What do fembots think of boys who want them to be their mommy gfs?
What do fembots think of boys who want them to be their mommy gfs?
I would feel conflicted because of my own mommy issues
I have them too unironically. Do you have a contact? I can do a throwaway email if you dont want to post discord
There is no better mommy gf than actual mature mom who at first treats you as her son, but then as something more.
It's hard liking the "MOMMY" aesthetic and yet all the porn is femdom garbage.
A fembot with mother issues? What is this, opposites day? I thought all you bitches had daddy issues.
post email and I'll talk to you tomorrow when I wake up maybe if I don't forget
well my dad has always been there for me but my mom has always been distant
she never talked to me much or gave me a lot affection so that's probably where things started
[email protected]
Here you go. I hope we can be friends user
>Used to (and still kinda do) want a mommy gf
>Get an e-gf who was and submissive as can be, still love her with every part of my being, even though I've never seen her and she lives across the world from me
>Every time I get worn out and sad like today, all I can think about is her adding me back and being able to talk to her again
Please for the love of god D, add me back. O.
It's unhealthy as any sort of relationship where one side does all the taking care of and the other does all the caring.
I do enjoy the idea, but IRL it'd be draining. I need someone who can take care of me if I need it.
Not him but fuck it, I want to know more. Never met a girl with a strong dad but a shit mom.
Shoot me an email at: [email protected]
I like spoiling and helping my real mom and I'm honestly far from the best son she could wish for so I don't think thats gonna be a problem.
Or did you make those experiences personally?
Actual experiences. It's unhealthy, like a DD/lg relationship is unhealthy.
You can have this as a fetish, you can have a general trend in the relationship, but the relationship itself shouldn't be built around the fact that one side takes care of the other, and the other gets praised when they do the bare minimum to be called a decent partner.
>I'll talk to you tomorrow when I wake up maybe if I don't forget
Men who want to move from their real mommy who cooks & cleans for a girlfriend who cooks, cleans and fucks are immature losers I have no respect for.
And if I don't respect you, I can't date you.
You know, fair enough.
shut the fuck up you bitch
Eh, I never thought of having a mommy gf that cooks or cleans for me. That just sounds like being lazy
So what kind of care did you wish he would've given to you?
First and foremost, being responsible for himself and not expecting me to take care of him completely, always, despite any problem I could have. I'm not opposed to take care of someone, just not all the time. A partner is not supposed to be my child.
Secondly, when I was in need of support, being capable of being there for me like a partner should be. Listening to me and such.
Third, to a lesser degree, taking care of his own stuff around the house.
People seem to mistake wanting a mommy gf with it being a one-sided relationship and I hate it. I mean some idiots generally do these relationships like that and thats why it got such a bad rep. I'm willing to put just as much effort and affection into it as her, all I want is for someone to genuinely care about me for once and have a role in life since I am very partner oriented and just want to make somebody as happy as possible.
Then you don't want a mommy relationship, just a normal relationship with someone affectionate.
>I'm not opposed to take care of someone, just not all the time.
Where do you draw the line?
I think those are reasonable expectations for a partner.
I would think that mommy gf is mostly a bedroom thing and maybe her making more decisions outside of it.
i always thought it'd be fun to take care of one, but just for like a week to see how it goes. i think boys tend to get a bit feverish and crazy if it goes on too long
>Where do you draw the line?
When I don't have time or energy. Just don't throw tantrums like a 6 year old if I am too tired to call you, or to cook you dinner, or to cuddle you or fuck you. That's it.
Relationships should be something we do out of desire, not out of obligation because otherwise you make me feel like crap.
Unlike parenthood, where you're obligated to take care of your child whether you feel like it or not. If sometimes I'm not down to do something with my SO, I shouldn't get treated like I'm saying no to a kid.
I'm fine with gentle femdom/mommy stuff in the bedroom, and even a little outside of the bedroom. I just don't want to date an immature child ever again.
Then your vision of a mommy relationship is bound to fail. I want a mommy gf, but I don't want her to put in all the work. It's not rocket science.
Yeah it can take an unhealthy turn and become codependent.
You seem pretty cool. Want to be friends user? It's been over a year since I had a friend
Mommy relationship = relationship that resembles the one a mother has with a child = a relationship where the woman takes care and caters the need of the man, in return of obedience and affection
If you want an equally caring and loving relationship, you don't want a mommy relationship.
yeah. i'd feel bad for ghosting someone who wanted me to fill that role, though. i don't see how you think i'm cool from two sentences but sure, i guess
No different than the chicks with daddy issues. It's fun as a kink, but it's legitimately sad to acknowledge and try to provide them with the care with the patience and care that they want. That's not to say that they're pathetic, I think they're pretty cute and lovable most of the time, it's just the situation and potential baggage that makes it daunting.
