I am entitled to hate my parents because they made me a 5'6 ugly subhuman

i am entitled to hate my parents because they made me a 5'6 ugly subhuman

change my mind

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I bet you did too much drugs or something

i barely leave my house retard

No because most short people do just fine and you're using your height for shortcomings you would still have if you were 6 foot +

>tfw 6 foot but have a 5 inch pencil dick

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keep coping boyo, i have never seen a young manlet with girlfriend, i always see short betabuxes and manlets walking alone
same size, i got a skinny dick

I don't get it, I did shit tons of drugs and drank and smoked cigs and I ended up like 5'9.5

You just suck, also it's 2021, you don't need to leave your house to get drugs anymore or even need to go more than 10 feet from your house for it

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I dont believe one bit of that bullshit about how people stunted there growth smoking or drinking or not excersising. My cousin did nothing but eat shit food, smoke weed, pop pills and jerk off and he grew to be 6 foot 5

>tfw 5'10 but 6 inch x 4.7 inch pencil dick

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Let me guess

>first born or early child
>smoked so much weed he slept a lot and well
>is white and got raped up the ass with vitamin d growing up
>his parents most likely aren't short
>his parents most likely didnt do lots of drugs

>his dad 6 foot 1 mom is 5 foot 4
>his dad drank heavy, not sure about mom
>he is first born and his mom was young probably about 27
>yeah he sleeps like a baby and always has, we used to give him shit because he takes like 4 naps a day and sleeps like 12 hours a night
>also weed fueled his appetite to the point where he could eat nonstop but he is ottermode somehow

Honestly I think weed encourages growth rather than stunts it

Dude his dad is probably old, and lost like up to two inches by now

user sleeping like that is like one of the few ways to get to that height

You're meming bro, stop laughing to yourself

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I wish I had smoked weed from 14-18, I didnt realize stoners are be easiest crowd to join until I was out of hs. Also it makes you sleep like a rock so I might have been an inch or two taller

All my life I had an ineferior complex, people use me as doormats, play games with me, all due my height. It is only reasonable to judge your parents

His dads in his early 50s. Im telling the truth too you would not believe how much he sleeps.

You're entitled to hate your parents because they made you at all.
Normalfags have a hard time understanding this, having children is selfish and narcistic as fuck.

at least they are not poor right?

same except 4.9 inch girth
the only girl i ever fugged had like 4 orgasms in one night though, you're probably fine, those stats are above average anyways

Theres no height requirement for video games, anime and other activities. Hell you might even be able to become successful and rich if you put your mind to it.

i'm 5'6 too. and skinny asf, lighter than most girls.
But i decided to gain muscle and weight, and that won't be problem to find gf then. Just don't be autistic and know your role as a man

Sorry for the autism but how do you guys measure your dicks? If I put the ruler on the side facing me it comes to about 6.2 inches but if I measure from the sides or under its smaller.

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Sides are for cheaters.

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top, bone-pressed

>5'6 ugly subhuman
lol same here brotha

You are not entitled to anything, nobody is.
You dont deserve anything, nobody does.

Life is just a lottery who is lucky or not that being anything from being pretty to having rich parents.

Even though odds are against you, hating will not make it easier; you only hate your parents as a defence mechanism. Its ways easier giving others the fault of your missery when its just as much your own, for not trying to make it better.

I may sound pretencious, and i will admit im just as bad as you.
Have a great day

You're entitled to hate them just for bringing you to life. They were fully aware of the consequences of what they were doing and the chances of it going wrong and they still did it. They deserve all the hatred you can possibly feel towards them just because they took the risk of it happening.

not op but this is great, i would love to read this post 2 years ago, when i was full of self-hate.

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