and not christian dating an asian christian and she's amazing. i may renew my faith yet one day

>being asian and falling for the religion meme instead of the pink pill sissy slut meme
Get real.

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dang i wish i was a church asian

fuck off suicidal brainlet sissy

If you aint orthodox I am coming to get you, DO YOU HEAR ME TRAITORS

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christianity is a shit religion but sure get that religious white pussy OP unf

but i dont believe in the bible or the basis of any organized religion

How kinky is she?

Is she Filipinos?

i'm rather hump my waifu pillow than become a christcuck you fuckin sellout

I don't know... i live in France and people aren't very religious.

I have a decent penis size (15cm) , but the annoying thing is that my penis is not raising up when i have a erection , googled it didnt find answer, so fucking annoying to be handicaped by that when you're an Asian man

I agree but the thing is men go to church because of pussy, not God. When these men get what they want, they hypnotize themselves into believing Christianity wholeheartedly when in fact they just want to retain that pussy. It's such a petty, roundabout way to get laid.