That's the extreme case of a relationship. You can have one where the guy doesn't just sit around on his ass all day contributing nothing other than "yeah i love u".
You can also have one where the man whips the woman every night before bed, or where there are 4 men fucking each other, but it wouldn't be a mommy relationship.
Cooking and cleaning are normal for gra though, especially 20+ ones, I had bottom of the barrel midget alcoholic gf and she did those, you Western Urban girls can't be worse than her.
>for gra
>for girls
>tfw just want a traditional house-wifey gf
>tfw can't afford it because housing and living is so expensive you need at least 2 incomes
I just want to come home to a happy wife and a hot meal.
Your relationship wont last if your not making your man happy and catering to his needs. That's not a "mommy relationship" that is just life. The nice things about "mommys" is they are more mature and confident. Compared to most 20yo girls who are dumb and need more attention then a dog
I have no problem with that, but I look for a man who does the same in return.
The nice thing about "men" is that they don't expect to have someone put a shit ton of effort into taking care of them without doing shit themselves, and then complain like babies if sometimes they don't get all they want. Compared to most people looking for a mommy gf who are just babies who need their needs catered and are lazy, dumb fucks.
We lived with my mom, honestly nice girl, but serious alcohol issues, if I was a better, more discuplined man we'd solve this issue, but I'm pretty messed up too, just in a different way.
I don't think you got what I mean but whatever. I got better stuff to do than argue what a mommy relationship is when none of us are gonna get one anyway.
You seem like a pleasant person.
Let me guess: putting off children so you can advance in your career?
No. Already have a pretty fine job, I don't care about having a stellar career. Paid off any debt I had, own a house, have a child, waiting for my second. Also a husband.
What about you?
Sounds like a larp to me
>Y-you're larping
K user.
I have some baggage because I'm pretty anxious of going out alone but I think I could play the role of a househusband and take care of the house, cook and welcome my gf/wife home after work.
Do you think it would be reasonable for me to want a mommy gf to basically hold my hand when outside and mostly take charge of the relationship and the bedroom?
> I could play the role of a househusband and take care of the house, cook and welcome my gf/wife home after work.
I think very few women would be okay with that setting to be honest.
>Do you think it would be reasonable for me to want a mommy gf to basically hold my hand when outside and mostly take charge of the relationship and the bedroom?
Not really for the "take charge of the relationship" part, but the rest seems fine.
Get a therapist, really.
>I think very few women would be okay with that setting to be honest.
>Not really for the "take charge of the relationship" part
What seems to be the problem with it?
>Get a therapist, really.
I already did but it didn't help much.
>I had bottom of the barrel midget alcoholic gf
>you Western Urban girls can't be worse than her
Are you sure?
It doesn't fucking work in 3D.
At best it just gets fetishized and there are no real tender feelings of care, compasion, love involved.
Not to mention it gets bad reputation.
>What seems to be the problem with it?
Well. The whole point for the woman to stay home from work is raising the children.
You can't give birth. Plus, when she's home for child birth, you can't provide for her because you aren't working.
Unless you find a woman who is fine with you staying at home but also doesn't want to have children. But why would she want to factually take care of someone like a child, and not enjoy her own money with someone who makes roughly the same amount and pay someone to clean her house?
You just bring no big benefits to a relationship. You might luck out and find a woman who is down for it, but I'm not sure there are many.
I don't want kids and I get NEETbux so it's not like I would have to rely on her financially.
You probably don't get NEETbux if you're married.
And again, you're saying
>let's find a woman who doesn't want kids
>she's the kind of woman who wants to make the best of her life, live her life for her best, enjoy herself, make the best of her money
>she'll spend it on me and pamper me like a literal child tho
>and not do shit because I'm too scared of going outside
Seems unlikely to me.
>But why would she want to factually take care of someone like a child, and not enjoy her own money with someone who makes roughly the same amount and pay someone to clean her house?
Same could be said about men who are with women who don't want kids but don't work. Why don't they just find a woman that makes the same money while pay someone to clean the house?
They normally try to.
But there's a much larger number of men who have high paying jobs than women.
Also a lot of men with high paying jobs want a woman who is a housewife. Very few women with high paying jobs want a man who is a househusband.
I think the label "mommy" is troubling because it suggests a degree of dependency that simply isn't realistic or healthy, like says. But I do still find myself yearning for a relationship with a woman who is very caring and patient and understanding and supportive. I would actually have to trust her a great deal before I could be vulnerable enough to depend on her, but I also wouldn't want to just be a drain or be selfish. My avoidant personality would make that hard to navigate, like it would be painful even for her to tell me she needs space: I'd probably get irrationally upset and have to distance myself from my feelings. Man, I started out writing this post thinking there might actually be someone out there for me if only I knew where to look, and now I'm thinking I sound like the male equivalent of some unstable borderline girl who's utterly undateable. Although at least I'd just get withdrawn instead of flipping out. Sorry for the blogpost.
