Conservative snowflakes are asking for literal safe spaces now
I don't want these faggots in my state, they should just learn to deal with it on their own like everyone else.
What's wrong with this, exactly? To live somewhere safe (just like you said) with people who share the same views as you in great harmony?
>conservative move
Literally a dog whistle for white flight.
AKA a "safe space", I thought conservatives didn't like those.
>white people want to live in a comfortable place
Everyone likes to live in safe areas.
It's being a little bitch that's what.
Nobody said it's nazism. It's a "safe space" like the ones conservatives like to criticise.
Quit being a little faggot. Your Alinsky shit doesn't work anymore because of the sky high disdain conservatives have for liberals these days.
>hurr durrr they're snowflakes because they don't want to live in run down areas full of niggers, spics, gangs, hobos and trannies
You're a fucking idiot.
>start a new life free of liberals
my parents already did this a long time ago, thank god. they built a beautiful 3500 sq ft. house on a 100 acre farm. my dad is like me, he hates lefties, commies, marxists, faggots, etc. my mom is a bit of a softie though. its pretty great living out here, i relate to the guy in OPs vid when he says "its like being on vacation every day"
>my dad is like me
So he also can't stop sucking cocks?
Only uber retards listen to their stuff and take it seriously.
Vice literally over reacts and and over reports everything making it seem like something much bigger than it actually is. And this is only the tip of the icerberg for vice.
Vice is the clear example of the incopetence in the jornalism field right now.
Why won't amerimutts just partition the states between liberals and conservatives and create two separate government entities? It could be done. Not momentarily, but over the years. Real estate could be exchanged on value basis. You people clearly cannot stand each other, so why continue existing as one country which slowly boils towards another civil war? Liberals can take all the southern states and instantly erase the border with Mexico for that sweet globalism.
He's an insecure loser. Letting the woman do all the talking without having her say much.
>We agree with everything conservative.... uuuuh, guns and taxes and shit
All the while he looks down like a beaten dog.
It's satire, right?
nah, there's no faggotry allowed around here
I don't see a problem with it. You can move wherever you want and ofc neighbors are a factor.
I'd never fucking move there tho
Suburbs are icky
>all the triggered libtards upset that they're moving to somewhere where their beliefs align with a community
le epic ownage u destroyed those leftists EPIC STYLE xD
totally epic original ironic post bro but yeah i didn't really have anything to do with it, my parents did
lel rightists get triggered more than any SJW
white fragility is real
When conservatives bemoan "safe spaces" they're referring to places where you cannot voice certain opinions, like many colleges. Liberals want spaces that are safe from different ideas. Conservatives want spaces that actually physically safe to live in. OP is fucking retard. Nobody wants to live around violent thugs.
If they are on private property then it should be their safe place. But that goes without saying when they safe space they really mean somewhere in public where you're no longer allowed to practice your free speech because it might hurt their feelings
That's not a problem it's just freedom of association and they do it with their own ressources.
We have to take note of these areas and send complimentary BBC there
Remind white boys their proper place
Why even mention that shit though? It's not hard to tell, which areas are bound to have more conservatives. Nothing wrong with wanting to live in rural areas or whatever, most couples with children do so in my country, But why go on TV and make it about politics?
>implying that's a bad thing
>implying niggers dont destroy neighborhoods
>implying you're not a faggot
The word "safe space" was coined by leftists who are so deluded that they literally need a fucking bunker to protect them from shit like people spreading their legs on the train, or a white person eating tacos. The whole problem people have with that is that it's unwarranted to the point of being idiotic and it promotes a mindset where you go out of your way to find things you can be offended or scared about.
On the other hand people moving away from violent niggers, spics and communists who openly talk about genociding them is completely justified and understandable.
waa waa give white safespace! I'm scared a brown guy breathed and had his own opinion!
>being scared of "microagressions" is the same as not wanting to get stabbed
You live in a fantasy world. I don't care about the opinions of niggers, they can think what they want I just don't want them to rob me or rape my daughter.
Who gives this much of a shit about some pussies political opinions? Especially enough to move because of it? In the end these people are all buying into the division the gov. wants to create so badly, and yet they think they're oh so different and making a change. Also can't wait for the wife to leave him in 4 yrs, keep the house and take his kids. Great choice buddy.
But that's not what the people in the video cited as reasons to live. The reasons was because they constantly read in the news about things they don't agree with, AKA "triggered".