Been there, done that. Even had to do mother/son roleplay while he put on a high-pitched little boy voice. No thanks. I'm good with my normal bf who fucks me and treats me like a woman
>You probably don't get NEETbux if you're married.
I would only marry her if she'd insist on it because of that and like I already said I wouldn't need her money.
>and not do shit because I'm too scared of going outside
I would pull my weight at home.
I'm the girl you quoted.
My husband is very similar to you, at least from the little you described yourself. It's extremely hard at times, but it's very rewarding because he's a very kind person and he's very aware of his feelings and we work through them together.
It takes a great deal of patience and love, but it's possible and we have a really nice relationship.
It's okay to be withdrawn, at least with my husband he just needs to be reminded I love him a ton even if I have shit to do, and he's alright after a while.
>Also a lot of men with high paying jobs want a woman who is a housewife.
And exactly the opposite is what men with gentle femdom or mommy gf preference want.
A woman with high paying job who wants a man who is a househusband, who takes care of the home and her when she is off the job.
Hey buddy, it's alright. Everything is gonna be okay. Don't beat yourself up.
That does sound relatable but I think I'm probably a worse case than your husband. Work and higher education have proved to be beyond me and it's hard to imagine ever being particularly productive. I guess it could happen but I'd need to make an incredible recovery the like of which I've caught no glimpse of in the first 30-odd years of my life. Then again I've never really had an intimate relationship, so... I don't know. Point being I'm definitely what you'd call a "fixer upper" if you were being generous; I think it would take a very particular sort of person to seriously consider a relationship with me, and I haven't the slightest idea where to look for such a person. Not that I meet a lot of new people anyway.
Thanks, I find it difficult not to be hard on myself. And to feel like things are going to be okay, for that matter.
>I would pull my weight at home.
Without kids, pulling your weight at home is like 2 hours of work a day max. It's not a huge deal.
I pulled my weight at home while also bringing home 60k$. My husband was the breadwinner, and he came home and didn't need to lift a finger. But still I had time to work a full time job.
>A woman with high paying job who wants a man who is a househusband, who takes care of the home and her when she is off the job.
Yes. But that's no what women want.
There are very few women who are career women.
Very few of them are into not having a family at all.
Very few of those are down to take care of a grown man with the skills of a child when they're off work, to be compensated with... little bit more than nothing?
I think that the fact that we met each other really early on helped him a lot to come out of his shell and have a more healthy life. I met him on here in 2005, it worked out good for us. I wish you the best of luck, user. I hope you find someone decent.
>Are you sure?
Not sure, I'm eastern europoorean and pretty sure I'd be considered misogynistic for not letting my gf get wasted with her male friends whenever she feels like it, then expect me to welcome her home.
>It doesn't work in 3d
It kinda does if she is legit old enough to be your mom, I'm currently in such relationship, she just has very little free time for me, her son is a NEET Chad always making trouble, her mother is partially paralized and to top it off it will take her few decades to pay off her debt(around 10k in USD), I have no idea how to help her, if I won't find decent girl before her mother dies(so she can move to me) and/or her son fucks off(so I can move to her) I'll settle for her, I don't really care for 25 year age gap, it works for Macron. Also, just in case, I'm not helping her with her debts in any way.
>Yes. But that's no what women want.
And thaths why we can't have it in 3D. Case closed.
End of thread.
Every time too, but they keep trying
Are you even the same person I started the discussion with?
Anyway, I don't see the problem if I contribute financially, don't demand money from her and also take care of the house unless she is a greedy materialistic women and in that case I wouldn't want her in the first place.
the answer is who cares
Because if she doesn't want to have children, it's probably so she can enjoy her money and not sit at home taking care of a grown man who can't leave the house alone and can't do anything for himself without her guidance.
If you don't want to waste your money on children, it's unlikely you want to be a literal mother to someone else.
She can still do that. I don't need anybody to take care of me.
> I'm pretty anxious of going out alone
>hold my hand when outside
>mostly take charge of the relationship
> I don't need anybody to take care of me.
>NEET "Chad" son
Well that's some fucked up situation, how the hell did you get involved with her? Isn't her son around your age? Isn't that awkward?
Oh and about western women. Do not even consider it. Most of them would probably end up selling their bodies if they were in the situation you described. Not for money, for free. They would get money from the goverment if they are natives. For women in the west the only thing that comes close to cooking is cucking in western "civilization".
>NEET "Chad" son
Well that's some fucked up situation, how the hell did you get involved with her? Isn't her son around your age? Isn't that awkward?
Oh and about western women. Do not even consider it. Most of them would probably end up selling their bodies if they were in the situation you described. Not for money, for free. They would get money from the goverment if they are natives. For women in the west the only thing that comes close to cooking is cucking.
Where is the contradiction?
I feel anxious but I can still do it, I just want my hand held so I feel more comfortable when outside and most things can be done from home anyway.
I want her to take charge of the relationship romantically and sexually but I don't see how that means I can't do anything for myself.
Also if she doesn't even do that, how can you even call it a mommy-gf anymore?
Because you need someone to take care of you. You're so anxious you struggle to do basic things like leaving the house, and you don't offer anything in return.
She's my coworker, she befriended a shy boy, I then asked her to do me to give me a confidence boost to find a gf. She said shell fuck me once she gets a leave, but I asked for a handie before that, now patiently waiting for her leave because I already had vaginal with that midget rural girl.
Her son's 22 I'm 25, it was awkward at first, but mostly for her, we keep it a secret, but I told my mom(now that was awkward) and I think few other females at work figured it out, although they pretend to be clueless.
Originiggers abcdef obamo
Genuine Chad, no job, no car, lives with his mom, but slays pussy.
I already explained how every point, except for beeing anxious, in this post is wrong and I don't feel like repeating myself.
it depends on their personality. someone who is constantly "depressed" and "anxious" is a big drag to be around. it makes the entire thing too one sided and they are overdependant and contribute nothing
I have a well paying job and I want a mommy gf. It doesn't mean I want someone to wipe my ass or do my laundry.
I'm just anxious around women because my last two relationships ended with me being hurt. I guess I'm a victim of BPD girls. At least I know the signs now.
All I want is someone who makes it easy to talk to them, who is able to lead the relationship some of the time, someone to cuddle with and hold, to go on adventures with. Maybe I'm just ironically calling it a mommy gf.
But now I have no friends after moving for this job and I'm afraid I'm going to be alone forever.
I wish someone would give me a chance.
Newfag detected
I essentially am a "mommy gf." I feel, however, that this lies within my own troubles rather than the desires of my fiance (though it is enjoyable for him). I had a rough childhood with an emotionally demanding mother and, as a result, struggle with nurturing. I did become somewhat of a "mommy type." I am protective of those I'm close to. I enjoy caring for my fiance (household duties unless my pain is too severe, listening to his day, getting to know his family, being the big spoon, sex, etc), but there's another side to that. I become frustrated when I can't comfort someone, when they come to me with issues that are more abstract. It's a big problem, because he has aspergers, so his mind is far different from mine. I'm damaged from trauma (almost emotionally retarded, I'd say). I see my inability to comfort people as a failure, and I turn that inward on myself. I'm chipping away at it in therapy. I can't think of anything else to add. Feel free to ask any questions, though. I'm pretty much an open book.
I would like being a mommy domme sometimes but I have issues of my own so I can't take care of him 24/7.
You might ask yourself what purpose you actually have in a man's life then, clearly your stunning personality isn't exactly a strong selling point.
I deserve a big booby, soft, good cook, mommy gf!
I just want a switch gf in Florida
Not for me. Its not my role in any way but I have had people message me mommy shit online, I'm a little who is into daddy types, i understand the dynamic and what they want so maybe its hypocritical in a way but it makes me cringe. I can't think of anything I identify less with. I like men to be strong and capable where i'm not I guess.
I think they are adorable.
I'm a daddy dom if you're interested.
In the least rude way possible I don't think the sort of emotionally secure guy the role demands is best found on r9k. Especially one making that type of comment yet knowing nothing about me. And I know a lot of daddy types.
come on.
Eh fair
That "come on" however does show that you're probably a massive cunt.
Good luck.
its a playful comment. well done though. you almost handled that maturely
Orginol Contact?
Would you like to be friends then user? Im op
What about a switch?
you'd be wrong about one of those points haha
we psych majors get a real kick out of this place
i already said I had absolutely no inclinations towards the role at all. why would that change for a switch. Im honestly mildly repelled by grown men acting like literal children, except in a sense that I do have little friends I spend time with. I just couldn't do any other role.. as a relationship i can't think of anything I'd hate more. I have quite specific gender roles in my head, and in spite of my own little tendencies I am happy to cook and keep house for partners to a point. I just couldn't be a literal mommy for what i consider quite a pathetic excuse for a man.
even if that does sound harsh.
kek theres exceptions to everything of course. I knew a very talented opera singer who posted here once. It is however a massive waste of time to try and sort through the shit to try and find the right sort of guy when theres a hundred more legit places, real life for one.
I mean look at how that one took rejection
A switch doesn't necessarily mean being a little at any point. Just sometimes like letting the other partner steer the wheel for a bit. But I get what you're saying.
its just what the role means to me, but I have nothing about me that is even remotely not submissive. You can't force a role you don't identify with
Littles are fucking annoying you will never have a healthy relationship and you date soibois cause their the only ones who will put up with your childish shit. Go back to your kik group